Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

@123Mom123 I hadn’t thought of this but now I’m proceeding to tear up.


Work has been slow for me lately so one to three times a week I’ve been having a meal out alone with S21. We are going to his favorite spots over time. Today we talked about a lot of serious topics, what fun college can be, and the amazing bonding between friends going through new experiences together. Easier to talk about this before the last minute packing and traveling. I’m so excited and he seems ready but it will be so hard to leave him there. :pleading_face:


Aww, I had a talk with D about this today too. She is very independent and outgoing but she is still pretty nervous about leaving. I was telling her that we felt the same way - we are so excited and happy for her but we are anxious as well. She is counting down the days left with her boyfriend - she was not happy when she found out we are going up north a few days earlier than we had talked about a few months ago - means less days with him.

On another note, I went to process my Amazon return for the duffel bag we are not keeping. Usually it asks if we want it refunded to our credit card or to our Amazon account. This time there was only one options I had never seen - Returnless Refund. I went through the steps and it said our account was being refunded but we did not have to return the item! We don’t need it so I am giving it to the friend I’ve been helping out - she is driving to college so the attached strap won’t be a problem for her. DH just convinced me that it would be too much of a pain to lug the mattress topper through the airport so I am shipping on to school for D and giving the one I brought back from Tulane to the friend as well - I’ll just put it right in the duffel for her.


I am having the reverse reaction. My son left two days after graduation for a well deserved week of vacation and then off to his school for a summer program. I am counting the days (12) until his return. He has had a great time getting to know a small group of incoming freshmen and all the opportunities and support available to him at his school. He has been taking four classes, meeting professors and having one on ones with his advisor. This has been a good opportunity for him to get a small taste of the next four years. I wish you and your wonderful kids the best of luck!!


Yesterday my daughter was finally interested in dorm shopping so we made a Target run. On our way to the home section we passed by the toddler clothes with tiny dresses and shorts sets where I used to buy things for her many moons ago. It was a ‘come full circle’ kind of feeling. Just like with her 2 older brothers the main thought I keep having is it wasn’t enough time. Except she’s my last.


Piling on to the sentimental posts in case we are not done crying yet – D21 will come daily to wherever I am sitting and put her head on my lap for about 5-10 mins and discuss random stuff.


I told my son it’s at least one mandatory hug each day before he goes.


I am so unmotivated too! I have a guest at home and we had 2 graduation parties. I am very tired to think about it even. Columbia’s move in for the freshmen is on August 28, which makes it seem like I have so much time. But my school will reopen on August 4 and I will be on the run making things hard.

Happy count down made me chuckle!
My S24 seems like he is sad, but don’t know if it is for real though!


Hello Everyone
This might be a silly question but is anyone buying an iron/fabric steamer for the room. Most clothes will be fine when they come out of the dryer but some shirts might need ironing. Also, should we be buying a small vacuum cleaner? This is my first time and I am completely clueless! We are also international (Canada). Apologies if these questions have been addressed in the thread before. Thank you for all your help!

D21 has used a small fabric steamer for a couple of years & it’s going to college with her.

Many dorms have vacuums that students can check out for an hour or two.


@ST2025 I have a mini steamer ($20?) that I personally use. S21 has used it for his clothes so I got him one. I, myself, don’t have the skills to use a real iron without damaging my clothes so I’ve been using the steamer for almost a decade now :).

One of the parents asked and got confirmation that Brown is going to provide a microwave and fridge in each dorm room this year. I’m so happy they are doing that this year (they did that last year when students were able to move into the dorm for part of the year).

I really like the daily mandatory hug concept! My warm and fuzzy boy dropped his affectionate thing around age 16. Going to have to ramp that up with the 40 days we have left.


Thank you @MommaLue and @Creaky! Much appreciated!

For those of you waiting…my D21 AP scores posted this morning. She was very pleased with scores and will definitely make a difference in the classes she needs to take this fall. Good luck to all waiting on scores.


Just a few rambling bits of information.

We had the emotional last travel softball game on Sunday (which we lost in the last inning with two out and two strikes in semifinals) I had to give a talk to the team that have coached for 7 years with many of the same group of girls. I wrote it down because I didn’t know how else I could get through it without totally breaking down. I cried while I wrote it the night before and blabbered through it. The girls thought it was funny that as soon as I started I got choked up.

My daughter is rooming at Miami with one of the girls on our team and a few weeks ago I bought myself a lollipop. My daughter’s soon to be roommate says to me “what you didn’t buy me one and I’m your daughter in law now.” We had a lot of fun with that.

My daughter granted me access to classes, grades, as well as the tuition page. D18 never gave me access. When I got home from work my D21 said “did you see I gave you total assess… for now… so you better be on your best behavior.”

Today I got the first semester tuition bill. With her scholarship I “only” have to pay about $9000 for room and board.

Grad party on Sunday for both D18 from Clemson and D21 from HS.


@burghdad I can completely empathize. My husband coached my D20’s softball team for just about the same timeframe as you. All the girls were graduating and going different ways. It’s an emotional roller coaster watching the girls that really want to go off to play college ball and those that just have a love for the game as my D20 did. We had 2 girls out of 12 that went on to play college ball. They won just about every championship just because they had heart and love for each other and the game.

On the other note, congrats on the $9,000…I would all be so happy.


@burghdad, I’m sure that some of the girls were moved by the fact that you choked up, even if they thought it was funny. They should be very touched by that (and all the effort you put into them)!

Our D was given an online time-slot today to register for a move-in time-slot in late August. Move-in at her school will be spread over two days before orientation begins. She registered for the afternoon of the first day, so I will be able to rip the bandaid off slowly rather than quickly after all! I will spend that night and the next in her college town before heading out. My D’s roommate will be moving in the second day and my D doesn’t want to spend the first night in her room alone so she will likely come with me to my accommodations (walkable to campus) that night. I told her that she may change her mind if she meets some others in her dorm she’d like to hang out with, and that’s OK. But I do think that sometime in the following 28 hours before her official orientation begins the second evening she will fit in some time with mom for last-minute shopping, strolling, eating out, whatever. If most of this time is with new friends, I’ll still be happy, knowing she’s choosing to get acquainted. I’ll be able to find something to do with myself ( after all, this is Colonial Williamsburg). Meanwhile, since H will be traveling separately to do a round-trip in one day (having the bandaid ripped off quickly) my D will ride down with him for some “Dad-time.” That leaves more space in my car for her stuff! We had been told the time slot for move-in would be an hour, but was told upon choosing her appointment, we’d have two hours. Maybe that’s because she’s in a small dorm. Anyway, It’s a relief to have a plan.

My D’s boyfriend is going to a large flagship and will be moving his dorm stuff in more than a week before his actual move-in date. Interesting how different schools handle this. Requires more traveling, but I’m sure it means the actual drop-off day is more efficient and less sweaty!


Well the AP Gods smiled on D.
Physics C Mech 4
Physics C E/M 5
Art History 4
Gov 5
Lit 4

So glad this chapter is now closed. Good bye College Board FOREVER!


Amen to that!


Congrats! Happy and relieved over here too with the expected results for the final chapter. No schedule changes needed. Originally registered for Mechanics but his advisor told him not to take 4 stem courses as a freshman so he dropped it (also didn’t want to have to change his schedule if he earned the required 5) and added a History instead.

Mechanics 5
E/M 3 (needed 5 and never learned or taught himself the last 2 units so not meant to be)
Chem 5
Stats 5

Unfortunately the way Michigan does tuition, we will be paying $6k a year more in Fall 2022 because the minute you hit junior status, you pay more .It is apparently a state of Michigan public university thing. Glad to close the chapter on AP tests altogether.