Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

I’m more worried about my D20’s school than S21. Both are requiring vaccinations of both students and staff, but D20 is in a southern state where the rest of the state’s vaccination rates suck. If the whole state goes to hell, not sure it won’t impact the student body. I’m mostly worried about classes moving online.

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Question: my son’s roommate is coming from across the globe and gets there after my S. I was thinking it might be nice to leave him some sort of care package (snacks?) unless my S finds out his parent(s) are coming with. Thoughts or ideas?

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We sent my daughter and her roommates insomnia cookies during orientation week. They were a big hit and we sent them again during the first round of exams.


I love that idea about the cookies. May I ask about how many you send? I would like to do this.

That’s a great idea or maybe you can send some goodies from a local
Bakery for them to share.

I am surprised he is paired with an international student since he also is not local to the area.

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Not many are local but a good number are from the state.

Yeah, I meant kids that are within a reasonable driving distance and not flying.

That would have been nice.

Is roommate assignment random there?


Our D at Colgate also with an international student! That possibility was never on our radar! Should be interesting!


Same for S. He got lucky with a roommate that is about a 3 hr drive from the school, so he is bringing the big stuff and we will just pay him half of the cost.


Right now vaccines are mandatory but not masks. I’m worried we’ll get pushed into online courses again because professors will refuse vaccination.

I am personally not in favor of vaccine mandates, but I trust them as a protective measure and my children are vaccinated. I will be very upset if mask mandates get imposed.

I spoke with a fairly high level administrator about class size recently. The comment that stuck with me was there is a goal for class size, and they know they will be off a little bit one way or another. However, it is a problem if the class size is too big, but a big problem if the class size is too small. With all the uncertainty of covid combined with residual budget strain, schools will need to shoot for significantly higher than they might want to avoid the possibility of being too low.


Brown among the first set of schools to require the vaccine. For their summer programs they reported that campus was 90% vaccinated (S21 had to upload his immunization record and his vaccine card to confirm the record). I think they expect things to be in-person, but there may be a hybrid approach.

I don’t think I’m worried about my son getting hospitalized but I am worried he will catch a variant, have to be isolated per CDC requirements, and then missing school. We are all vaccinated (all Pfizer), but my husband had symptoms and tested positive last week, so he’s in isolation while the rest of us tested negative and are masked up all day long. I just can’t imagine the chaos with kids going thru this again when they are back in school. Candidly, it’s much more relevant to me since he’ll be our first kid away at college across the country. It’s been much easier to manage with having high schoolers in the bubble of our own home the last 18 months.


Sorry to hear about your husband’s case. I talked to my S’ school and they said if there is a fully vaccinated close contact with a positive case, the vaccinated person does not have to isolate (I assume they would have to pass a test though). He said they were watching to see if CDC guidelines change. It’s concerning for sure, especially across country.

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I think if the vaccinated person doesn’t have symptoms and is negative then they don’t have to isolate per CDC. I’m curious on the changes, too. It makes sense since we are all could be carriers, regardless. The isolation comes in to play if they are positive and hopefully, none of our kids will be in that boat. Praying for them to be negative. I’ve never enjoyed that word more.

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They are big. I sent a dozen for four girls

That’s my hidden stressor. I’m starting to worry that if the vax rates on campus are too low and the positives start rising, the school will go to boxed food. My kid needs that social time.

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Sadly, this recommendation just changed last week. Vaccinated individuals should isolate and test.