Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

There’s no bad weather, just bad clothes! I think kids in the mid-Atlantic maybe think it’s not supposed to be chilly so they aren’t dressed for it! Kids at those schools in the super cold weather might end up being more prepared? I already bought D a winter coat and sent it last week. It’s not really cold enough for it yet but I think she wore it one night when it was in the 40s. Good thing that coat supposedly keeps her warm down to zero though!


S thought he could last until next semester without a coat and he just asked me to send him one. He lasted this long with just a fleece but it’s starting to get cold and it’s supposed to snow this weekend :cold_face:


Yep! If she were at a school in the NE or Chicago or Canada, she would have expected it and been better prepared. She thought she could wait until Thanksgiving to take back her heavy coat/winter clothes, but it was cooler in October than she expected. It probably affected her more so since she has been sick. I took her a bag of clothes when I was there for parents’ weekend and had to ship more later.



This thread continues to be fun to scroll through and read updates on all our kids.

My native Floridian S (who is in DC) told me a week or two ago that layers wouldn’t be cutting it much longer. So I advised him to make friends with a seasoned cold weather friend and go shopping.

So….he went this week and found something. Alas, while it’s a decent length (mid thigh) to help ward off future cold winds etc, I’m not convinced it will be warm enough if it gets really cold.

But what do I know? I’m a lifelong Floridian and am assuming this based solely on a picture he sent of him in the dressing room. He seemed taken in more by the style of the coat than by the actual cold protection. We shall see! (Oh, and he took a roommate with him who is from Atlanta….not necessarily a NE born/raised friend I was hoping would guide him while making cold weather shopping decisions!)


See my last post. My D is from Atlanta. Not the wisest move to consult the Atlanta roomie. :rofl: :crazy_face: :rofl: :crazy_face:

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Sometimes the cold weather friends aren’t much help since 30 degrees is still just a hoodie weather for some.


That made me LOL! I didn’t realize when you posted the pic I liked of your bundled up D that she is from ATL!!! :joy:

Our southern kids have an interesting learning curve to tackle!

Thanks for sharing!


You definitely don’t want the New England native with him - they don’t believe in coats. I sometimes count the number of kids in a proper coat, zipped up when I drop D22 at school - the number is often zero, regardless of the temperature. Gloves and hats are pretty uncommon too (though I notice now that she’s driving D has finally started taking a light pair of gloves with her if she has to scrape ice off the windshield - which is most days in New England if you don’t have a garage (we don’t) from late October to April. Though I admit I usually don’t wear gloves myself unless I’m going to be outside for some time.).

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That makes sense. :woman_facepalming:t3: You’re so right!!!

So maybe the ATL roommate and my S will end up posting a pic like DramaMama’s D in the future?! Hahahhahaha.

I can laugh. Bc I’m warm in Florida and never leaving. Visits to cold weather is fine but……I like turning on my AC more than turning on my heat.

I am getting very excited to see my S though!
Cant believe :turkey: week is rapidly approaching.


My chuckles of amusement continue. Thx for the fb. :+1:

Maybe S’s new northern friends told him not to bother with coat shopping and only the ATL one was left and had empathy to join him?!

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That pic would definitely be me! I grew up on the south GA coast. Even after 25 years in the far north of ATL (hahaha) I do not do cold for long periods. But I guess our kiddos will figure it out. :grinning:

(I suppose I should give credit for the photo… it’s the younger brother in A Christmas Story.)


Well, I’m an idiot. These eyes of mine at night need readers (which I’m not using) so I mistakenly assumed that was a pic of your D!!! :woman_facepalming:t3:


It might be come January!! :wink:

That’s our D’s situation! Left the winter clothes at home(until next semester), since she went one state south, but with the recent chill Durham has been as cold as Boston…but…her Boston/RI Duke friends do not think it is “cold”, so they are still wearing shorts. LOL. She will pick up all of her winter stuff on TGiving break I suppose.

I know for me personally, it always seems freezing at the first big dip in temperature b/c our bodies are not acclimated yet. Sudden drops in temp seem really cold. We were in NY last weekend - it was in the 30s when we arrived at 9:30am. I had a medium weight coat on and gloves (we were setting up a tailgater). By mid-afternoon it was in the 50s and I was so warm I put my coat in the car.

Today I’m in Cleveland for a funeral. It was in the 50s this afternoon and I was freezing unlike last week in the same temperature. But yesterday in MD it was 70 degrees so the 15-20 degree difference in less than 24 hours made me feel cold. For some of these kids from warmer climates, esp those who go to college in the mid-Atlantic, their bodies will quickly adjust as it really doesn’t get that cold here.

I see the temps at S21’s city dropping down to 40’s and even high 30’s. I might actually get payout on a jacket. I want it to snow Thanksgiving when he’s on campus. He’s got boots. He packed gloves and a hat–he said he used them when he was at home. Okay, don’t wear a jacket, but stock up on hats and gloves, why don’t you?! Meanwhile at home, we have some drizzle in California.

A few days has passed now, so I can share this w/o creating any panic (I hope). Last Friday I saw on my twitter timeline bomb threat at Yale. The algorithm was serving up info for areas where I’m emotionally invested because kids I know are at these schools. I figured it was false alarm since nothing was heard of from that over the weekend. Then on Sunday, I read about Cornell. Within minutes, Columbia. Then I find out S21 got an all-school text about a bomb threat at Brown. I didn’t know how to react, but I was surprisingly calm since the threat wasn’t close to S21’s dorm. Luckily, none of our kids were harmed. Apparently, a few other schools had threats over the weekend. Yale’s paper (don’t laugh at me, but I only follow the Yale paper because of Rory Gilmore) said they may all be linked. I hope they find the rat bastards who pulled the stunts and skewer them. Or just have a bunch of moms deal with them. Anyway, the point of this is have a worst case scenario communications plans with your kids, especially the absent-minded kiddos. My S21 is sooooo bad at responding to texts (I’m so envious of your parents who have reg coms with your college kids) but I did get a response ASAP from him, which helped to put me at ease. That and there was a friggin’ deer in one of the buildings at Brown within hours of the bomb threat to diffuse the situation (deer was safely removed and released back into the wild by animal control).


My son knew he wanted to move off campus for next year, I wanted him to
stay in the dorms another year, husband wants to buy a house in Lubbock…we’re all on totally different wave lengths lol!!! So now he’s looking at apartments and we’re trying to coordinate schedules so that he and I can take a day off to go up there and figure all this out :woozy_face:

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My son goes to Yale. His residential college was one of the ones that was evacuated. He couldn’t get in for like 5 hours. I asked him if he was scared and he said yea, maybe a little. I think I was more nervous than him.

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Yeah, its unseasonably cold weather for Durham this week, particularly at night.

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UChicago had the same thing two days ago.