Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

@sparkleybarkley I would’ve been freaked out. That’s so close. I’m glad he’s ok. They almost need to have an escape bag packed. :confused:

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All of this talk about weather has made me realize that I need to get a warm coat! It is too long of a flight home for all 3 kids, so we’re meeting in the mid-Atlantic region where we have family for Thanksgiving. I’d rather have them come here, but will get that for winter break at least!

And, with the talk of the crud, frat flu, etc., all three kids keep getting sick, but one got a really bad case of mono. He’d been missing classes, feeling pretty sick, vomiting, having fevers, etc. Knew it wasn’t covid because they routinely test. Mono spot test and strep were negative - two different times.

I flew there when it got worse with no diagnosis. Long story, but he finally got the mono diagnosis with a full blood panel and serology work up for Epstein Barr, CMV, etc. He’s much better now. It would’ve run the same course regardless, but he was practically confined to his bed so he really needed help.

Anyway, this is a public service announcement that the mono spot test gives a false negative in up to 25% of cases. And, mono cells can look like blasts (leukemia) to a somewhat trained eye. So if your kid ever has all the symptoms of mono, with glands as big as grapefruits, it’s likely mono. Ask for a full blood work up for the viruses that cause mono.

Looking forward to winter break!!


I was also going to chime in that don’t take a kid used to the cold. I keep asking my son if he needs me to send him warmer clothes and he keeps reminding me that he didn’t wear a coat or pants in Colorado, so why would I expect him to wear them in NY? Hopefully I’ll convince him to bring a few warmer things back at Thanksgiving.

Macys is currently running a black Friday deep discount on outerwear. It’s not the brands we normally buy but I’m thinking of getting a back up parka in case he loses his nice one.


Don’t forget to use Rakuten and then go to Macy’s so you get cashback. PM me if you need a referral link because I think you get additional $ if you’re new to it.

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All this cold weather talk reminded me that I bought our girls silk long underwear last year - both tops and bottom put in their Christmas stocking. They thought it was so dumb and now both have told me they wear the bottoms under their thinner pairs of jeans and how it really helps! That is as close as I am going to get to “mom you know everything”! :slight_smile:

I know both REI and LL Bean carry them - not inexpensive and glad to hear my kids are wearing them.

For coats and parkas (again for ladies) both have found Aritiza to have nice quality and fashion forward too - great sales and being a Canadian company the coats have different cold ratings and water proof ratings too. I doubted their purchase and now I am a fan. Guess this is where “mom does not know everything” :slight_smile:


Have you tried Delsym for cough? Only thing that worked for me kids. And me too!


Thank you for the suggestion! :grin: Yes, we use Delsym at home and my D has that in her dorm. She’s actually on a prescription now and says her cough has really improved. She’s also taking an OTC for congestion. Fingers crossed this finally takes care of it.

After reading the comments on CC about access to health services at some schools, I am pleased with the relative ease of making appointments at her school. I was starting to question the quality of care, however, until finding out this seems to be a fairly widespread issue for some kids. But if this doesn’t clear up soon she will make an appointment with an ENT.

So glad her cough is getting better, I know how awful that can be when you can’t even sleep. Both my S18 and S21 have had colds off and on this semester, but thankfully not too bad. Will be nice to have them both home soon!

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Count me in to the chorus, my D has been getting over a bad case of bronchitis (last week coughing so hard she threw up a few times) but now getting better with prescription meds.

Otherwise, her semester is going swimmingly…Classes and grades are fine, she has several close friends in the dorm (including a wonderful roommate). Except for a few whimpers in the first week there have been no complaints about loneliness (such as those you often read about on this forum). I drove down for parents’ weekend in late September and she got a ride home for a long weekend for autumn break. I really don’t miss her as I thought…she texts me every day, sometimes several times per day. I don’t worry that she’s clinging, as the texts are usually casual slice-of-life snippets and I’m glad she enjoys updating me. This morning she registered for spring classes and mostly got her first choices. And looking to the future, (Covid-dependent, of course) she’s applying for a faculty-led summer program in Tuscany! Life is good…


@mommalue that is horrifying! I hope they can catch the asshats who made the threats. A deer in one of the buildings though? That is so bizarre!

Hi all! My first time back here in months! Nice catching up on the updates!

D21 is doing well at JMU. Some roommate drama - they definitely won’t be together next year! But she’s made a great group of friends and rushed a sorority. Initiation is this weekend. She already knows she has a spot in the house for next semester, so she’s happy about that!

Several thoughts of major changes (she was accepted as a psych major) - currently she’s a double major in psych and Media Arts and Design with a concentration in Creative Advertising. We’ll see what sticks!

She also had a cough/cold for a few weeks, but finally feels better. We went to visit for parents weekend; she came home for a long weekend at fall break ($88 round trip Amtrak is a bargain!), and she’ll be home next Friday for Thanksgiving week. Then it’s only 3 weeks until the end of semester already!

And she complained last week that it was getting cold in the VA mountains - I think we can rest easy that she made the right decision not going to Syracuse!!!


My D21 texted me from the Twin Cities to tell me it was snowing there. We’re from NE Ohio so not exactly a novel occurrence…but it WAS nice to finally hear from her!


My D just texted me a photo from a W&M /JMU football game happening now! Any chance your D is there? (In Williamsburg, BTW)…


Haha no, she wasn’t there! I think W&M is a hike from JMU. She hasn’t wandered off campus very far yet!

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That’s so exciting! My son has seen snow when we’ve traveled for vaca but not live in a place where there is actual snow. I’m excited for him :grinning: and maybe he will finally wear a coat.


Then you haven’t spent a winter on the SUNY Oswego campus, on the shores of Lake Ontario, in whiteout conditions :smiley:

Back when I was there, there were no fancy outerwear brands. No UGG, North Face or Canada Goose. We made through those winters in wool pea coats from The Gap and unlined pleather scrunch boots from Payless Shoes :joy:


We are in Chicago and I went to NU where the winters on the lake were brutal. It makes a difference if you bundle up the right way! Not saying that makes it “good weather” but I’ve learned over the years to not make weather keep me from doing (mostly) what I’d like each day! :wink: :snowflake:


S sent a video of him out in the snow last night. Campus looked magical with the first snow, I am sure it will get old real quick come January.


My S just explained that he’s wearing shorts to the gym (a 10 minute walk) for his 6 am practice because he doesn’t have time to change. :upside_down_face::cold_face:

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