Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

That guy was Steven Bishop who has quite few hits late 70/ early 80

That’s the point. Schools send an immediate email upon payment no later the method. I feel awful for the student but we are only hearing one side of the story. Part of that story is Purdue is saying it was a glitch in their end but too bad we aren’t offering you admission? So did the glitch only happen to this person and not the other hundreds or more of kids that also waited until the end to commit?

I know purdue overenrolled. My son was accepted and in mid March had already heard that from them for CS that their yield was high and that they wouldn’t be taking any transfers etc but it’s a harsh tact and makes no sense they would renege on an offer when the mistake was their end. If the mistake was that the student clicked summer start instead of fall then I do understand them not allowing her to start fall and telling her she has to come for the summer but maybe she can do it remotely. If anything this should be an important lesson for all of us how carefully we need to read something before we check off the boxes and click confirm/yes etc.

Something seems off to me.

So this family felt something was odd enough to call the school but didn’t check the portal to see that their admission was all set?

Was the bank account in the parents name or the child’s? If it was the parents it’s a odd to me that mom would just hand over the account info and not double check it.

I mean I checked my sons portal 2345 times after we accepted to make sure everything was right. I screenshotted or printed copies of everything showing we accepted and paid. This was not a situation where a threw a credit card at my kid and said here you handle it. He did it but I was sitting right there next to him.


Absolutely! Though I’ve been letting my son take the initiative, at the same time, he has been confirming things with me before hitting any buttons! For the deposit though, I did that since I had to add all the baking information.

In terms of being super careful - Just last night my husband was booking a hotel room for MIL for our daughter’s college graduation. We had booked ours long ago and got an amazing rate, lower than pre-pandemic prices. Long story, but plans have been fluid so finally booking her room. Dh was gulping that the rate was more than $150 higher per night than our room. Just as he was about to hit “confirm” he said, “this is weird, it says room can be canceled up until May 25” (which is AFTER we will have already flown home). I said, “Sounds like you have the wrong dates in there and you must be booking for Mem Day weekend which would explain the super high rates!”

Yep, he was booking for the wrong weekend (Mem Day weekend), the weekend after we will be there. Once he fixed the dates, the price dropped dramatically and was only about $40 more than our rate.

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Lots of parents don’t have access to kids’ portals and feel their young adults should be able to handle these things. Every family has a different way of managing there kids, which should be ok.


Definitely need to learn. My kids are on a discord for all of their hard classes, and it’s where they help each other.


CS, nursing, flight, and FYE is “over-enrolled” and closed out almost every year at Purdue ; ). Definitely not just a covid occurrence.

I agree that there is more to that story.


Saturday was really depressing as D was telling me of several friends who were making decisions between schools they weren’t excited over and schools they could not afford. A lot of talk of starting at a CC or not at all. I’m not sure how much being at home during the application process hurt. Some kids were talking about taking loans out themselves. It’s clear they don’t know how all this works.


As I said, he did it, I was sitting right there next to him. I told him for things like this he needed to screenshot things, etc. Again, way too big of a thing for me to just hope he did it correctly. As this parent learned the hard way you really need to double check things sometimes.

It seems like this parent also took screenshots and called the school when they didn’t get a confirmation email.

Since schools start in August, I can see someone not familiar with how things work choosing summer. It seems the school should not be offering that option to students not offered summer admissions.


All incoming freshmen have the summer start option at Purdue. It’s a very popular thing to do.

Aren’t there 2 options- Summer Start is for Summer admission and Early Start for Fall admission that want to come in early??? I think I read that last night on Purdue’s website- it’s confusing.

I’m clearly the odd woman out here because I did just hand over my credit card to our D after saying it’s clear you made your choice so just deposit already (dragging it out was stressful!). No portal checking here. But, I did just double check to make sure I got an email from the school! It doesn’t say “enrollment deposit” but it’s for the right amount. That Purdue situation is scary.


Just so you’re not alone
I’m odd too! :wink:


Summer early start is open to all incoming freshman. There is also a mandatory summer program for students who need extra help in catching up. That option would not have been an option on the portal.

From the Purdue website:

Early Start allows students to get ahead in their coursework, get to know campus early, experience great weather, and participate in small classes.

What are the advantages of starting early?

  • Early Start offers online and on-campus options to fit your busy schedule.
  • More than 60% of Purdue students who graduate in four years or less complete at least one summer course.
  • Students net an average of $22,300 by utilizing summer to graduate one semester early and $52,094 when graduating in three years.
  • Add a second major or multiple minors without increasing time to graduation.
  • Lighten future semesters to focus on difficult courses.
  • Transition to campus and make friends before 40,000 students arrive.
  • Prepare for undergraduate research by completing an introduction to research course taught by the Honors College.
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Same situation here. We couldn’t afford UVA and she loved it more than GT. GT gave a generous aid.


No you’re not odd woman out- I tried to let D handle it and they pulled me back in!!!

I also had a mild heart attack when after May 1, I checked her college app email account and there was an email from her school titled Final Step for Admission. I thought she hadn’t done something! Turned out it was sending in her final transcript. She had given her school her regular email so she had stopped checking the college app one. They scared the crap out of me.


My goodness. I’m stressed for the Purdue parent. Sending a prayer that everything works out and no glitches for anyone else. It made me think about that one year where I believe it was Columbia? Anyone remember? Acceptances were sent out to many in error. :flushed:

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Yep, Columbia did send acceptance letters to hundreds of rejected students, as did JHU years ago.

I did the exact same thing with my daughter. She wouldn’t admit it, but she was pretty excited to do the acceptance and payment herself.