Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Although my D is no stranger to the cold, she has described Minnesota cold as “stinging.” I’ve seen several highs in St.Paul below zero. The odd thing is that I think we’ve had more snow here in Ohio than she’s had. Fortunately her campus isn’t very large and has some skyways so she’s managing.

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Minnesota cold is no joke. I think there was one year I traveled there for work. Our office is adjacent to a major hotel there and I always used the same entrance to get in and out of the big building. One night I went across to eat because it was like -10°. What I didn’t realize was the entrance closed after a certain time and I had to use the entrance around the other side. There I was walking over to the restaurant with a sweater and then walking back at 8pm with only that sweater and walking around the largest block ever. I believe in snotsicles after that.


If any of you parents have kids at an HBCU, I just wanted to let you know I’m thinking about you and your kiddo. It’s scary and I hope authorities figure out who’s behind this and most importantly, that the campus community is protected.


I shared this on the 2022 Parents thread but anyone who missed the opportunity last year, they are (as of right now) back in stock:

The XL Tempur pedic 3” bed topper. And on sale.

(S21 continues to be very thankful for his and we were going to even order one for his full size bed at home for when he is here on breaks, but alas, full size is OOS.)


Thanks for sharing, I am going to order one for S21.

Here is another option my daughter opted for due to environmental reasons - very comfy.

Pure Green Natural Latex Mattress Topper - Medium Firmness - 3 Inch - Twin XL Size (GOLS Certified Organic)


My friends were looking into this one, too. How does it hold up? We had a few other parents (we live in CA so tons of parents who are environmentally conscious) of older kids who complained that the material came apart after a year or it sagged so they ended up getting something different.

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It has held up thus far but she has only been there one semester! It is a good question since it doesn’t help the environment much to have to repurchase, sigh. I will check on it at the end of the school year before I decide for my S22.

Hopefully, it will hold up for your daughter. I only have 3 data points (because the families knew each other and shared the info at the time). We actually got the Tempurpedic because we knew it would last all four years and some. Some eco friendly products are great, though. Some I’m skeptical like eco friendly toilet paper that takes way more energy to manufacture and then leaving the waste stream all messed up :slight_smile:

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I’ve never had a memory foam mattress, but purchased a topper for my overly hard mattress the last time someone posted about the Tempurpedic sale. Can anyone tell me, does it ever soften up? By that, I mean, get to the point that it does not totally suck you in and immobilize you?

It replaced a latex topper which, unfortunately, had two large body shaped divets in it within a year’s time.

What are the kids doing for their first spring break? S is staying on campus and then going to visit some friends at other schools.


Can’t believe it’s SP time already!

Our S (school in DC) is headed to NYC and Boston with some friends he met this year. He is excited. I am hoping for some pictures. He tends only to share one or two a week these days and that’s if I beg, I mean ask :wink: him for one/some.

He is taking Amtrak and has always had a nostalgic thing for trains since taking one to DC for his class trip to DC.


D goes on spring break in 1.5 weeks. She is driving with 5 other girls to Boulder to stay in a Airbnb. All of the girls are friends from high school but do not got to college with her.


My son is coming home for Spring Break on Sat 3/11 and then we’re hitting the road that same day for college tours for the twins! We’re going down to San Antonio to check out Trinity University and UTSA for Thing 1 and Thing 2 :blush:


S21’s spring break starts Friday. He was planning to go to FL with his friends, but it was clear to me from the get go that it was not a well thought out plan. I was so thankful when he called a month or so ago to tell me he decided not to go with them. He is now flying to San Diego to visit D17. She and her BF have some fun things planned. While pricing out his return ticket, it was cheaper for him to fly to our local airport and then buy a separate ticket back to school, so he will be home for two nights before flying back to campus.

S19 is also going out to San Diego to visit D17 for his spring break, but he arrives the same day S21 leaves! They won’t even see each other. :disappointed:


D is doing a road trip up the coast of California with her girlfriend. They are coming to stay with us for a couple of days so I’m very excited to see her. I really can’t believe how fast this first year is going.


Couple of „Barnumbia“ girls are flying to San Juan. It was either that or the USVI, because several are international students and didn’t want to chance US re-entry.


Staying on campus and exploring local area/Boston. He did book summer storage pick up/reserved spots for his stuff today. Almost summer :slight_smile:


My daughter has spring break next week, but unfortunately (not really, but for this purpose) she has two ballets in rehearsals, so she (we) can’t go anywhere.


Well it’s in the 80’s at SLO and the beach is right there, so D21 is going oppo and heading to Tahoe in a week and half or so with her buddies for some snowboarding. And also spend a little time at home.

D18 got away from Ann Arbor and is spending the week now in Key West. I wish I was that lucky.