Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

She does not have to take the AP exam if she doesn’t want to.

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Our counselors don’t send the transcripts. The student logs on the a portal called Scribbles and sends it themselves. I dont believe the orders are monitored by the counselors, or anyone. So double depositing isn’t going to be discovered that way

Beautiful photo. And congrats!

A happy ending! Congratulations to you and your daughter.

She visited the campus long time ago, when she was in 8th grade. And before she was born, my husband worked there as a post-doc.

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Thank you!

Thank you very much!

That’s not a thing at our school but I do think it’s pretty cool where they do it.

We made it through our graduation this week but they wound up scrambling to hold it inside. Sitting on bleachers in the basketball gym for 3 hours made me realize just how old I am! What a great event for our seniors who until March we never knew if they would even set foot in the school again. So proud of these kiddos.


My niece (former) just completed her freshman year at Amherst. I asked my mother in law how she liked it and she said she loved it there. So much that she’s staying there and not even going home for the summer. She hasn’t seen her parents since January. That should be happy news for those of you with incoming students to hear how happy (especially in covid) that kids where there.

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Ironically on the subject of tutors, one of my college kids is interested in being a private tutor next year. For those that have used them at the college level, or know people that have used them, how do people find them? She was a tutor throughout high school so has experience but is in a different state now and will be tutoring different subjects than back then.

I honestly have no idea how she will have time with a sorority, full courseload and beginning her masters but maybe that is how she is able to juggle it all. Just being busy and having good time management. I wish I could say all my kids were like this!

It was a beautiful evening for an outdoor graduation. D and her best friend since freshman year were the two Co-Vals. It was wonderful to see D so happy, carefree and in a celebratory mood, she certainly worked hard those 4 years and it was really nice to see her recognized.


Often the career center will keep a few lists: tutors, babysitters, etc. Our neighbor is a professor at local college and we asked him for a recommendation. S21 needed about 45 min of calculus help once a week gearing up for AP exam. Tutor did it on Zoom for $20/hour.

My D tutors and she got her job through word of mouth.

Parent groups are always posting looking for tutors as well.

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Thanks. This is what I suggested to her as well - her sorority, the parent groups, word of mouth, etc.

She’s in Austin, right? If so, find the “best” high school and then reach out to the math teachers, parents FB group, nextdoor, etc. Once she gets one kid and the grades improve word of mouth will do the rest.

My D that just graduated HS was paid $50 an hour with a $100 bonus for an A each semester. That’s what the parents offered, so I don’t know if that is the going rate.

Thanks - yeah here high school tutors can shockingly make $60 and up. Blows me away, but I shouldn’t be surprised because if I wanted to go back and tutor myself (Math), I can make $100-$150/hr. A lot of teachers/tutors also did pods this year with kids who were remote (younger kids) and cleaned up. Crazy. I always wanted to be home when my kids got home from school, especially because I was constantly carpooling etc.

That is a great idea since in high school she did Physics and up to Calc BC, but she doesn’t want to tutor those anymore, also she feels she’s too far removed. :frowning: She wants to do the Business courses - mainly Accounting and MIS. I think @momofboiler1 idea of the parent page and @MIP750 of the career center, also she can put her name down probably with McCombs may be the way to go. Personally I think it may be too much for her but maybe because it seemed by the end of remote she was so done. Also, this is the one that we learned had mono probably the entire last 6 weeks of the semester but didn’t find out until she was home.

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Tempur-pedic twin xl mattress topper is 40% off. I got one because I’m not sure if I’m going to be good at timing the sales. I used Rakuten so got another 3% cashback (I have a referral link if you need one).

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Yes! A lot of good sakes this weekend on home goods. Unfortunately we will be stuck buying the bulky stuff across country in August.

Thanks to those who left tips about laptop purchasing. I haven’t seen very good sales on waterproof backpacks but read some reviews.

Here is the backpack that both @momofboiler1 and I recommended. My kids had these in high school and we bought them new ones for college for a change of color. On sale half off, can’t beat this price.

Great price! But I think he will need full waterproof where he’s going not just water resistant and may have a larger laptop. Doubt that he will use an umbrella.

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