Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Had to laugh that my D21 got mail from Tulane telling her to apply ED.


D got that Tulane mail too. Honestly, one of the reasons she dropped Tulane was because I thought that they seemed so unorganized during the process. Their virtual sessions were kind of a mess and communication spotty with the AO. Not surprised that their marketing group is still confused.

Just found out about the Turo App for renting cars. Prices are all over the map but its been helping a lot of people secure rental cars right now.


@burghdad @homerdog Ha! Got the Tulane mailer too. :joy: I was wondering if this was some new marketing strategy for anyone regretting their choices. Most likely disorganized.


Depending on what time you’re arriving, some small airports close their car rental desks earlier, so it seems like there are no cars. This happens to me regularly in Santa Barbara.

That’s what I thought it might be (though we’re talking noon on a Sunday and it’s not that small). However, I can return at noon on Sunday if I pick up the car on Wed rather than Thurs. Or pick up on Thurs but return Sat or Mon. It’s really weird. I bet if I wait a few days it will be back to how it was earlier this morning, when it allowed me to pick up on Thurs and return on Sun.

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We booked a car in Boulder instead of at Denver airport because the price was so crazy. It was over $1200 at the airport and under $600 in town. Even adding a driver to get us to Boulder it will still be cheaper than renting at the airport. It’s a pain though, if it wasn’t such a huge savings I wouldn’t do it. I do check Costco Travel every morning to see if the price has dropped.

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It has to be a mistake because our kids could only apply as transfers and not ED!

One of the most memorable info sessions was Tulane’s when my kid asked a Y/N question and the AO’s response in the chat was “Naww!” :rofl:


For one of D’s Tulane virtual events, the professor was sitting in a beach chair in her backyard with a bunch of weeds around her. I kid you not. And the prof couldn’t figure out zoom and kept saying “can you all hear me!” for ten minutes!!! I mean, at some point, accept they can’t hear you and figure out why. The kids on the call just kept saying nope, no, can’t hear you and then one by one you could see them exit.


Well, they are in Naww-lins.


Our “best” one was Fordham. There was an AO and a few students plus about 50 HS kids on the web chat. The AO gave a very brief intro and then played a 37 minute video that is on the website. After that… crickets… awkward… The poor college students eventually, like 10 minutes, thanked everyone for coming and left.

We never even got a basic apology or follow up email.

So, this is interesting. Early yield info for a few schools per Yield Rates for the Class of 2026 | IvyWise (assuming they compiled the 2025 data by contacting admissions):

Class of 2023 (per IPEDS), Class of 2025 (per above blog), change:
Amherst 39%, 42%, +3%
Bowdoin 59%, 60%, +1%
Colby 40%, 44%, +4%
Dartmouth 63%, 66%, +3%
NYU 45%, 51%, +6%
Swarthmore 41%, 43%, +2%
Tulane 34%, 45%, +11%
Wesleyan 35%, 31%, -4%

So much for yield going down due to unique applicants being flat - that was just wrong for most of these schools. I suppose it’s possible these numbers could get tweaked before Common Data Sets are released in 2022, but still.


Right. Bowdoin, though, did not accept too many kids and kept their yield close to the same. Seems they won’t be over-enrolled. Guessing some of the schools with bigger jumps in yield might have crowding problems.

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I get that Bowdoin is a special place and may attract uniquely interested applicants but 60% is a very solid yield. The 42% rate at Amherst surprises me. I would guess that they’d be around mid-50s but they have improved over the last couple years. Well, Williams’ class of 2023 yield was 44.6%.

Kudos to Tulane for increasingly figuring out who really wants to be there.

% taken from ED could have a big impact on yield as well.

This is an important point. It will be a long while before we have a fuller picture with all the numbers. Also, presumably different colleges are getting different advice and estimates from their outside consultants on yield.

At the moment, The Waitlist Bar ™ is just wondering who might be overenrolled - or not.


Bowdoin does such a great job with their admissions outreach, I wanted to go there.

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Bowdoin is just very very good at sniffing out matches and knowing who will enroll. I don’t think they take any more kids in ED than other NESCACs.

@homerdog Seems like Bowdoin was exactly on target, admitting about 820 for 2025 vs 845 for class of 2023, though I don’t know the ED/RD breakdown. And perhaps they had a few deferrals from 2024. 60% yield on 820 would be 492 enrolled.

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Back to dorm supplies, getting ready to order duvet covers and sheets from The Company Store (Company Cotton Percale). Was S’s idea, really, when he asked if he could have the same sheets that are on his current bed - they appear to be literally the same product, though they are like 25 yrs old, which is why they are so soft. Fingers crossed that I can get the new ones as soft after some washing.

Various colors are backordered - more indication that it may be best this year to get out in front of the dorm buying rather than waiting until late July/early Aug.