Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4

Yes, Rollins in on the list. He’s received info from HP but has yet to look into it. Thanks DramaMama! -Hope

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High Point is a bit of an unusual school. It’s definitely very country club. I’m not 100% on it, myself. I think you will find some threads on it on here for some background info, so might want to check into that. Some folks really like it, but It’s not really like other colleges.


He originally had Elon on his list but we thought it wasn’t obtainable, will revisit today. Will look into Dickinson. Thanks MAmom! -Hope

We will also add Gettysburg to the list. Not overly confident but we will see! Thanks Murray! -Hope

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Holy Moly, thanks Sweetgum. Just did a quick search. It’s a Country Club for sure but even CCs have rules. It’s off the list.


Is he wanting more of a mid-size school? Somewhere like East Carolina has the big college sports thing going on. I would say it’s probably casual preppy if not country club. It would have most majors, big school.

Coastal Carolina near Myrtle Beach SC might be worth a look too. I think it attracts a lot of out of state students.

Yeah High Point is an odd duck, but popular with some folks. Kind of the opposite of what my kid wants, though.

University of Tampa might be a target/reach for him.

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Oh gracious. I’m so glad I qualified my comment with not knowing much about the school!

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Does anyone have intel on Guilford College and how they are doing financially? I know they are struggling to manage a debt load due to capital expenses.

There was bad news last fall and then better news soon after. I think they are still struggling, but the alumni rallied and raised money and met their fundraising goals. They still have a ways to go, though. I think they have good new leadership (long time professor).

So better than they thought last fall, but still got a ways to go.


My S is a musician so I think that may help with Gettysburg. Some of the more “artsy” schools he’s applying to are very gender imbalanced as are LACs as a whole. We are also full pay. I think all these factors combine to make some of his tougher admits a possibility???


Thanks so much, @Sweetgum ! The school is still on his list, but I am wary.

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@Sweetgum so glad to hear you had a good visit and your D is excited by what she saw at Warren Wilson!

@hopeinnewhope welcome! I don’t have much to add in the way of recommendations, but if you/he are willing to stretch your western boundary a bit I’d say check out SMU, it’s a bit reachy, but possible, they are test optional this year and the vibe fits. Dallas is extraordinarily easy to get into and out of from just about anywhere (2 airlines have hubs there). Less easy to get to but also fitting the vibe and size parameters would be Univ of Tulsa. There’s honestly a lot to like about that school for the right student but my kid is not vibing with it these days.

Speaking of not vibing with places… took my D to visit Agnes Scott this weekend, and she just didn’t click with it, much to my chagrin. Honestly I love Decatur, and the Agnes Scott campus is stunning, I’m seriously ready to turn back the hands of time and redo my undergrad years! :rofl: But for reasons I’m not 100% clear on, she just didn’t love it. Didn’t hate it, but didn’t love it. She said, I’ll still apply, but it’s not my #1. :woman_shrugging: I guess that’s better that hating it? idk, she is still very much in love with Cornell College, so that’s where we sit right now. We have one fall visit remaining in October at Knox, which was her favorite after virtual visits, so we’ll see if it can return to it’s former position!


@OrangeFish has he looked at Earlham? I had it on my D22’s list. Similar to Guilford (Quaker), but better financial position.

@1822mom we are scheduled to go to Agnes Scott in November. At this point I think it will have a hard hurdle to jump to best Warren Wilson. But I think we can make a nice weekend out of the trip. I am interested to see it because my mom went there! I have never visited.

We are also scheduled to visit Hollins in October and visit with her friend there. I’m wondering if seeing students on campus there will sway her any.

I think I might get her to go see UNC-Greensboro (just up the road a bit) as a safety-safety-safety. We could do that in half a day or less.

And I think that will probably be it for college visits. She was interested in Cornell College and Knox, but I think they fell off the list after Warren Wilson. We had tentative plans for a great midwestern college visit trip, but I think she is going to be done after these scheduled visits and maybe UNC-G.


Agnes Scott is beautiful and D and I agreed that the library was absolutely the most gorgeous we’ve seen. Decatur is just cute, and the Marta was so convenient! We took it to the airport and I really wasn’t sure what to expect as I’ve taken public transit to airports in other cities and it can be pretty spotty, but it was so efficient and dropped us right in the terminal!

But yeah, when they fall in love it’s rather hard to get them to even look at another school! I wasn’t honestly expecting it because my older D never fell in love with any school, she was always just yeah it’s fine. So it’s different for sure. Nice to have some enthusiasm, just unexpected, and for us at least, I do worry she may have placed it on too high a pedestal! :see_no_evil:

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Thanks @Sweetgum – he is not in love with a school but with a Girl In Greensboro (#GIG) so Guilford is in the mix due to location and liberal arts.

The college reps are now visiting his high school, so he is signed up for 9 college visits. First one was last week – a visit from the rep from Elon. This week he’ll see Roanoke, Mary Washington, and JMU.

He’s dropped UNC Charlotte from his list. I have no idea why. Seems like it would be one of the best cyber security schools in NC at this GPA range. So Elon was swapped in.

UNC Greensboro app is in. He is still waiting for his teachers to submit their LORs.


Ahh, gotcha. I think UNC-C is good for cyber-stuff, but UNC-G has some fun and funky things going on too. Have you checked out Greensboro College?

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He looked at Greensboro College earlier this year and for some reason unknown to me he didn’t like it. No idea why.

Roanoke College is high on his list. He likes the mountains and the compactness of the campus.

But then he also likes JMU. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I can’t remember, did he look at App State?

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@Sweetgum – yes, App State is towards the top of his list. He said he can even tolerate the drive down 421 :grinning: to get to Greensboro. He really liked Boone. (Need a Target there, though!)

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Take a look at High Point in NC w/D1 sports, about 5,000 students.