Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4

Thanks again. Was thinking Syracuse is a reach. We are full pay. Definitely applying to SUNY New Paltz, not sure about others. Major undecided but probably a social science maybe with a marketing/business minor.

Thanks! We’re full pay. Doesn’t want Greek life for himself but fine if campus has it. Leans liberal so thinking no on CoC.

Fordham could be a possibility?

Manhattan also has a good business program.

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I think CoC leans liberal. It’s not super far to the left, though, if he wants that. Might be worth applying if it’s an easy app and then visiting when you have the chance.

My D22 wasn’t interested because she wants the mountains, a very funky and chill vibe, no Greek life, and small so her top pick is Warren Wilson.

You could check out UNC-Asheville.

I feel I could have written so many of these posts (from early spring through now!) Grades going lower, not much motivation . But she has plans

D22 is my 6th one going through this process and SO much different from the others. Definitely needing more “managing”, and much more of her saying “don’t pressure me”. She " needs" to get some applications in by Nov 1. I say “need” in the sense that if she wants to attend there , she "needs’ the merit money. But, hey, she did ask 2 teachers for LOR finally. Oh, and needs to do the essay.
“mom, don’t pressure me”. I keep telling myself, “deep breathe”. She will get in somewhere!


My oldest liked Knox very much while applying. (Didn’t end up there as she had a better financial offer somewhere else.)

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I’m late to this thread, but if she’s into nursing she may want to look at york college. they have a good nursing program.

Super late to the game and new to it. Son went through EEP @ CSULA so never really went to hs.

Totally switched gears from CC route to 4 yr in the last 2 weeks. It was stumbling on this thread a week ago and a friend mentioning a college made me realize there were actually possibilities. Thank you!
D22 really does prefer the idea of a 4yr especially one without or limited core requirements. Unfortunately chasing FA need based but the idea that merit is a possibility is fantastic.

Stats & info: 3.76 uw, 3.84w (will go up mid year)
1 AP DE class B+ and currently in DE Eng101 currently A-. Transcript has wide range of classes not so much the norm as we’re with and independent study charter so more options to explore. Limits DE to 1 per 20 credits/semester and AP can only be online certified providers which was a no go for DD due to LD’s and prefers hands on interactive learning. Hence she didn’t take physics due to covid as she couldn’t deal with the no hands on labs. This year instead of physics she has an volunteer internship which she is at 24+ hr/wk. She gets community service, and career exploration on transcript and count as her Agriculture lab. She decided that the internship was of more value to her than physics. Her grades are consistent, except for 1 C in geometry during spring of 20. She’ll have excellent LORs. She does has an IEP and LD’s will be mentioned in LORs. Limited EC due to financial and no school offerings. I even have D22 living with sister in SD after I secured internship for her down there so that she had some opportunity.

Only looking at OOS LAC’s though will apply “by exception” to a couple in state schools. Cali sucks for student that are missing an “a-g” class like her plus wouldn’t “thrive” in typical college setting.

Hoping to ask a few questions.
Since “a-g” is a California designated college prep label needed for in state, how do OOS schools see some classes NOT labeled “a-g” on transcript? Her learning center that she takes classes from needs to get “a-g” approved through charter but did not know a parent needed to ask for it to be done yearly so a couple classes aren’t by her charter but for other charters it is so technically is “a-g”. Should I explain that in CA somewhere or have teacher include in LOR?

Do we have any chance for needs met at midwest LAC’s based on NPC or close to it?
We’ve had a difficult few years including some really unbelievable things pre covid, so covid just was h3ll continuing. Should any of this be mentioned as they are significant and connect with possible diversity and hardship.
Right way to get DE transcripts to the colleges or into CA?
Please do not take this wrong. D22 has never classified herself as “white”. Technically we are but her father’s family are all dark from Yemen. She always called him black though he wasn’t. Both kids are always considered by others as POC’s and my daughter see herself as such but how without misrepresenting do we handle this when reporting to schools?

Lots more questions, but probably TIA already.

Also, 1st gen, victim of a violent crime, dv survivor do we mention any of this?

Not TIA, TMI. Way past my bedtime. Lol

Thanks for the suggestion. She wants a more urban school, and she is finished with her applications. She has been admitted to Pitt and Duquesne so far, waiting on five other schools.

I know a couple of kids who went to York for Education, and they had good experiences,

@ReRem I would start a new post if you can. You’ll probably get a lot more suggestions that way as only a smaller group reads this thread.


Thanks anyway. I tried that though not as much info before I knew about this thread. My kid is average and I received no response. I deleted post.

@ReRem, where geographically does she want to go to school?

What is your budget? Have you done the FAFSA?

As for her father being from Yemen she doesn’t have to fill out the demographic section of the Common App. The question where it asks if you are white/black/etc is optional so she doesn’t have to say “white” if that doesn’t feel right to her. She could mention in her essay that her dad is Yemeni. Could just be part of a sentence and doesn’t have to be the whole focus of the essay or anything.

I don’t know anything about the a-g designation in CA, unfortunately.

Has she taken the SAT or ACT?

There’s plenty of colleges for them. Total cost will be the factor.

Jesuit might be good.

Xavier. Creighton. Marquette.

Be sure they connect with the office os disability services for more support.


Fafsa and CA completed. Good to know. Family are southern Yemini Jews so very dark.
No SAT or Act. No a good test taker and also nearly impossible in Southern CA to take them of your homeschooling or part of independent study charter.

Out of CA. Looked online at a few lacs in Midwest and back east. Likes the idea of 4 or 3 seasons. Needs more discussion based, hands on learning, smaller classes that let’s you explore. Preferably open/low core requirements. Doesn’t like to be forced to take classes hence her Transcript has lots of exploration.

Her GPA may be a bit high for this group but core classes were less than normal schools so if any recalculation by college would drop her GPA.

Cost is the determining factor. Due to our past I’ve had to start from scratch again and had lots of bills to pay. EFC is 0. In state would be low to free but won’t do well in traditional schools. Hence CC route would probably see her never finish school. Shoot, 3 years ago she wanted to drop out of school completely so we’ve come a long way and want to continue the upward trajectory.

Also did CSS profile. Meant I set up CA with D22.

If she has significant challenges and isn’t sure about what they want and you know “traditional” schooling isnt for her and you need a full ride, this is very limiting and I would question sending her so far away to start.

Not significant challenges, but does need accommodations. She’s a ‘late bloomer’. Of course I considered every option including homeschooling 5th year. Consensus is she’s ready and capable. She has been going to camp since she was 11 for 3-4 weeks and has been apart from me for the last 1.5 years. Yeah further away isn’t the best scenario but nothing anywhere from the Rockies to West coast either in terms of style or affordability.

Me personally, I tend to underestimate my kid’s capabilities. My son refused to go to hs after 9th. He has LD’s and severe ADHD-I. Said find a way to get him to college or he quits, he was failing out. Found a few options but made him prove he was capable first by taking ACT cold turkey @15. Scored a 34. Accepted to EEP @ CSULA. Graduated with Honors. D22 is not like him educationally and LD’s are different.

I don’t expect a “full ride”. I know how money is allocated at most schools. I’m only looking at schools based on less traditional and affordability. I’ve researched a few schools, their past merit and need based grants/scholarships along with CDS for more than one year when available.
Plus used NPC and researched how accurate they are at each school.

I have seen many on lasts year’s thread for 3.0-3.4 students that received merit and/or need based aid depending on school. Will also be applying for outside scholarships/grants.

I’m realist not an optimist.

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