Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4

How much can you pay? I think she could get good merit at many schools, like $25k, but if full tuition and room and board is $50k that still leaves you with $25K to pay — is that too much? What can you pay?

You might have seen from my earlier posts that my D22 is very interested in Warren Wilson College in the Appalachian mountains of NC. It is a work college so pretty hands on. They do offer scholarships. It’s pretty hippie-ish as far as vibe. You might check it out if that sounds interesting.

Berea College in Kentucky is another one of the work colleges.

If you can swing it financially and she is interested in a women’s college I would also suggest Hollins in Roanoke VA and Agnes Scott in Decatur GA.

Cornell College in Iowa might be worth a look. They do a one class at a time schedule, which is interesting and can work well for some kids.

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How about Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA


Work colleges are no problem. Actually she wants to work @school and likes volunteer and community service chances.

Warren Wilson is on our list though 80% needs met which still leaves over $20+k.
Sterling College (VT) also on list.

Cornell College would probably be a reach or high reach based on their stats I would think though their FA is great.

Berea started on list but traditional learning. Also super competitive.

Hollins is a bit low funded for need based aid.

Agnes Scott I believe is better so have to revisit.

Unfortunately closer to $15k at most based on 4 years at this point. Wouldn’t want her to go into a school above what I know is doable for the duration for both her and I.
Major income loss and used up savings when husband was killed.

I’ve really been digging into multiple sources to see who is closest to needs met and has what areas of study she wants, and learning methods.

Just a question of are they accurate and does she have the ‘package’ to get accepted.

Wow murray93! Not a school you hear on CC.
So much we love about Evergreen and a friend’s son is there who is quirky and off beat like D22. D22 doesn’t want a party school though and does want to stay more focused and learn.

I have doubts about stability and safety of the school and students. Financially they’re not on solid ground and have lowered the class choices while attendance has continued to drop. Would be nearly impossible to transfer anywhere for any reason with a no grade system and the name Evergreen at this point in time.

WUE pricing makes it viable, but high risk and degree at this point not guaranteed to be worth anything as some have found since 2016-17.

Still it’s on our list and the school that got me thinking she could find a 4 yr that works for her…if only I can afford it.

Based on other on the list look at UNH as a safety. D21 had it as a safety and ended up picking UNH over several other more “prestigious” options because of the programs and majors. She is off to a great start.

U of New Mexico?

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@ReRem Have you considered University of Redlands? I don’t know much about it, but D19 has a friend who goes and loves it. SoCal, kind of a non-traditional philosophy, both LAC and pre-professional, a 3.0-3.5 friendly accept rate. I don’t know their rep for merit, though.

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Yes, it was on the list but removed. Financially it may be a bit tight but she would get Cal Grant although we’re in SoCal and she wants out. Plus being from CA would require applying by “exception” due to non ‘a-g’ classes. Apparently the parent has to request for a Learning Center’s curriculum to be certified ‘a-g’ through their charter. Interestingly, other charters had UC certify the classes she was in already. Ridiculous. Ooh… I may be able to get the center to provide info to supplement that shows the class was ‘a-g’! Thanks. Wouldn’t have thought of it if you hadn’t brought up Redlands. Thank you!

Happy to help! :laughing:

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Hope Nov 1 is arriving smoothly for everyone with deadlines today! If not I’ll be sending fervent positive vibes your way until the last moment!

We’re all submitted here, and by some miracle my socially anxious D, who after over a year of isolation was convinced she had *no friends", actually had friends over for Halloween last night! She was torn between being worried no one would show and everyone would lol :joy:. In the end we had about 6 teenagers hanging out watching movies, playing games and they even went out trick or treating. She had a lot of fun and it was so nice for her to get that boost.

Hard to believe November is already here!! :scream:


I envy your fun, happy halloween! Our house felt like a heaving box of stress trying to get EA apps in. Fortunately, S22 should be all in by the next holiday and we can eat our turkey in peace!


Still no apps submitted here, but our EA deadlines are Nov 15th. Not doing any ED. My tongue is getting sore from all the biting it I’ve been doing to not nag.


Phew! S22 submitted 5 apps today. So satisfying! Colorado School of Mines, Loyola Marymount, Santa Clara, U of Utah. Already applied to ASU. Still to do CU Boulder.
Feels pretty exciting, even though some of these are reaches. Fingers crossed!


Finally got two apps submitted for EA today. Neither is Warren Wilson College, her number one pick, but I think one of them, Hollins, might be her #2 pick. The other, UNC-Greensboro, is down at the bottom of her list of 5, but should be a shoo-in for her. She is so ready to be done with college apps, but she is agonizing over the “why this college” for WWC. I think her Common App essay is strong and her “why this college” will also be strong (she’s a great writer), but she wants it to be perfect. In fact she wants it to be so perfect I’m not even sure she’s started it yet :grimacing:. We are partway there, though, so gonna be grateful for that!


Son submitted 10 apps last night. It’s a miracle. His essay was only 3/4 done when he got out of school yesterday and he had 4 supplements to write. Main essay came out great, supplements not so much, but at least they are done. Just 2 more schools to go unless he adds any and then we just wait. Only one reach (Clemson), the rest are matches or safeties and he likes them all so I feel good about his list.


It will feel good once you see early acceptances even if they are safety schools!


Congrats to everyone who’s kids have gotten apps submitted! :tada: Even just a few is a great relief to all I’m sure.

Here’s an interesting dilemma I’ve made for myself: D shares all her portal logins with me and tbh I don’t think much about it and have avoided “checking” until today :grimacing::eyes:. So when her Hendrix decision came in they sent an email, check your portal! Decisions here! So we’ve been waiting on similar emails from her other schools, in particular Cornell college decision should come this week. But no emails. For some reason today my brain said, you should check that portal and make sure things are on track. Not tell D to check it, I should 🤦 so I did. And I saw 2 things. 1) a new decision, with a button to view, and 2) information on how to pay her enrollment deposit! I did NOT click her decision button so I don’t really know about any scholarship or anything but given 2), I think it’s safe to assume she’s admitted! Which is great she loved the school, I’m excited for her, but… Do I tell her to check her portal? Or just let it play out? My guess is they have put something for her in snail mail and she does love receiving those packages, but she also loves online confetti displays. :thinking: Honestly I think I’m just going to leave it but not checking any more of the portals until after she has her decisions! I feel like I stepped over an invisible line, but the truth is my D would not care and that’s why she gave me her portal logins 🤷

Helicopter officially grounded after this incident :roll_eyes:


I love this post!

Somewhat similar situation last year except I read about decisions coming out here on CC, although my D hadn’t received an email to check her portal. So that’s how I prompted her to check… “the crazy helicopter parents on CC say decisions at XXX are out so why don’t you check” (said with a big eye roll like I wasn’t one of those crazy helicopter parents) :crazy_face::crazy_face:

PS - I did actually get to open one of her decisions, at her request. She was at rehearsal and other kids who’d applied to that school were opening their decisions, but she was having trouble logging in from her phone. So I texted her a photo of the confetti. It was fun and exciting bc it was a bit of a reach school for her.

Edit: My D did ask me to check her portal checklists weekly to make sure nothing was missed. We started this after we realized an additional item had been requested after previously having all green check marks. After that we no longer relied on emails prompting to check the portals. I did not mind being this second set of eyes because my D had managed her application process so well with minimal involvement from us.

My D20 actually wanted me to check the portals first and then let her know what they said. She does not like surprises so she did not want to be the one to open them. She would stand in the next room and I would look first. I think for her 2 reaches I did open them while she was at school as I was expecting bad news and wanted to be prepared but luckily she was accepted everywhere she applied so I never had to deliver bad news.

My S22 also gave me his logins and said he doesn’t mind if I check his portals, he just wants to be the one to open the decisions so I will respect that.


Can y’all tell me about the portal process? D22 just sent in her first apps on Monday (2 days ago). Will she get emails prompting her to set up a portal? She doesn’t have any portals that I know of right now.

I asked her to check her emails to see if the schools got her apps, but she is getting really annoyed with me if I ask her too many questions about college apps. I just don’t want her to drop the ball, y’know? Hard not to be a nagging helicopter.