Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4

Yes @Sweetgum she should get an email within a day or two from each college she applied to with portal login info. The portals are really nice because you are able to see what materials have been received and what, if anything is still outstanding.

And, my dilemma is solved :relaxed: they sent her an email this afternoon. She just texted me she is in with very generous merit at Cornell college (IA)! :tada:


Thanks! Lotta angst here about it all. But it seems progress is being made in increments.

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What a dilemma, @1822mom !

My S22 wants me to check the portals for him (even the acceptances) as the schools he is currently hearing back from are his likelies (AKA safeties). If I were in your shoes, I would ask your D what she would prefer going forward. Then you can make your flight plans accordingly. :smiley:

(And congratulations!)


Got an acceptance already!! Hollins.

Due to an accidental email inviting her to a zoom event for admitted students, DS was able to ask the AO at Hollins what’s up and got an acceptance and merit offer (slightly above the standard that everyone gets). Still way out of reach but there’s financial aid left to go and a round of special scholarships.

Also DS, the twin, accepted at U Dayton and Gustavus days after applying. No money news of course.

So far no great news but no signal yet of the more dire predictions we were subjected to on less sympathetic threads.


Congrats on the initial good news :grinning:!

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Celebrate all the wins! :tada:


Congratulations! Nothing like good news before Thanksgiving!

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Still waiting for D22 to finish the EAs here. The WWC one is soooo close, but she just keeps putting off the last 5%. Driving me kinda crazy because I think she would feel sooo much better if she’d just submit it already.


Congrats @UCDProf! Isn’t so exciting to see these results coming in? I love it! :crossed_fingers: The financial piece comes in where you need it!

@Sweetgum :crossed_fingers: for you that your D gets that app finished so you can relax! I think we’re all with you gritting our teeth waiting…has Sweetgum D submitted to Warren Wilson yet? Ahhhh! :blush: I imagine she just wants to be perfect, but the waiting is tough!

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No, she hasn’t submitted to Warren Wilson (WWC) yet. She’s thinking about submitting a writing portfolio, too. I hope that it will all happen this week!


Her Knox decision came in last night :tada:! She came rushing in right after she went to bed - I got an email that my Knox decision is in! She’s in with a nice merit award that includes a writing scholarship :partying_face: It’s overall the most expensive of her 3 favorites but still within budget so I’m not raining on any parades!

That’s 5 acceptances so far with just 1 decision still to come in December, but her top 3 are in and affordable so she’s got some decisions of her own to think about. But plenty of time to work on that!


Congratulations on the good news here. D finally finished her “Why Willamette” essay so she has officially completed all applications, though she did drop Seattle U off the list. She was accepted yesterday to Eckerd College in St. Petersberg, FL, with a nice merit award. We are headed to Spokane this weekend for a Gonzaga preview day and interview - looks like we will get to see what she thinks of cold, rainy weather (I already know what I think of cold, rainy weather :wink:). I love seeing all the great results here!


Willamette and Gonzaga are on my D’s list too, although she hasn’t completed the app for either one yet. Good luck to both our girls!


Congrats @1822mom @Turquoise52 and everybody else who has acceptances in the bag.

D22 just got her first official acceptance from Hollins tonight with some extra merit, too @UCDProf and finally submitted to Warren Wilson (:heartpulse: her dream school :heartpulse:). She’s got two more apps she needs to finish, Agnes Scott and UNC-Asheville, and has already submitted one other to UNC-G, but still waiting to hear back there. I think she will probably get accepted to all of them. None are a reach for her although Agnes may be a target, but they have a high acceptance rate. If she gets in WWC I think that is where she will end up barring some new cataclysmic event (heaven forbid)!


DS22 has his first acceptance and is thrilled. He was accepted to Plymouth State University in New Hampshire with an unexpectedly healthy merit scholarship to boot. We’re so happy for him, and now we continue to wait for responses from his matches and reaches.

For background, he had a rough freshman year, but a consistent upward trend subsequently. Unfortunately, the impact on his cumulative GPA has been tough to dig his way out of. Absent freshman year he’s in the 3.4 range, but he’s at a 2.8 because of those grades. 1170 SAT, which he has sent to some schools and not others. So he’s cast a wide net and applied to 11 schools (small, large, public, private) in hopes that there will be schools that will look beyond a rough start. We know he can be happy at Plymouth, but we won’t have time to visit until after the new year. At that point we will have heard from several other schools, so it will be up to him whether he wants to make the trip or cross it off his list in favor of someplace else.


Gonzaga is on my s23 list and will be pretty high up for him I think based on location as its only an hour from a couple ski resorts with “true mountains” and not just “hills” that he gets here in the midwest.
Sports and activities are a big part of my sons life and without a football team, my son will be looking to keep physically active so Im curious about clubs and such on campus.

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The area in general around Gonzaga or basically Eastern WA/North ID, is thriving with outdoor opportunities from Hiking/Biking, lakes and multiple ski resorts. There are 4 ski mountains very close. Although Gonzaga does not have a football team, there are also many opportunities to see football from PAC 12 ( WSU 90 minutes), to Whitworth (local D3), etc. Not a shortage of active indoor and outdoor opportunities. A Car would be a big bonus in this area.


wow great news. Knox is one of my sons top choices but the AO said better to get all his AP grades in first semester and apply RD for more merit. It’s really hard for him to sit on his hands. @1822mom Do you have merit awards from the 3 favorites already? How do you know Knox is the most expensive? What are the other places with greater awards/less cost? We were hoping Knox would be one of the least expensive, after reading reports here.

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Yeah @UCDProf so all the schools she’s applied to have sent her their merit offers with their acceptance. We are not applying for need-based financial aid so I don’t know how that works but I believe it comes later. I am basing my cost estimates on the published price listed on each schools website, they all have this listed somewhere on their cost/financial aid section. It’s for this year and of course next year will be a bit more but it gives a good estimate. For Knox that number is $61797. For her merit scholarship from Knox they actually came it at the top of the range they show for her GPA on their website (she applied without test scores). Her uw GPA on her transcript is 3.5 and they gave her $30k, but it was broken into like 3 different scholarships including one for creative writing. I think the AOs point about waiting until RD for the fall grades to bump that GPA is a good one, but my kid is impatient and with the others all being EA, no way was she going to wait around for Knox, she would’ve just put it right out of contention. :roll_eyes:

As far as the other, cheaper schools, Hendrix is her cheapest option right now, cheaper even than our in-state public by just a bit. Their published price for this year is $46550, and they gave her $25k in scholarship. Cornell College (IA) sits in between with a list price of $58282 and a scholarship of $34k. As you can see the amount of the scholarship matters less than it’s impact on the bottom line. Hendrix had the smallest scholarship but the lowest overall price. Knox is the most expensive of her favorites but it is not her most expensive choice. That crown goes to UTulsa, list $57795, award $21k (their top merit award aside from President’s which requires a separate application and seems to be for tippy top candidates).

Hendrix has to overcome that Arkansas factor for out of state students and parents, and I will say, I’ve been attending their zoom sessions, and following their social media and I have been very impressed by this little school in an out of the way place. I also have a real fondness for Knox and think it could be a fantastic place for my kid. And of course, she has a real soft spot for Cornell, and I agree that it is also a good place! She’s got a tough decision ahead and lucky for us, no bad choices! :blush:

Congrats on all the acceptances! Let’s keep em rolling in! And shout out to @Sweetgum on that Warren Wilson app! :clinking_glasses: :tada: It’s all gravy from here! :grinning:


Yes, it is all gravy from here. I am finding it easier to bite my tongue on the remaining two apps since Warren Wilson (her #1) is done. UNC-Asheville only does ED and RD, no EA anyway, so no particular advantage to doing it now except to capitalize on the little bit of momentum for filling out apps. I think she will get it done pretty soon (just has to do a little 250 word answer for them), but Agnes Scott may or may not happen (just wanted to add that there are a lot of questions on the ASC app, so she is not super excited about dealing with those). We are going to visit there this weekend and that may be a make or break as far as doing that app. I’m looking forward to seeing Agnes Scott because I never have and that’s where my mom went to college, so it will be a fun trip whether D22 decides to apply or not. I can’t remember @1822mom did your D22 look at any of these? She’s a creative writing person too?