Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4

oh rats.

So is he going to Knox? is he pursuing the Bard waitlist? Knox was the second choice for my son and the more appropriate one in my opinion. I also love Lawrence and would have tried to sell it-- probably one of the safest places to go if one is worried about success in the next step of life.

My son was excited about the EMT club too, after you told me about that.


He has decided on Ithaca. He wanted something a little bigger than the typical SLAC and seems very biased toward the northeast, for whatever reason. We havenā€™t seen the campus yet and wonā€™t until drop-off in August!


itā€™s beautiful there! Thatā€™s so great. Good thinking on your boyā€™s part. A huge concern for me is my kid having enough choices in terms of peeps so that he doesnā€™t have to depend so much on dumb luck. He didnā€™t luck out in his tiny high school. Ithaca is a place you donā€™t have to worry about that.


My daughter is a 2019 graduate of COW. She had a wonderful experience there. She took a class that attended both of the 2016 national conventions, studied in Copenhagen, worked with a professor on research that was recently published and was close enough to babysit and house sit for a couple of professors.
Congratulations on your new Scot!!


Congratulations everyone! Lots of great choices.

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Congrats! Iā€™ve never been, but Iā€™ve heard great things about the surrounding area and the college. Itā€™s nice to have the decision finally made :+1:.


Congrats all around! It all sounds fantastic!

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Thx! We are very proud and excited for her, The science research opportunities and the beautiful campus - she has twin sisters who attended Hamilton so that was important to her, made it an easy decision for her.



Hope yā€™all are all doing well. My D22ā€™s prom is this weekend. She goes to a small school and prom is usually for all high schoolers, but she didnā€™t go her 9th grade year and COVID messed up the other years so this will actually be the first year sheā€™s attended.

Her graduation is May 26 so right around the corner, too, and Seniors pretty much donā€™t do anything the last two weeks of school. She is so ready to be done.

She said she got a notice about housing from her college yesterday. She is at a stage where she wants minimal input from mom & dad and just wants to get on with being an adult, so I did not see this housing info. I assume I will get to see the bills, though!

She also just got a car from us. Our old van died and we were down to 1 car and 3 drivers and it was not working out very well so just bought her a new-to-her car. Terrible time to buyā€”the market is crazyā€”but needs must. So now sheā€™s got her own wheels I wonder how much we will see of her this summer!

Hope all of you and your 22s are headed into the home stretch and getting ready for the big next steps. I am looking forward to buying stuff for college. Pretty sure sheā€™ll let me help her with that$$.


My D had her prom last weekend. She looked so pretty and had so much fun! I was happy for her, because like most of our kids, she missed out on a lot of high school. She graduates in less than 3 weeks! And she committed to DePaul a couple days ago! Filled out her housing ranking form, needs to take placement tests, and figure out when she actually needs to arrive in Chicago! I think the whole family will go, even if it means pulling D26 out of school. It is such a milestone.


DS had prom last weekend. The friend group shared dinner, a limo and slept over at one of the parents house after prom.

They had a great time and so thankful they got to go but now half the group has covid, aargh!

Canā€™t believe this journey is winding down.


Prom is happening this weekend here too! Graduation is May 22. AP exams next week and then sheā€™s on auto-pilot. Although, truthfully I think sheā€™s on auto-pilot now :joy:

Iā€™ve booked and planned the first stage of our road trip to drop her off, but the return journey is still up in the air, H and I are deciding how long we want that trip to be, hopefully weā€™ll get it ironed out this weekend. D has been busily thinking about dorm supplies, she works at BB&B so every time she goes to work I get text messages asking ā€œwhat about this for college?ā€ they donā€™t even have their dorm stuff yet! Since D18 moved home we also have a ready supply of hand-me-down stuff that weā€™ll have to go through and she can choose from. D18 had wayyyyy too much stuff, so Iā€™m hoping D22 goes the less is more route but who knowsā€¦


DS is skipping prom, which is in two weeks. He and his GF went to prom last year and he doesnā€™t want to do that again.

Next week is the school musical. DS is playing in the pit orchestra. I am a little concerned about rising COVID case numbers as all the kids have been working so hard and I donā€™t want to see the performances cancelled.

Graduation is not until the first week of June. He is So.Done. Orientation at college is an overnight the last week of June. He has started a packing list which is looking so beautifully minimalist. :smiley:


@Ally86 congrats to your D on her decision! though I donā€™t have a 2022 kid, Iā€™ve been following this thread (I participated in the same thread for the 2021 class). But I wanted to say, D23 and I just visited DePaul last week! We had actually planned a trip to Chicago for her spring break to visit Loyola of Chicago, but a couple of weeks prior, she participated in an online college fair with her high school where one of the presenters was from DePaul. D23 liked what she heard, so we decided to visit there as well. She hadnā€™t heard of it before, but I had as my oldest D had a classmate who went to DePaul (we live in MD).

Anyway, D23 loved Chicago. Though she has her heart set on going to university in the UK, she will still apply to US schools and has now added both DePaul and LUC to her list. Good luck to your D and please provide some updates next fall!


Thank you! I will definitely update on Dā€™s experience at DePaul, probably on the DePaul Class of 2026 thread.


Where is your D23 looking in the UK? My D22 was really interested in the UK in junior year but in fall of senior year switched back to the US. She was considering UEA, Strathclyde, and Aberystwyth.

@sweetgum, she has a list but Iā€™m not exactly sure what schools are currently still on it, tho she can only apply to five. I think Edinburgh, Goldsmiths, UCL, UCD and Trinity (not UK obviously), Manchester were all on it at one point. She was considering others but we are sitting down to map out a trip, hopefully in late June/early July to visit and Iā€™m not sure which she is still planning on.

I had suggested she consider Aberystwyth after seeing some info about it, but then realized it might be easiest to go somewhere that is convenient for travel abroad and to/from home. That college seemed like it was a bit far, logistically, in terms of getting to an airport. Like if say she wanted to spend a weekend in Madrid, etc, having a several hour train ride back and forth to an airport would eat up a lot of travel time.

I apologize if I missed it here, but has your D22 decided where in US she is going? As exciting as college abroad sounds, Iā€™d be a bit more relieved if she stayed in the US and just did a semester abroad! I already have one who went to school in CA and has now settled there, so itā€™s hard enough I donā€™t get to see her often! Being abroad will be even harder!

My D22 ended up staying closer to home and will be headed to Warren Wilson College in the fall. Iā€™m hoping she can do some study abroad too.

We looked at a LOT of UK schools. It was kind of my COVID stay-at-home hobby. There were quite a few that still worked for B students and some offered some decent scholarships too. At first D22 really wanted to go to Strathclyde in Glasgow, but then ended up being pretty interested in the University of East Anglia. I really liked the location of UEA in a small city, but just a 2 hr train ride from London. Aber seemed really sweet, too, and seemed like the students there were really happy, but transport involved a buses and trains if I remember right. What does your D23 want to study? I liked that there was more flexibility in the Scottish unis so you could explore a little more. We also looked at Stirling in Scotland. Best of luck on your journey wherever she ends up!


How my parents of B students doing?

We are winding down here. This is the last full week of classes, but they are doing testing for other grades so the classes arenā€™t much. D22 does still have a big paper left to turn in and a final slides project too.

Do any of yā€™all do year end gifts for teachers? Wondering what to do this year. It has been a wild ride through high school for these kids.