Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4

2 weeks to go here, but not much going on in class. Some classes have been done for weeks. Next week the school keeps the seniors busy with a bunch of “farewell” activities, special pep rallies, a field day, a parade, anything they can do to entice the seniors to actually show up those last few days lol. This friday is grad day/night at six flags.

I’ve been very inconsistent with teacher gifts over the years, but it seems like once they get to high school it’s mostly not done, at least at my kids’ schools. She did give a gift card to the teacher who wrote her rec letter.

Any summer plans out there? We just got D signed up for a summer program at her new college. They usually only offer it to HS students but this year opened it to recent grads as well so she’s taking the opportunity to get a sneak peak at living on campus. It looks like a good program too, she’s doing a class that will give her credit, and they are offering additional scholarship $ to students who attend which defrays the cost nearly 100%. So it’s win-win!


Yeah, I think I might do some coffeeshop gift cards for a couple of teachers.

Aside from our beach trip with friends in early June D22 is planning on staying close to home this summer to hang out with friends before they go their separate ways in August. Her move-in date is Aug 13, which is starting to seem pretty soon! She has a job and I think she is planning on upping her hours to make some spending money for college.


27 days to go but who’s counting? :smiley:

The spring musical is done so S is recovering from that – it was one of the best (if not THE best) musicals performed at his high school. Next up is the spring orchestra concert in two weeks. He is job hunting as his current job won’t give him enough hours to work and he wants to earn money this summer.

Orientation at his college is at the end of June, so any job he gets will need to factor in orientation plus our planned vacation in late July.

We have the start of a packing list already done. Thankfully he won’t bring a ton of stuff.


Graduation week here! Hard to believe it!


So exciting!! Enjoy!

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Graduation was this past weekend here. I think it still doesn’t feel quite real to D. Just this morning she said, I can’t believe I actually graduated. Not in a negative way just in just this, kind of, really, it’s over? Kinda way. We’ve spent some time today sorting through her sister D18’s hand-me-down dorm supplies to see which she will want. There were some gems in there, a nice desk lamp that has a built in fan, several power strips with extra long cords, hangers… still plenty of items on the “to shop for list”. But I’m learning my lesson (a bit) and trying (trying, trying) to keep things minimal. :joy: D18 had A LOT of stuff! :see_no_evil:


S18 had so much stuff. So much! We’re sorting through it for D21, who is starting this fall as a freshman at Elon in NC, but he’s still unpacking his 3 van loads.

I’m trying to keep her stuff minimal, but it’s unlikely to happen. She’s already talking about a storage unit.


I want to thank everyone on this thread. I’ve been a lurker for a long time. My child’s stats don’t really fit this group, but I’ve stuck around because the conversations are so refreshing and helpful. Discussing colleges other than the T20, no harping on APs and honors classes, children with real lives and real issues, and everyone treating each other with respect. This is my favorite CC group because it is so supportive; there’s no arguing and no doomsday scenarios (“What, your kid isn’t a NMF with a 4.9 wgpa? Then community college is the only option.”). As our kids end their high school careers, I want to thank you all for providing supportive, sane college advice these past 4 years.


@coffee2022 is right. This is the best group! My D had slightly above the GPA but had many withdrawn classes and not the rigor selective schools want, so many typical schools mentioned wouldn’t work. Thank you for the out of the CC box thinking and support!


We’re getting closer to being DONE DONE DONE with high school. :slight_smile:

The last symphony concert is tomorrow night and S is ready to go out with a flourish. His GF will be coming up (300+ mile drive) for the performance. Next week the graduation rehearsals take place for a couple of hours each day. They turn in their school-supplied laptops on Tuesday. (I guess they have to do something with the seniors for the rest of next week! :smiley: )

I have to say, I am looking forward to not being part of a PTA! :champagne:


We are officially done!!

Now onto getting ready for college!


How’s it going everybody? Any more graduates? Anybody find a roommate for next year yet? My D22 seems content to let the school pick for her. Hope that’s not a disaster!


My D22 is also going the random roommate route. I’ve heard it can work out just as well or just as poorly either way you go. I roomed with a friend way back when and it was a disaster.

One more week to go for my girl although her classes aren’t doing much of anything at this point. She went to the library yesterday to get some books so she’d have something to do in class :rofl:.


Fingers crossed for both of our D22s on roommates!


Orientation is at the end of June and he’ll get his fall course schedule then. No word on a roommate until the end of July.

Graduation is on Monday. Tuesday he goes to training for his summer job. :moneybag:


D22 applied for, and was granted, a housing disability accommodation to have a single room. She’s already been given her room assignment so we know she’s got a 4th floor walk up :flushed::sweat_smile: RIP us on move in and move out! I have mixed feelings on the single tbh. I know logically that it’s the right thing but I worry because even if roommates don’t become friends, as I didn’t and my D18 didn’t, they can be so helpful those first days and weeks just to “have a buddy” to attend things with until you get your footing. I’m hoping she will find that with the couple of other singles on her floor since there are only a few. :crossed_fingers:

I will say that even though I and my oldest didn’t have friendships with our roommates we also didn’t really feud with them. Living with a stranger is tough, but it mostly works out just fine.


This weekend is prom, next weekend is the musical, the following weekend is graduation. And then 2 days after that is “virtual orientation” and registration for fall classes.

He’s going to an in-state that doesn’t require first year residency (and has no board program, so even if he lived in the “dorm” he’d still have to make all his own food), and his friend is going to a different (art) school in the same town, so we’re getting an apartment (1 BR/BA, 1 kid in the br, 1 kid in the living room, shared kitchen, hangout in the lounge of the apt or on campus or whatnot) for that first year. We toured a few apartments, and picked one, so now I’m stalking that apartment building’s listings to grab one as close to Aug 1 as possible, (so not paying extra rent up front when no one lives there) while not paying too high rent (and geez, the prices change daily…).

It’s an adventure, to be sure!


I remember my RA telling us to leave our doors open as a way to meet people and I was one of the few who did that. SO many people would just pop their heads in and say hello and I made so many friends that way- the open door policy helps a lot :hugs:


How’s summer going for everyone? This thread got real quiet once we all hit graduation :joy:

Summer is speeding along here, D attended a summer program at her college for a few weeks and now feels much more confident and happy about her decision, so yay! :tada: When she got back she found out that they made a mistake on her room assignment, and moved her to a different building. She’s now on the ground floor, in a building without A/C, coed floor. Before she was in a 4th floor walk up with A/C single gender floor. I think before she attended the summer program this kind of change would have really stressed her out and sent her in a tailspin of anxiety, but she just read it and was like, yeah, it’ll be fine, at least it’s on the bottom floor. :woman_shrugging: She’s just very chill about the whole thing and I couldn’t be happier for her!

I, of course, have my own set of anxieties about it which I am managing to keep to myself :see_no_evil: Overall she’s been doing a lot of positive growth this summer so it’s exciting. I’m managing my own anxieties by buying stuff for her room she probably won’t need :roll_eyes: but I rationalize it all because maybe she will need it and we won’t know until we get there and what if she gets the later checkin time and we only have few hours to get her in and settled? There may not be time for extra shopping, better to just have it all and we can take what she doesn’t need home… yes I am really that crazy, and I realize it and I am working on it. There is after all a finite amount of space in the truck, so ultimately we’ll have to figure out what’s needed and what’s not. She is putting up with a lot from me on this front and I appreciate her for it.

We’re planning to depart on our road trip for drop off on Aug 21! :oncoming_automobile: :motorway:


It’s going well here. Seems like summer is flying by. We had one week at the beach a couple of weeks after graduation and then D22 had a summer house sitting gig for 2.5 weeks for a neighbor and we hardly saw her. She’s been trying to pack in time with her friends over the summer before they all go their separate ways so we haven’t been seeing as much of her as I had thought we might on her last summer before college.

She is super ready to fledge and leave the nest.

I have not shopped for college yet, but I have made a list. I’m hoping to get D22 to go with me and pick some things out like sheets, etc, but she says she doesn’t really need much??