Parents of the HS Class of 2022- 3.0-3.4

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I totally get this. I am rooting for D24 to end up at D22s number two school. For some reason that school has me on some of their emails directed at current parents. I enjoy getting those mails as I have hopes to be a parent in a few years. I love where D22 ended up but I also loved that number 2 and think itā€™s a great fit for D24. We shall seeā€¦


DS22 transferring as well and starting at his new school in January. Totally not what we expected so soon, but heā€™s got valid reasons and we like where heā€™s headed, so he has our support. Lots of luck to your dd!


Best of luck to your son as well!

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I think itā€™s better to make a change if they know itā€™s not a good fit. Iā€™d be a proud mom!

D22 didnā€™t get to visit where she ended up and was realistic about the possibility of transferring if things didnā€™t work out but first semester has been good.


Can i ask where your son is transferring to and why he didnā€™t like is initial school? Ds2024 is thinking about Hobart, which i think is where your son was based on another thread (sorry if i got this wrong and just ignore this!). Thanks and best of luck to him!!

I sent you a pm.

Wow! I remember where your DD initially went. Thatā€™s a big surprise. I suppose it is good that she recognizes what she needs. Good luck to her!


Hi MAmom111: If you get this message, I would like to ask you some questions about Xavier and University of Dayton. These are two colleges on my sonā€™s short list and I would be curious to know which college your child chose and why.

Thank you,

@Erik_M sure! My son ultimately chose University of Denver (on May 1!) but we did visit Xavier and Dayton twice so I may be able to answer some questions. Also good friendā€™s son is at Dayton as a freshman and loves it.

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I believe @EconPop also has a student at Dayton and may have looked at Xavierā€¦ as another input. :grinning:

Oops, meant to reply to @Erik_M

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Yeah, my S20 is a junior at UDayton. We investigated Xavier but ended up not applying - by the time we realized it would be a good option, we were out of Common App slots and (I think) Xavier did not use the Coalition App at the time. At least thatā€™s what I think happened. I know for certain that several Catholic and/or Jesuit schools used only one but not both application Apps, and that dilemma kept several off our final list.

Iā€™d be happy to answer any specific questions about UD. We never visited Xavier, so at best I can only provide my opinion based on my research on the school ā€¦ which is a positive opinion.


Thank you DramaMama 2021.

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@Erik_M what is your son planning to study?

My son narrowed his list down to Dayton and Xavier. Both were great options! After lots of contemplation, he chose Xavier and is now finishing up his sophomore year.

We went to Accepted Students Day at Dayton for business school students. I was very impressed! For a student who is a go-getter, they have a lot to offer in terms of hands-on opportunities.

For my son, who has some mild learning disabilities and is a bit of an introvert, I was concerned that Daytonā€™s size might allow him to fall between the cracks. By contrast, the regional Xavier admissions officer was constantly reaching out to him and the school itself really marketed its personal touch. His AO ended up setting up a Facetime session with a student in his major and another Facetime session with a professor in his major. This really made a positive impact on my son. He was able to ask a lot of questions and get some personal insight into what he could expect for his major course of study. He decided that Xavierā€™s location in Cincinnati would be more ideal for finding internships, as well as for non-academic pursuits (more things to do in Cincinnati than Dayton in his opinion). He is also a huge basketball fan, so Xavierā€™s D1 program/reputation was a plus.

While I think my son would have been happy at either school, Xavier was just a better fit for him. He plays a club sport (rugby) and has so far had a great experience.

I honestly think both schools are fantastic, but I knew right away that Xavier was a better fit for him. However, I wanted him to make the decision for himself and those conversations with the student and professor were key in helping him realize where he wanted to go. It really is such a personal thing. What is your son thinking about each school?


Thank you ā€œ4kids4usā€ for your detailed response. Your son sounds very similar to my son (huge basketball fan) and your overall summary of the two schools is one that I have read elsewhere. Currently, he is at a Jesuit High School (in California) and doing very well academically, but I wanted to get an early start on the discernment process by soliciting other parentsā€™ perspectives.

He is contemplating majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting. Next year, we plan on visiting both schools to get a ā€œfit and feel.ā€ Besides Xavier and UD, were there other schools in the mix that your son considered?
UD and Xavier are the ā€œbest bank for the buckā€ (along with Creighton and Marquette) and offer generous merit aid, which we are counting on to afford these private schools. Any thoughts on John Carroll in the Cleveland area?

If you wouldnā€™t mind, I have some more detailed questions.

  1. How did your son do on the Language Placement exam? Was he able to pass out of the 3-semester class requirement?

  2. Are students automatically assigned a dorm in their freshman year? What dorm does your son consider to be more preferable to live in(Brockman, Buenger, Kuhlman, Husman)?

  3. Is there a housing lottery system for upperclassmen? I understand that this is a major source of concern/frustration for many students.

  4. Did your son look into becoming an RA to save money on room and board?

  5. Has your son run into any issues registering for classes to ensure he graduates in 4 years?

Thank you, Erik

  1. Due to his LD, foreign language is difficult for him. He was in a special program at his high school and did not have to take a foreign language, but we had him take it anyway. Itā€™s not an easy subject for him, so he did not test out of the Xavier language requirement. But it did well in it at Xavier.

  2. Housing is a lottery and students are assigned a time for choosing housing. Roommates are chosen two ways - you can use their matching system by answering a questionnaire and then getting a list of kids who ā€œmatchā€ with you (my son did this) or just going random and being assigned a roommate. Then during housing lottery, you can select the dorm and room you want based on what is still available for your time slot. My son and his roommate chose Kuhlman and had ā€œmetā€ another twosome so the four of them selected their adjoining rooms during the lottery. It sounds complicated but there are videos on XUā€™s website about the process. Kuhlman is doubles with shared bath in between two rooms. My son loved it - right next to basketball arena. I really didnā€™t hear complaints about any freshman dorms - just depends on whether your son prefers hall bath or own bathroom shared with three others.

  3. Yes, housing lottery for upperclassmen. It wasnā€™t stressful for my son. He didnt get first choice but he is happy where he ended up.

  4. He did not consider being an RA. He does not have the personality for it :slightly_smiling_face:

  5. He has had some difficulty getting into his major courses, but he will not have any problems graduating on time. He meets with his success coach and academic advisor to make sure he is on track. I really havenā€™t seen any parents complain that this is a problem.

Curious, where in CA are you? My husband and brothers graduated from a Jesuit high school in San Francisco.

John Carroll - my father, sister and her husband are all grads. My father is actively involved there as an alum. It was smaller than what my son was looking for so we did not look at it but it is a nice, smaller Jesuit school in a very lovely part of Cleveland (east side). My sister lives in an adjacent neighborhood. She and her husband loved it but graduated 30 years ago so I donā€™t have much recent info.

We are East Coasters so my son mostly applied to East Coast schools. Besides UD and XU, my son also applied to Loyola MD, Fairfield, St. Joeā€™s (Philly). XU was cheaper for us than UD, and more affordable than the East Coast Jesuits, which have higher COAs. Midwestern schools have more reasonable COAs and both XU and UD had better merit and scholarships (for UD, check with your high school - there is a scholarship they can recommend him for that my son and a classmate both received, but I forget what it was called).

UD and XU were my sonā€™s top two choices. I donā€™t think you could go wrong at either. My son preferred being in Cincinnati for internship access and of course, their basketball success was a big draw also! :slightly_smiling_face: Also easier for us to get to via direct flight from BWI.

Iā€™m sharing all this info in case it might benefit anyone else but feel free to message me if you have more questions.

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This is great information. I would like to PM you, but I clicked on your [4kids4us] says ā€œThis userā€™s public profile is hidden.ā€

Thank you EconPop. I will be following up with you after I am done pestering another helpful parent on Xavier vs. UD. :slight_smile: