Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Good luck with the Jefferson process! I think about 7-8 applied at S22’s HS for the nomination; all with top grades etc…

I’ve heard that Yale requires all scores.

Yale used to require all SAT/ACT scores. Not anymore.

This is why I always advise anyone to depend on a school’s admissions web site, rather than “I heard” or “a friend told me”. (Or Prepscholar’s list, on which Yale is just one of many incorrect entries.)

Multiple Tests & Test Dates: Applicants who opt to include scores may choose to report scores from one exam date or multiple exam dates,

Unfortunately, College Board’s warning that using Score Choice violates a school’s policy is also often incorrect. That’s one source that really should get it right.


D22’s 1st application in! It’s getting real. Hang in there, everyone - only 6 months to go!


Thanks. Sadly I was told that by S22’s college counselor.

The first acceptance for D22 came today, so that’s a weight off of her shoulders! It’s her safety school, Iowa State, and we knew she’d get in because of their regents index and her GPA & ACT give her the Adventure Award for a nice discount. Still, it’s nice to have it in hand. With the tough admits to CS on the rest of her list, it will be a comfort knowing she’ll definitely get to do CS somewhere.


Your school is doing well by you student. My D22 has had a new GC every year as they each left on maternity leave. New GC is in her first year. No outreach to my daughter whatsoever. Urban school with a scarcity/putting out fires culture. Chasing behavior problems. I think the fact that the GC staff mostly went to state schools must make it a disconnect for them to deal with their students who are applying to more selective, pricey colleges.:woman_shrugging:t2:

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Tufts has moved sharply away from a 50/50 male/female ratio in the last 5 years ( Looks like that trend is only going to continue…

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Are there many schools like Tufts where the Asian mix (15%) is higher than the combined Hispanic and Black mix (11%)? Top 30 phenomenon?

First application in! D22, who two months ago was emotional and ‘’not ready” for the college application gamut was really happy and excited! Yay!


MIT has 41% Asian-American students compared to a combined 27% Hispanic and black. UC Berkeley has 30.2% Asian students compared to a combined 16% Hispanic and black. UCLA has 33% Asian students compared to a combined 24% Hispanic and black (with only 3% black). Boston U has 17% Asian-American students compared to 15% combined Hispanic and black students. University of Michigan has 15% Asian-American students compared to 11% combined Hispanic and black. Georgia Tech has 18.9% Asian students compared to a combined 11% Hispanic and black.

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How is it October?

I have meetings scheduled with my twins tomorrow to go over where they are on the application process and what needs to be done still/dates. I found this scheduled time worked for their brother so fingers crossed!

Unlike their brother, who had so many schools on his list we needed to whittle down to a reasonable number, my twins only have 2 schools each. I am not comfortable with that! Just so hard getting them to see other options.

They both want to stay close to home (an hour or 2 away). We are about 40 min from Boston. Any suggestions are appreciated!

Daughter: prefers Boston/Cambridge, is obsessed with Lesley for some reason. Stats: 3.96 weighted gpa, 1300 SAT. Wants to be a history teacher but might change.

Son: loves northeastern and UMass amherst so far. Likes a large school and a campus where he can walk to some sort of town. Equally strong in math and humanities. Really enjoying his comp sci class (Java) this year so might be interested in exploring comp sci as a major. Otherwise really not sure

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You have probably considered BU, BC, Tufts and Brandeis. How about University of New Hampshire, Clark, WPI and Wentworth Institute of Technology (smaller than Northeastern but sharing dorm space with NU kids this year so a close relationship).

At CMU, Asian undergraduate is 47% of those with race identified. Hispanic plus Black is 18%.

And I’m betting the International population, equal to 31% of the population with identified races, won’t make that any closer.

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Unfortunately, not surprising. Students/parents get a lot of bad information.

UNH is actually my alma mater and neither of my kids like it. I don’t understand!

A few you mentioned we have considered but a couple I will revisit. Thanks!

Super impressive. Congratulations!

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We put housing deposits down. First come first serve. We just have to cancel before may 1.


First acceptance today - we are definitely appreciating U.Pitt’s rolling admissions! Still a wait to hear about merit scholarships and honors, but very nice letters of admission. Hopefully this will be inspiring to S22 to keep plugging away at supplemental essays. I have a feeling October will be a long month…Lots of Nov. 1 EA deadlines!