Parents of the HS Class of 2022

We are making some progress this weekend. Nothing submitted recently, but progress. I think he’ll have the common app essay done today. Hoping he’ll have the Alabama honor’s essay complete too. I think having common app done will let him finalize 3-4 apps, so that’s good. He has a list of scholarships and deadlines so will start the ones due in Nov. And he is planning on starting the essays for a couple other places. He’s dedicating most of this weekend and tomorrow to getting things done, so I think he can do it. He’s a decent writer so if he’s in the right frame of mind, I think he can knock them out. Or at least get to a point where he can finish in the next week.

I think after working on a bunch last night, he at least realizes that most applications are more involved than he would have guessed. So he is figuring out he can’t procrastinate and have a solid application done.


H2P!!! :blue_heart::yellow_heart:

My eldest is at Pitt (honors) and loves it.


Did your S22 submit the honors essay along with the rolling admission or can that be submitted later (but before the Nov 1 deadline)?

My S22 submitted the honors essay at the same time as common app, but it can be submitted on the website: “If you have already completed the application, you may complete the Pitt Honors essay online.” We were told at the Info session to get app in early for best consideration for merit. It wasn’t very clear initially, but you can submit LORs as an option, but not through the common app. You can either send them to the admissions email, or if the student has the letter, they can upload it themselves on the website. S22 asked his teachers to email the letters to admissions, though only one of two teachers has finished his letter…(despite giving a 9/20 deadline awhile ago)…hopefully, they get it submitted soon!


FAFSA done!


I plan to start the FAFSA this weekend. Hopefully it goes smoothly.

S22 got a couple more applications in and got accepted to Iowa State. There are a lot of essays to write in the next few weeks. Hopefully they get done! If not, things will get dropped and that’s okay. He will have some good choices still.


For the FAFSA, do you need to enter all the schools when the FAFSA is submitted? Or can you come back and add more? Are you maxed out at 10 schools?

I think you will have to call them to add any school above the max 10. Alternatively, online you can remove one school with a new one after it’s been processed and sent to the first school. But it won’t get any new updates. I listed 9 schools for Early apps. I plan to call them to add a few more before the RD deadline.

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Thank you. By “it won’t get any new updates,” do you mean that if information gets changed on the FAFSA, that any school that originally received it will not be automatically updated (if they’ve been removed)? Or another way of looking at it, if there are no $$ changes to the FAFSA after initial submission, then changing which schools receive it should have no impact on anything - is this right?

Yes, I believe that’s correct.

You do not have to call to add more schools. I used the below steps multiple times with no problem.

  1. Add schools to your list.
  2. When you get 10 (or less if you are ready at that time), submit your list.
  3. Wait a day or two until FAFSA says the process has been completed.
  4. Delete those schools from your list.
  5. Add new schools to your list.
  6. go back to #2

Note: If you plan on sending FAFSA to 10+ schools, I suggest you print out the page that tells you which are included in each batch. It will be easy to forget if you have or have not sent FAFSA to a specific school and having that printout will remind you.


Help and The Google are great tools

If I want to apply to more than ten colleges, what should I do?

You can list up to 10 colleges on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Once you receive your Student Aid Report (SAR), you can make the information available to more than 10 colleges through one of the options listed below. Each option will allow the college to receive an electronic copy of your SAR, and you will also receive an updated SAR.


I apparently didn’t click on enough links on that website. Thanks.

My son (2020) got his merit award about 2 weeks after his admissions to Pitt, but didn’t hear about honors until 1/10


Just a vent- DS submitted his packets to his teacher recommendations almost 3 weeks ago. I am impatient, I know, but I would like to have some of these apps submitted (EA, SEAC) and paid for already. I am tired of asking my son to check his portal.

First acceptance today - Susquehanna University with Presidential Scholarship. What a stress relief and confidence boost to know there is at least one school that is both affordable and a top 3 choice. Thank you rolling admissions!!


I’m venting with you. Here it’s the GC that’s the holdup. She has not completed/uploaded rec letters and/or school profiles for any of her students! D’s teacher luckily uploaded her rec letter pretty quickly.

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Thank you @mtemmd - that is really fast to hear about merit - fingers crossed! I knew the honors timeline was longer, but January isn’t too late.

It all felt long at the time! Lol. I recorded all dates we heard back because I knew with my 2022 twins I would want to refer back to timelines at various schools.

Hopefully you will hear soon!

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This is a question for the Cal State apps:
What was the average number of hours worked per week over the most recent 36 months?
I think the answers are like 0-6, 6-10, etc.

I find it rather unfair to kids that are 17 years old that weren’t legally allowed to work 3 years ago! My son worked 30+ hours this summer and is working now 8 hours on Saturdays, but the way we have to answer this question- it has to be 0-6. I wish there was a better way to ask this question.

This Cal State app is so dearth of any type of supporting info- in terms of ECs and work to “holistically” evaluate the kids.