Parents of the HS Class of 2022

That is not how I would read that question. I’m not familiar with CalState so maybe that does mean what you are saying, but I would read it as what is a typical week working look like for your child since they started working. Not an average for a time prior to their job.

Definitely one I would call the college and clarify.


It’s only a dropdown menu with 0-6 hours, 6-10, etc. No written explanation allowed. He’s having trouble what to put and not sound like he’s inflating. That’s why I suggested 0-6 if we have to average the 36 months. Maybe I am overthinking. Don’t know what he should put. Thanks!

That’s why I would call and ask. And yeah you are probably overthinking. I’m definitely guilty of that one! I would probably do the next tier up since he averages 8 hours a week during the school year.

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We just took an average over the most recent 6-12 months, I can’t recall exactly. IMO, the answer is probably going to be somewhere between 8-30 hours per week.


I believe SLO is the only school that uses that data. CSUs aren’t really holistic.


They want you to take the total number of hours and divide by 144 weeks. Volunteer work is included so if your student worked as a camp counselor or swim instructor or tutor, those hours should be included as well.

From the SLO website under supporting information.
Your work experience can be paid or not. You may also enter internships or volunteer programs in this section. There is no area on the application to give details regarding these activities. It is simply quantified into hours per week, with an indication of leadership roles and major relatedness. Cal Poly reserves the right to request additional documentation to verify your responses if needed.

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D22’s nine EA applications are in and transcripts/recs/scores are all sent. And her three RD apps are done except for one or two essays at Cornell depending on which CS school she chooses. I’m impressed with how she efficiently managed the process with a heavy courseload and marching band season. I was concerned it would be similar to D17.

Now we get to discover the “you thought you were done…” tasks. Apparently Penn State has the SRAR to report high school grades. “Wait” you say, “don’t they use the Common App, which has a Courses & Grades function? How is this different?”. It’s……exactly……the……same.

And today, I found Georgia Tech isn’t good with just the FAFSA. Or the FAFSA plus CSS. Add in the “Georgia Tech Application for Scholarships and Financial Aid”.

I suspect there will be more. But at least a significant milestone is done.


@RichinPitt….Can i please hire you??? :heart_eyes:


D22 got 5 applications in today! None are EA, but she is just ready to be done with the process. Her unsubmitted ED has an essay which she is still refining. Hopefully, this will be done over the weekend and she can switch her focus to the leadership of her ECs as she has a lot she wants to accomplish this year as her “legacy” to her school.


My D22 is still working on most of her apps but I got some great news today that my son who is a sophomore at Northeastern won a country club’s caddie scholarship and it’s $5,000! Best tip ever!


So all of you that submitted have all the teacher and GC recs done? I am so ready to have a bunch sent but don’t know if we need to wait. I did tell my son he needs to do a final check on UC and CSU apps and send this weekend. He has just 3 essays left - 2 that can be somewhat massaged and one with a whole new prompt. But these are all RD apps so no strict timeline.

For us, once the student submits the common application plus supplemental essays, the student enters an updated status on navience/scoir. (application sent) This triggers the GC to send letters, grades, scores etc…


Can I hire your daughter? Mine is stumbling along but we’ll see if her 4 EA & one ED apps go in a panic at the last minute or if she has time to re-read & feel they are really done to the best of her ability. It’s pretty painful right now.


Interesting. We are not using Navience in the application process- only for the “results”. So He assigned his teachers and GC in the Comm App and we saw the GC “submitted” but the teachers have “not started”. I am hoping this 3 day weekend the teachers do these letters (Monday is in service day for them but no classes). I want to stop worrying and move on (I guess to the agonizing waiting!)

Thankfully, we received a note from a target college that the app fee will be free if we get it in by Oct 18. That was a good impetus to ask about progress on all the apps and to prioritize this one. We learned that DS hadn’t formally requested his GC to do a recommendation. They request at least 21 days’ notice. Transcripts haven’t been ordered either. Do you think a college will take an app if the GC or teacher rec isn’t complete on the due date (Nov 1) or will they push it to regular decision?

Exactly my thoughts about SRAR. Why, oh why? One would think that filling it out once was already bad enough.

Luckily for us, one of the schools S22 applied to prefilled his SRAR based on the common app. His 12th grade classes were missing, but the rest was all in.

You can still submit the applications now, and the recommenders can do their part later. S22 did just that as did his older brother. Two of S22’s recommenders (1 teacher, 1 EC) submitted their LOR this week and all the applications got updated. He is still waiting for one more teacher’s recommendation which will probably be done very close to the deadline.


Some colleges list a later deadline for supporting documents, allowing the LOR to come after the Nov 1 application deadline. See if you can find any details.

If the Nov 1 deadline is important for scholarships and/or honors college, I would contact the GC and explain the situation.


My kid has not submitted the ED or EA applications yet….waiting until the week before they are due - except for those where merit is involved.

From what we understand, he needs to have everything completed 2 weeks before the due date so the school can add what they need to. He’s invited teachers in Naviance for recommendations and we can see one teacher has submitted his, but the other has not. And we can see where transcripts were sent, even though the application isn’t yet done. It seems so weird to me. I don’t really know what needs to happen in the 2 weeks after finishing the app, but that’s what we were told. So targeting October 15 for pretty much everyone now.

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