Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Good to know, thank you. Patience is an evolving skill in our house :wink:

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His email is a little different, but heā€™s not applying for CS :woman_shrugging:t3:

Of D22ā€™s 8 Common Apps, 5 notified her of receipt in 2 days, one in 4 days, Michigan took 5 and Wisconsin 6.

Purdue was one, but we only received the standard acknowledgement from Admissions. Depend on the portal for status, not anything in an email.

EDIT: just realized Department of Computer and Information Technology is in the Polytechnic Institute. D22 applied to CS in College of Science, so they are different.

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Does anyone know if you are able to edit your Common App personal statement after you submit it to your EA schools?

S22 has some regular decision schools not due until January 4. (Sorry to confuse everyone. I have an S22 though sometimes Iā€™ve typed D22. In case some of you were wondering if I had twins. LOL!) Heā€™s a bit rushed now, but it would be great if he could tweak that main essay a bit before the regular decision applications are due. He hasnā€™t worked on his essays since August and Iā€™m guessing the main Common App essay is still a bit rough. But with due dates two weeks away, it will just have to do for now.

Yes, you can make edits for later applications. My S22 sent out a few apps last month, but is now tweaking his essay for a few Nov 1 EA deadlines.

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What is saved in the Common App at the time an application is released is what is sent. Changes can be made for future applications. They will not be sent to schools already released.


I sure wish this was a threaded chat! I definitely lose my place every time I leave for a bit. D22 had surgery out of state. Is recovering nicely, and now back to the college focus!

Itā€™s been a few years for me since my last applicant, and Iā€™m trying to remember how we handled the FAFSA with more than 10 schools. I vaguely recall waiting a couple weeks, and then replacing the school names. Iā€™m not really seeing a place in the applicant portals where it indicates that the school has received the FAFSA info. What is everyone else with a largish list doing?

D22 has received acceptances from the rolling decision schools, and has four affordable options, some more affordable than most. I sure wish she had the extra 100 points on that SAT to get us a few more automatic dollars in some places, but itā€™s working out okay. Her favorite schools have not released decisions though, of course, and there is the wait for scholarship info as well.


Evie, my older daughters had huge numbers of activity hours, and I say, yes, account for all the time spent. One of my daughters was literally gone from the house from 5 AM to 8 PM daily between two sports, two instruments, many volunteer activities, teaching, etc. It was shocking to calculate and write it down, but did give insight to the person that she was (is) and the way she managed multiple commitments (this is not my current applicant, who lives a more typical lifestyle :wink: )

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Glad to hear your D22 is doing well after surgery. There was a discussion upthread about this and @RichInPitt shared the following link:

If I want to apply to more than ten colleges, what should I do? | Federal Student Aid

Hereā€™s a question I really donā€™t know about. Is it OK for a student to submit the Common App for a given college, if the recommendations arenā€™t ready yet? S22 will be submitting two Early Action apps. His AP Calc teacher will write one for him (sheā€™s confirmed that, and says sheā€™ll have it done by Nov. 1). Thatā€™s the one open item he has.

Does he wait until sheā€™s uploaded before submitting the Common App? Or have your kids submitted even without all recommendations completed yet?

Yes, my D22 submitted her REA application before her school uploaded the teachersā€™ recommendations and the school report.


Mine has been applying as he finishes an application. Transcripts and letters are requested but not all done/sent. They seem to be getting matched up after a day or two once itā€™s all there.


Itā€™s completely fine to submit an application before the recommenders do their parts. We did it with both S22 and S20. It has worked just fine (S20 got accepted everywhere he applied to). Some schools even mention one deadline for the applicant and then a later deadline for all the supporting documents (transcripts, LOR, official scores).

S22 is still missing one LOR. I hope he wonā€™t have to send out a reminder next week.

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Thank you, very helpful! I saw those options on the site when we filled out the FAFSA, but still wasnā€™t clear whether I needed to wait for some sort of confirmation that the school received it (similar to the ā€œdownloadedā€ notification on the Common App.) Re-reading now, it seems like the school automatically receives the report once ā€œprocessingā€ occurs and we can re-submit with new schools.

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He can go on and submit. The rec will just show as an unfulfilled item until it is completed.

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Question for you folks. My S22 is taking only four classes at our rigorous suburban public this semester: an honors literature class, AP Stats, AP Physics and AP Human Geo. He says heā€™s completed his elective requirements and doesnā€™t need to take anything more. We havenā€™t had a chance to ask his GC about it yet, but sheā€™s pretty good and I feel like she would have flagged it if it were a problem. Does his load sound unusually light to you? Do you think colleges will look askance at it? Heā€™s had good rigor overall in his three years there (we moved back from overseas for 10th grade), with one previous AP (Chem) and otherwise all honors or above, except electives. He has an unweighted 3.6 and just got a glowing interim progress report.

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Only 4 classes would have been very light at my Dā€™s HS. You need to check with the GC.

There is a big difference between minimum HS graduation requirements and what colleges want to be seeing.

Also keep in mind that there will be a big jump in rigor between HS and college. I always worry that students who back off senior year are going to have a harder transition ramping back up for college course work.

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Thanks. It turns out it really was a scheduling mishap, and the GC said he should explain it on his applications. He intended to take AP French as well, but it ended up being at the same time as AP Physics and he opted for that. Hope itā€™s not held against him. (I was aware of the scheduling issue at the time, but I feel like S22 conveyed it more as not needing another class, rather than wanting one that he couldnā€™t fit in.)

D18 decided to only take 5 classes instead of the usual 6 in senior year. But she asked her favorite teacher (who wrote one of her recs) if she could be a TA in his class for juniors. That gave her another thing to put on her app, while requiring very little work.


My daughter did the exact same thing.

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