Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Think you all might need another dose of this :nerd_face:


Another weekend passed, there is no progress. I need to look young because I have a 6 years old, I donā€™t want to be mistaken as a grandma. There is an ED application pending, I just keep saying in mind just ignore.


(Poem to the tune of ā€œYou Better Watch Outā€)

You better watch out
You better not cry
You better not swoon
Iā€™m telling you why
ED applications due soon!

Youā€™re making your list
Checking it twice
Hoping your schools
Are not naughty, but nice
ED applications due soon!

They know if you are pointy
They know if youā€™re ā€œawakeā€
They know if youā€™ve got ECā€™s
So get a hook for goodness sake!

So, you better watch out
You really must try
You better write well
Iā€™ā€™m telling you why
ED applications are soon!


Now that my son has finally submitted his first set of applications, I feel like I belong here.

He will major in computer science. Weā€™re in CA and heā€™s pretty much just applying to CA schools. His first and second choice schools are Cal Poly SLO and Cal Poly Pomona (both CSUs) and thatā€™s the application heā€™s already submitted, so as far as Iā€™m concerned, the important one is done! He still has the UC application to submit. Thatā€™s the one with short essay questions. The reason I donā€™t care as much about the UC application is because the UCs heā€™ll apply to (UCSD, Berkeley, UCSB, & Davis) are more selective than his second choice school (CPP) which he should have no trouble getting into. So I donā€™t really see a realistic scenario where heā€™s accepted to a UC and winds up going there. But I also believe in keeping options open, heā€™s interested in applying to them, so heā€™s applying.

Weā€™ve completed the FAFSA even though he wonā€™t qualify for financial aid. We did it for merit scholarship possibilities, but mostly because his school gives us an extra ticket for graduation and he doesnā€™t have to sit through a FAFSA seminar at the schoolā€™s college kickoff day if the FAFSA was completed by Oct 18. So we did it.

The deadline for the UC application is the end of November so heā€™ll pretty much be done by then. He says heā€™s thinking about applying to MIT, but recognizes that the pressure cooker environment wouldnā€™t be the best for him. I think he also thinks his chances of getting in are better than they are. I donā€™t think he truly understands the odds of getting into the super-competitive schools. But if he wants to do the application Iā€™ll certainly support it.


Btw, Cal Poly and CPP are not the only CSUs heā€™s applying too. Theyā€™re just the only two on which I focus my number crunching and odds evaluating.


Iā€™m just venting a little bit. I had my son finish his EA applications by Oct 7, (I asked for Oct 1, but Iā€™m happy I got Oct 7) because I know his GC is scatterbrained and she wonā€™t send transcripts or write student letters until the application is submitted. She STILL hasnā€™t done it. I wanted to avoid stress, and now Iā€™m really stressed. Deep in my heart, I know (think) she will do it, as one of his EAā€™s is Maryland, and we are in Maryland, so I would assume she has a lot of Maryland applications to send stuff for, but I am angry with her. Friday I had my son send her an email, and I told him to approach it from the ā€œI wanted to make sure I have everything in to you that I need to, and Iā€™m not missing anythingā€ angle, and she wrote back that she spends about 1 hour on Naviance a day getting things done and she will get to his ā€œsoonā€. Iā€™m giving her until tomorrow before I send an email, and Iā€™m considering CCā€™ing the principal. Iā€™m just frustrated and angry with her, thatā€™s my vent. I had to get it out somewhere so thanks for reading it.


Soul Man was prophetic.

In one of the early MIT MITE summers, one of the students in my cohort was a Miami student who openly admitted she was not a minority and lied on the application. She said she really wanted to get a chance to get into MIT and if she had to lie then she would lie. More disappointing than that was she avoided all the students in our cohort and spent her free time with white and Asian students on campus.

This has been going on a long time.

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Our GC told us not to expect transcripts and letters to be sent for two weeks after submission of the application, and that the deadlines are meant for the student controlled portion (essays, personal info). But it is stressful!


I canā€™t begin to express how wrong that was. I guess it shouldnā€™t surprise me after learning about the lengths people will go to in order to get into the ā€œrightā€ school, but itā€™s another a bleak reminder. Apparently there is no ā€œlowā€ too low in the pursuit of a top 20 school.


Sad but not shocking. It wouldnā€™t occur to me to lie about anything on an application, but in this world of outright Varsity Blues-style cheating, some stretching or shading of the truth is to be expected. I feel twinges of guilt about my kids getting a URM boost they donā€™t really need ā€“ theyā€™ve grown up in extraordinary privilege and have no race-based academic deficiencies. But there was a time not long ago when their race would have been an active detriment to admission, regardless of their abilities, and society is still in the process of balancing out those large-scale historical hinderances. Itā€™s complicated.


We have all new counselors at our HS this year so thatā€™s been my concern also. At least be glad your son did his part early this month; congrats to him on that!

My son went to talk with his counselor last week to make sure his transcript was correct and his rec letter was done (he submitted the info packet for that 7 weeks ago!) She said it would be done by end of this month but then noticed his class rank and that heā€™s a NMSF, and suddenly, the letter was going to be ready in two days.

Best of luck to your son!

Itā€™s ā€œgo timeā€ for the school this week, on S22ā€™s Early Action apps. His college counselor has been at his high school for years, so thatā€™s reassuring. His AP Calc teacher too. Since both are veterans, Iā€™m generally confident things will happen in time for next Monday Nov. 1. But since this our first time going through college app process, yeah, a little stressed.

If things havenā€™t moved by end of day Wednesday, may have S22 do a check-in with counselor and teacher.

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Hope it gets all submitted soon.

Itā€™s hard for people who plan and finish things ahead of time to see the clock ticking and the GC or teachers doing their part at the last minute. S22 had to send a reminder about a LOR earlier last week. The teacher is lovely and I believe writes great recommendation letters, but she does it way too close to the deadlines. I had S20 (who got a LOR from her as well) find the reminder he sent her 2 years ago, and it was written on Oct 29 for Nov 1 EA deadline. It got sent but it was way too close. Luckily, she wrote S22 LOR last week.

A daughter of a friend of mine had to find a different recommender, because her teacher left for Christmas break and wasnā€™t replying to any emails.

On Friday, S22 submitted whatā€™s likely his very last college application. He still has a couple of honors school applications that come after the college does its initial review.


My son will finish his last edits tonight and submit the final 3 EA applications so the school can do their parts. He has a couple scholarship and honors applications to do for mid-November, so those are up next. A couple more for Dec. 1. The list just keeps going and going it seems! I guess if he starts eliminating schools, the list can shorten, but until he does that, I want him to apply to the scholarships that he can.

I have mixed feelings about letters not being uploaded yet. They arenā€™t due until next Monday. While Iā€™d like to have them all in by now, I think if the teachers are planning on having it done on time, thatā€™s fine. Hopefully with a day or so buffer just to be sure all works right. But, I know my kids often have assignments due at 11:59pm on Sunday night and they donā€™t turn them in days early, lol. Iā€™m happy when they turn them in a couple hours early! So as long as letters are uploaded on time, Iā€™m okay with it.

I did have him ask teachers who are writing for honors and scholarships if they got the email invites for those. There isnā€™t a good way to know that it went through like it should.

This whole process is so stressful. I am hopeful my daughter will learn and start earlier, have fewer schools, etc!


Wow. Iā€™m not surprised, but thatā€™s really crappy. What I am surprised by is her being so unashamed and open about her deceit.

Just adding in here. My son has 3 EA applications going in on November 1(already missed some scholarship deadlines due October 15th but submitted his NMSF on October 6th). I am sure it will come down to the last minute on November 1st. I am hoping that the next phase (deadlines Nov 15, Dec 1, than January 1-5), will be smoother as he gets into a writing groove.

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I totally relate to feeling frustrated with the GC. My ds had all of his apps submitted on the Common App on 9/20, and requested his transcripts formally the same day. Still waiting. She told him it would all be done this weekend, and itā€™s not. Iā€™m trying to be patient, but he has several schools that he will likely get responses from within a week. Iā€™d like him to have a confidence boost to counteract some early onset senioritisā€¦

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We had trepidations about the GC doing her job in time. But she uploaded everything late last week. I finished FAFSA and CSS last week as well and D sent off her first three apps this weekend, all her safeties, in state flagship and two auto merit schools. Now on towards 3 Nov. 1 EA schools and then a bunch of Nov. 15 EA deadlines. I think she feels some relief having finally submitted the first apps.


I never see Cal State Sacramento mentioned. Iā€™m going to visit Sacramento for work and am staying near Sac State. It has over 28K undergrads. I would figure itā€™s solid for political science given its location in the state capital. I visited Cal State Fullerton many years ago to see the famed baseball facilities. Iā€™m looking forward to another California visit.

Thanks to a ā€œfree app by 10/18ā€, S22 has submitted just that one app so far. Heā€™s close on two others and then up to two more to go. Key thing is trying to find out special aspects of each school to mention in the Why XXX? essay.

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