Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Daughter submitted her ED application and I signed the agreement this past weekend. I was expecting it to be painful, but it was les dramatic than I expected.
Lol. Other than a couple applications (UVA and UF) that are due 11/1, and her UofSC Honor’s application, she is done until the ED decision comes back. Now comes the fun part, waiting.


Hi - I need some advice/recommendations for Cal state apps. We are in CA/Bay area. D22 is interested in Economics/finance/business etc but definitely not in the engineering/STEM related topics. I hear about Cal Poly/San Jose state etc mostly in the Engineering / CS/ MIS / Data Science type threads. Any pointers on which Cal State places have good Economics/finance/business type majors with internship/campus recruitment opportunities? We are planning to apply to UCs as well but given the unpredictability mentioned in the threads, hoping to broaden the in-state base a bit more for her area of interest in Economics/finance/business. Thanks in advance.

Cal Poly SLO, SJSU, SDSU, CSU Fullerton, Cal State Long Beach, Cal Poly Pomona, Sac State, Chico State are just a few CSU’s that have good Economics/Business/Finance programs. You can check each campuses Career Center for Jobs/Internships and which companies recruit from these campuses.

Based on my experience and my son’s, Internships are readily available but it always up to the student to do the legwork in finding companies and making contacts.

The CSU matrix link shows which schools are impacted for the above majors:

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Thank you, deeply appreciate the info.

I’ve hired Sac State poly sci grads over UC grads — they were very scrappy. The school has a very solid reputation at the Capitol. Chance of internships and other opportunities high. The campus is really pretty and they are expanding student housing on and off campus so it has less of that commuter feel. Sacramento is a fun city - it’s so strange that Sac State is often overlooked.


great point and feedback. appreciate it @Southoftheriver !

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Unfortunately, no, not always.

“All material must be received by November 1” often means just what it says.

A post on r/A2C just today was “I just called UMD and they said SAT scores must be received by 11/1 or my application will be moved to RD, what do I do”?”


Agree with this statement that “all material must be received by November 1” means exactly that. My son’s HS was being a bit poky in sending out transcripts and LORs, and one of the universities my son applied to emailed him a warning last week that those items were still missing and needed to be received by them by Nov. 1.


Yes, exactly which school I was referring to. UMD specifically says it all has to be there by Nov 1, or he will get pushed to RD, and therefore no chance at scholarships or honors college.

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Phew magic happened tonight. Daughter said she is ready to submit. 1 ED, 3EA done, good to see those virtual confetti.


Finally! Applications to my son’s top 3 choices were submitted tonight! He will be stalking his counselor the rest of the week to make sure transcripts get sent on time… but yay!!!

Not as many submitted for EA as originally planned, and two are reaches, but we are one happy family tonight.


Logged in yet again to the Common App, hoping to see at least one of the two not-yet-started recommenders showing some sort of activity – and YES! The teacher who will be going out on paternity leave on November 1 submitted his recommendation on 10/25! (Whew!)

So we wait some more. :slight_smile: At this point, the last recommender is a nice-to-have, so S isn’t sweating it.


I have to lean on S22 to wrap up his “why NYU” and “why Fordham” essays. He said our friend the NYU law professor finished her recommendation letter, but I have to check back with him on where things stand with his teacher recs. Looking forward to hitting the button on both applications this weekend.

He had his 17th birthday last week, and my wife took him down to NYC for the Knicks’ home opener (double-overtime win over the Celtics). The next day, before heading back to Boston, they took a private tour of Fordham’s Lincoln Center campus. I understand he liked it, though I haven’t gotten a lot of details. Still hoping for NYU primarily, and still think he has a good shot at it, but he’s pretty assured of admission at Fordham and it would be a fine option.


Same here! We had one submitted and now one has “started”. Checking everyday for over a month has been annoying!


I am right there with y’all on the waiting for the kid to hit the submit button! D22 let me read her essay. I made a few suggestions—not many, really, mostly punctuation which was a bit creative and one suggestion about the opening line—almost all of which were ignored, but it was fine w/o my input. And now I am really eager for her to go ahead and hit submit on it. She had her guidance counselor read it and showed it to her writing mentor, but she’s stalling on finishing up and hitting the button! I want it to be done so now we can start waiting for the LORs and other stuff. I’m trying to walk the fine line between reminding and nagging.


No teacher recs here yet either (GC and one teacher “started” the other teacher not even started (on the common app, D thinks she has started since she was in a google doc of a paper D wrote last year). Nov 1 deadlines. Wasn’t worried until yesterday, now I’d like to see them done. Going to come down to the wire here on essays too. Hoping to submit no later than Friday for the 11/1 deadlines. Missed the self-imposed 10/15 deadline.


My kiddo is re-writing his personal statement but has otherwise finished the common app for his one EA school (a safety). Transcript, recommendations etc. all in.


My son is finishing up the supplements for his EA applications but isn’t happy with his Common App essay so will make modifications to that as well… His guidance counselor has submitted his LOR but his two teachers have not. I will ask him to email them later today to check on that but as he says there is nothing much he can do about it if they don’t send them on time. At least he will be ahead of the game for the January deadlines .


What are you all doing for your teachers/GC that have written rec letters? Small gift? Just a thank you card? Ideas?


@Juno16 Yup same here. Son missed every intermediate deadline that we had. I think Friday is unlikely here, we are in the Monday 11/1 submission camp, I just hope it is early in the day and not in the evening. Actually, putting college admissions aside, I am more worried about how this lack of planning/procrastination will translate into college next year.