Parents of the HS Class of 2022

DD22 got most of her apps out yesterday (one is only RD and she wants to take some extra time with it).

DS22 sent his out, too, the next day.

So now the waiting game begins!!! :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


November 1 usually means 11:59p on Novermber 1.

Please don’t wait long enough so that this, or the time zone, matters.

Don’t be among the “my PC crashed/ISP failed/power went out at 11:55p, now what do I do?” posts that occur every year.


DS22 decided to go ahead and send his apps out tonight. So except for one school for DD22, we are done with the app process!!!

Now the waiting game :crossed_fingers:


You can do one by one.

I feel like we are running on fumes and EA/ED deadline is still a few days out. I am hoping UC / Cal state process is more straight forward . any idea if we need to finish all UC college submissions in one shot ? or can we do a few colleges at a time ( a la Common App e.g. Davis/Irvine one day, Berkeley, Merced another day etc )

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UC application needs to be submitted all at once but you can add additional campuses prior to the deadline. You select 4 out of the 8 Personal insight questions to answer and none are campus specific so no need to do a few campuses at a time. Apply to one, three or all nine at the same time.


I am completely confused by this. It seems like Butterfly2022 is answering QuestInfo’s question that appeared 20 minutes later in the thread, but is replying to me when I didn’t ask any questions. - head scratcher -

Replying to me, the other “s” :joy:
@QuestInfo — As noted, for UCs you fill out one general app and choose which campuses you send to.


I’m also an “S”. I wound up adding a photo to my avatar - so I could tell when someone was talking to me vs another S. It was getting confusing.


My kid has nothing submitted yet.


Don’t worry. We are in the same boat. My daughter is still working on essays.


Same here, working but no apps submitted.


Used attending a dad-son big hunting trip as incentive to finish apps by November 1st has worked - but not without raised blood pressure and voices. I will definitely repeat with my twin DD24s, but will need a different incentive :wink:. Now we can chill and enjoy the holidays. Five applications are in (one ED) and two left to submit tonight. He has already received two acceptances from rolling admissions schools :tada:, now to hear back from EA’s and ED by Christmas…the waiting game begins.


It’s now Wed Oct 27, and still no update on S22’s recommendation and transcript uploads for his EA apps. Yes, a tad nerve-racking.

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Welcome to the club… :grinning:


Hopefully it comes soon! I was shocked that both of the recs were finally submitted yesterday and “downloaded” by the colleges.


Same boat here…
Tomorrow I’ll have my son start bugging the counselor about it, but I’m trying to go 48 hours from when he submitted his applications before doing any more nagging :slight_smile:


Mine finally did it today, thank goodness.


Emailed S22’s college counselor, inquiring about recommendation/transcript/etc. that need to be provided. She reassured that they will all be done by Monday. And she and the recommending teacher are both veterans of this college process. So I’m going with that!

For now…


We submitted EA applications to UMich and Georgia Tech this morning. We received only the common app confirmations. So far we havent received any mail from colleges. When will they send the college ids?

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