Parents of the HS Class of 2022

I don’t have any personal experience with those two colleges, but it may take a few days before you hear back. It was mostly 1-2 days for the colleges S22 has applied to, but I have friends whose kids waited up to a week for the college confirmation email.

Many students are finishing their applications right now which may add to the wait time.

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The emails to set up the portal (we’re doing GTech) was within a couple days; however, we didn’t catch that (or least my son) because it went to his junk mail. So check there, too!

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GT took two days and Michigan took five days for us (over the Columbus Day holiday weekend, if that mattered).

(Wisconsin six days, Ohio State three days, Penn State/Maryland/Purdue/UIUC all two days, for others applying to these)

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S22 hasn’t submitted any applications yet. I think he has 1 EA completed and 2 more he is working on. He won’t have this weekend though because he is going on a college visit trip. Luckily his ED application isn’t due until 11/15.


D22 applied to Michigan on Sunday and has not received anything from Michigan yet (so, three business days).

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Not sure if this is helpful, but if applications have not been sent in yet, go to the recommenders page in common app for each school. There is a little arrow/circle in the corner of each recommenders box. I hit those and I believe another email was sent to them because both their recommendations appeared the next day. Kind of like a prompt that comes from the Common App - but it is you who is forcing it.


Why do they ask where a parent was born if outside the US? Why should that matter. You may not want to put in a particular country if you’re from there. They already ask what race you are and if you are a citizen- why so intrusive? This is for some college apps- not the common app.

D22 has submitted 7 early apps!

UPenn (ED lottery ticket)
U Michigan
U Wisconsin
U Vermont
U Oregon (honors college)

She’s working on the UC app next but it’s nice to have a breather for a moment.

The supplemental essays are no joke. I’m grateful the seniors are given time at school a couple days a week to work on the essays.


D22 has submitted her CSU apps as of a few days ago (CalPoly, SDSU, Chico and Sonoma).
Considering whether to spend time on UC, since they don’t really offer her major which is kinesiology/health science. She would apply to Davis only and is not excited about it, although her only experience with Davis is speeding by at 70 mph on I80.
Still have lots of privates to apply to, but we need merit aid.
In our spreadsheet we have:
Northeastern (high reach, both academically and financially, but she loved it and would always wonder “What if…”
Franklin & Marshall

Of the above we’ve only toured Northeastern and Chico. I realize it’s a disparate list in terms of size, location, everything really. I feel like I’ve read Fiske cover to cover. Wish we’d had a chance to tour more as I’m sure that would eliminate several.

D22 has 3.944 UW, but not a tremendous amount of rigor; 4 APs, 1 DE, a job, an internship, two seasons of sports. I think a small school would be good for her and she is warming up to the idea. Our HS college counselor is overworked and pushes everyone to CSU and UC (and not only that, made a grammatical error in correcting my daughter’s essay–daughter was correct, counselor was wrong!).

I have learned a tremendous amount on CC these last few weeks.


The UC application requires answers to 4 personal insight questions and it takes a lot of time, FYI.

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Yes, I know, and that’s why it’s a maybe. Might not be worth it to apply to one school that she’s not (yet) interested in.

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And she has taken a stab at some of the questions, I believe.

I believe Chapman gives good merit – and your D’s GPA is high! I think she would get something. A lot of kids from our area go to Chapman (northern CA suburb of SF). I have been to Occidental and it’s a lovely campus. It’s not very big but pretty uniquely situated in LA. On the tour, they talked a lot about research, close relationships with professors and a tightknit community.

I’m also an alum of SDSU. SDSU is a terrific school – but it can feel pretty big and overwhelming in the early years. Once I got into my major (journalism), it was amazing. Small classes, great professors, etc. And San Diego is a terrific town for internships, especially in health, given the businesses with locations there. I had a ton of internships as a writer and they absolutely helped launch my career. After a pretty average high school experience, I found my motivation at SDSU… I learned to solve my own problems, advocate for myself, and hustle for what I wanted. Those are priceless life lessons (although sometimes I do envy the coddling and protectiveness offered by a small LAC).


Is UC app open? I saw the website saying Fall 2022 is open. I thought it was going be open only on Nov 1? Can we start populating it with info? Is this the right web site?

We are in the Bay Area also. And I grew up in San Diego! I was shocked when she added SDSU to her list because it is so big. But I’ve heard she might qualify for the honors program and that can make it feel smaller. I’m in favor of a small school for her because after her 13 years in an urban public school district I think she could actually benefit from some coddling!


Not sure if you can start populating, but students can definitely be writing their PIQs and have them all ready to go.

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Submission for the UC application begins Nov 1 but can start filling out all sections including uploading the PIQ’s.


It looks like it is!

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We sent S22’s two applications last night, NYU ED and Fordham EA. Hoping we can be done with just those! It looked like the only thing outstanding was the counselor’s ED agreement for NYU, so I just sent her a note to check on it. The teacher recs are in, as is one from the NYU law prof S22 did a research project for this summer.

The Fordham supplemental question (150 words) wasn’t really “why Fordham,” it asked him to talk about a time he stepped out of his comfort zone to affect his community (defined broadly to include family or friend groups as well), or a way he hopes to do so at Fordham. He talked about his conflicted feelings about how to help homeless people over the years, and said he hopes to find new ways to approach it there. I think it worked well.

Fingers crossed for him and all of our kids!

(Update: The GC wrote back and said she waits on the ED agreements because kids often change their minds, and she’s done S22’s now. So all set.)


Woot! S22’s top choice EA app is now complete. His teacher recommendation and transcript were uploaded yesterday. He has one more EA app to submit this weekend, needs to wrap up the “Why [college]?” essay.