Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Did your daughter send in her RD apps yet? My son is basically done as of today with all the essays. So excited the nagging is over! He just has to do some picture submission for the Rice app. But I was wondering when we should submit all these RDs when the EDs for many of these schools just happened. I am wondering if I should wait a week to pay/send the apps.

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@LostInTheShuffle - When watching the documentary on the Varsity Blue scandal, I saw that segment of reaction videos of all those kids seeing their acceptances and cheering and crying and hugging their parents, I thought, aw man, we got none of that when our D19 got accepted. And then a few segments later they showed all the videos of the rejected kids and the crying and hugging their parents, and I thought, well, we got none of that either. There are plusses and minuses to the low-key kid.


Congrats on her acceptance. For us it’s the otherway, D22 leveraged some of her RD essays to fit in few early schools. Still few more college essays pending. With AMC scheduled early this year, some of these kids are juggling with the apps and AMC.


Juggling how so? Are you saying that students prep a lot for AMC?

Very much needed if you aim for higher scores. AMCs have become non-trivial now. Getting 120-130 needs that extra hour and deeper preparation.

My kids are similarly low-key. My D19 was in the fortunate position of having her only application, and the most prestigious program in her field, be a safety for her: Parsons. It helps that schools with artwork requirements have higher acceptance rates because kids can’t just spray-and-pray their applications, and her stats were way above the school averages. So I don’t really remember her reaction at all, though I’m sure it was happy but muted. S22’s ED choice, NYU, is much more in doubt, but if he gets in there will be no screaming, and if he’s rejected there will be no crying.

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Had to Google the AMC — I’d never heard of it. Best of luck!


This past summer I watched all those videos with my D22. Some were really unbelievable but mine want to first check her status and then record a video atleast for few of acceptance/rejections :grinning:

Preliminary math contest leading to IMO. More than qualifications the problems they throw are intriguing.

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Makes sense, especially students aiming for schools like MIT that love USAMO qualifiers. (We are in a region where studying for AMC is pretty rare!)

Had to Google the International Mathematical Olympiad, too. I’m not a math guy! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I didn’t even know you were a guy. :joy:


The funny thing about CC — we identify our kids by S and D, but our own status can be mysterious at times. But if CC had existed back in the day, I would have been S88. :slightly_smiling_face:


Lol, I am D87!


S86! The 80s were the best time to be a teen.


lol, D94 here


I’m D87 too!
I suddenly have an urge to tease my hair up and put on a lot more makeup!


Too lazy to google AMC and IMC but am figuring it out reading this thread. :wink:


I’m D85!


Our GC can remember exactly one applicant to MIT in the past 10 years. I agree that it has been very interesting to learn about how different schools operate.