Parents of the HS Class of 2022

S22 has two EA’s. Very confident on one (Dec 15 decision), pretty confident on the other (Jan 15 decision). He gets into either one, he’s done. But there are no guarantees, so the UC’s and Cal State apps must be done. And probably one other EA with Nov 15 deadline (late December decision).


The good news is the CSU application is a breeze.


@321CountDown- S22 is taking a little break after an exhausting EA weekend, too. But my humble suggestion would be not to wait until you hear back from your ED to apply to at least 1 or 2 next top choices. Gearing back up into applying mode on Dec 16 would be hard in the best of times, it might be especially hard if he’s also dealing with disappointment/self-doubt of not getting accepted to ED.


That’s a really good point @packacards. There’s a hopeful, optimistic momentum in submitting those early applications. After a few rejections, it could be a little harder to shine one’s best light.


A friend’s son did this. Waited for Princeton ED, didn’t get positive results. Used up his winter break and wrote a whole bunch of RD essays (they were in Hawaii for vacation). Guess what? He got into Stanford RD. This is what I would call it destiny.


With all the Youtube videos, will your child record his/her acceptance/rejection reveal?

My son is generally low-key, so I don’t think his video would be that exciting, but you never know, especially with acceptance to his #1 choice school.

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I did most of the FAFSA and CSS today. I have a couple things to double check before finishing up, but it was not nearly as bad as I had thought it would be! I had intended to do it over Thanksgiving break, because life is just so busy right now. But, last night I was adding things to our spreadsheet and realized many of the CSS that were early action are due soon. I had no idea. Case Western is due November 15, for example. I’m so glad I checked that!


Fo those of you who had to order official score reports from College Board. About how long it is taking for them to send them? Viewing ours as still pending.

A week for CB to send, another 2 days for college to receive. To be on the safe side, D sent everything two weeks before the deadline.

Editing to add that in one instance it took CB over two weeks to send the report.

I have to confess that I’ve watched a few. It’s the rawness of the emotions (both surprise/jubilation and dejection) that is so gripping. I’ve found myself cheering on a few! It’s another form of reality show.

But to answer your question, my D22 won’t be - not in keeping with her personality.


I think we requested them on October 25 and they now state they were “sent” as of November 2, so about 8 days.

I was 8 days for us both times scores have been sent. Did the selection and payment on a Monday, score reports showed as “pending” on Tuesday, and then the following Tuesday they switched to “sent.”

Sent scores in Sept and Oct, so timing didn’t seem to make a difference.

First acceptance! Texas A&M is secured.


It’s so interesting to me reading about the various school cultures these kids are coming from. Here, applying to MIT is a very noteworthy event! Knowing 12 kids applying from one school…impressive, and obviously a different level of inspiration and competition with peers than we have here.


Mine definitely will not, but none of hers will be super exciting either :slight_smile: We did video her older sister opening the acceptance to the school she ultimately attended, though I don’t think it got posted anywhere. I enjoy watching them because I am nosy that way :wink:


In-state? What major? One of my daughter’s friends got his acceptance 2 weeks back, Aerospace Engineering (OOS-CA). None of their friends believed their eyes seeing the email. Even he couldn’t. But at the end of the day he’s a happy kid. I think that’s the first major admission in our school, other than some state universities. Congratulations to your kid!! Proud parent.


Yes they discuss everyday about their interviews, I think the same EC did for most kids. But we had utmost 1 admission per year so far. Not sure how it’s going to be this year. When is your daughter’s interview?

College Board publishes this - can’t vouch for the accuracy

The College Board delivers rush scores two to three days a week, typically on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Non-rush scores ordered outside of registration are delivered once a week, generally on Wednesdays. Please note that, because of scheduling conflicts, scores may be delivered on different days or less frequently.

I would also suggest plowing through RD applications while in the application mode. It may be easier to leverage/translate existing essays to additional applications now vs. after a month+ break.

D22 completed her three RD’s three days after her ED’s were released and is glad to be done.

Our school’s Naviance scattergram shows five MIT applicants, over however far back the history goes. Though I know it’s not accurate, as they all show rejected and one of D17s friends attended. (It has said this for the last four years, so it’s not a matter of timeframe.)

Purdue also doesn’t show her accepted stats, even though I confirmed Naviance shows it marked as the school she attended. So I have little confidence in the Naviance data.

D22 accepted to Penn State. We were pretty confident, but it’s good to have one done.


Cognitive Science, OOS. Wondering how long for honors and scholarship notifications?

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D’s first acceptance today. U of Delaware. Nice two-hour drive away. Feels good to have a decision.