Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Adding on to what GumbyMom and our other parent shared, take a look at AP credit by college and the equity of each college. My son hates writing, so there was no way he was going to sign up for Roosevelt based on the GE required. He wanted the most flexibility in classes and based on his AP scores, he ranked Muir, Sixth, Marshall, Seventh, etc. His engr friends all had Warren as their first choice because the GEs are knocked out w/ their pre engr prereq classes. S21 didn’t get into his first choice, but he was thrilled with 6th because the GE was interesting and practically brand new dorm and location to the better campus food venue. Seventh is fairly new (good if you like research, independent and potential overseas studies). Take some of those factors into account with your daughter and see what is best fit for her. I also found this link useful when my son was planning his major vs. college at UCSD.

Good luck!!


Adding another tidbit since there seem to be a lot applying to UCs. 7th is quite far from the center of campus. Kids used to complain about ERC being too far and 7th is even farther away.


Confused about your questions here. Foundations/Organizations/colleges use an application and interview to identify change makers and award prestigious scholarships all the time.

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Quick question if anyone is on right now. My D22 just found out that a poem she wrote has been selected to be published in a literary journal and she wants to add that to the Common App. Would you put it in Honors or Activities? She has an Early Action app she wants to submit tonight and I’d like her to do it too.


My gut would be in the Honors section. Writing it is an activity, but having it accepted would be considered an award.


Yeah, I was thinking Activities, but then it asks how many hours you spend on it, etc, and that doesn’t really fit.

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Thanks for that link. It’s so helpful. My S22 has Sixth ranked as his first. Any details on how your S21 is doing in Sixth? What is his major? Mine is applying for a humanities major.

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@Evie800 My son ended up going to Brown (his ED, which he got into after deferral in the first round), but his hs bud is in the 6th college and loves it. I think you can be any major in the 6th and would benefit. One of the three CAT GE classes is Asian culture where they cover Korean drama, anime, etc. It looked interesting! The GEs won’t be bad especially if your kiddo has AP scores. Plenty of space to take all the humanities classes. The dorm is great and at the top level by the lounge, I think the patio faces the ocean so I could be a humanities major in the 6th college all day long :).

6th and 7th colleges are closer together. 15 min walk to the start of the beach trail down to Black’s Beach. It’s a bit of a walk to things like grocery vs the other residence halls but it’s really a 10 min trek so not bad at all. The good food is in the food venue at 6th, as well as the 6th college convenience market :).


@MommaLue Congratulations to your son! And thank you for that great report on 6th college. Well, I hope UCSD gives my son a chance. It sounds like an amazing place and perfectly suited to him with his interest in world cultures.

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First acceptance: U Pitt! Woo hoo! D22 is very excited. It isn’t her first choice but she said all of a sudden, it feels “real”. She’s goin’ to college, people!


Parents, I have a quick question, My d22 has been applying for a Math major but she doesn’t have any math activities except the higher level of math classes. Recently I heard that a math major needs Extra circular activities in math? Do colleges look for Math related activities? Can you please confirm? Any advice? Thanks

I guess I would add to the honors section and write details in the additional info section.

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There are math students who do ECs in math but there are plenty who don’t, too. I might recommend that your D talks about her love of math somewhere in her essays - how, why etc - and that will paint a picture for the AOs.


That’s awesome! Best wishes to her.

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Is it nice to have math related EC? Yes. Is it necessary? No. There are many kids whose ECs do not reflect their major. They may have a wide range of interests or decided on their major only recently or finding major related ECs is difficult … You name it. I would be more worried if all of her ECs were math related, and there was nothing else that interests her.

She will be fine and good luck to her! Many colleges will be happy to accept a female math major :slight_smile:


@songbirdmama Congratulations! That’s fantastic. We all know how hard it is to get this point. First acceptances are worth celebration!


No, not necessary to have math-related activities :slight_smile: I wrote above about my engineering daughter who had meh-science on her transcript and no math/science extracurriculars.

@Sweetgum , congrats to your student on the poetry honor! Very cool.

@songbirdmama , wooohooo, awesome to have that first acceptance in hand!


We had the second one, University of Minnesota (Twin cities). Yes I felt that real excitement!


Congratulations on Twin cities acceptance.

Not really. As long as her essays show the passion for math, it’s going to be just fine. My daughter’s close friend circle, a guy is applying as a math major with just advanced courseworks in math. No extra EC or anything of that sort. He got in few rolling acceptances already. Good luck to her. My D22 is applying as math major to 50% of the colleges and others she’s doing a combined major, very few CS major colleges in her list so far.

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