Parents of the HS Class of 2022

@songbirdmama Congrats! Getting that first one is nice. Just some internal stress gone.

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Hey everyone.
Just out of curiosity - how many colleges is your kid applying to? (And whatā€™s the split between early and regular?)

My D22 sent out 9 apps so far - 3 (high) reach, 3 target, 3 safety. She plans to send out 6-7 RD apps.

Is this a lot? Her school counselor suggested 8-10 total (EA+RD) but D wasnā€™t comfortable with that number.

What are most kids doing?


My D22 has applied to 3 and will probably apply to 2 more for a total of 5.


My D22 plans a total of 11 applications and 13 schools. Six are early, 5 RD.

Donā€™t forget about potential additional apps/essays for honors colleges and scholarships. Interviews too. Itā€™s a lot.


9 EA sent in, 3 RD ready to send, depending on results received in December.

(OK, actually ā€œdepends on MITā€¦ā€)

Older daughter only applied to 7, and one was a ā€œno essay, no fee, my friend applied thereā€ school. She avoided reaches and was accepted to all but the freebie.

Younger daughter is more aggressive - 4 reaches, 7 semi-reach to semi-safe, 1 true safety (already accepted).


S22 has two EA apps in, likely one more (Nov 15 deadline). Then the UC/CSU apps are due by end of November. Probably 4-5 each for those two college systems, so thatā€™s 9 more. 12 total before any RD apps (Jan deadlines).

RD apps will kick in if the Dec 15 EA decision for his top choice school isnā€™t favorable. Yes, Dec 15 will be a momentous day, one way or the other.


My D has no math ECs and didnā€™t write an essay about math, but applied as an intended math major at several schools. She has some EA acceptances already, so it certainly isnā€™t keeping her out of college!

She didnā€™t apply early to any reach schools, so I canā€™t confirm any acceptances at highly selective schools yet.


S22 applied as a math major to 1 rolling admission, 5 EA, and 1 RD. All applications are submitted. Heā€™s going after merit, and all of the schools are likely to admit him. Itā€™s the merit part that makes some of them reaches.

So far he got accepted to 1 of his EA (including honors college and substantial merit).


My D applied to 11 schools so far and may add a 12th.

Her schools fell as follows:

4 - early action, all safeties

All of these 4 accepted her already (3 she really likes and one will be a no despite a strong merit scholarship); she is waiting for Honors College and/or scholarship notifications from the three she likes.

7 - regular decision (3 reaches, 2 matches, and 2 high safeties). She applied to only one Honors College out of this group.

She may apply to one more safety school, so the end result will be 11 or 12 total, 3 reaches, 2 matches, and the rest safeties.


S22 applied 1 ED, 3 EA and will submit the UC application for 2 schools this month. If he doesnā€™t get accepted ED, he will add one high reach RD due in January. He had plans for more, but the essays were too much with is schoolwork and activities. He has auto-admit at our state flagship, so as long as he gets his major, he will be fine. (He did apply to a true safety, just in caseā€¦)

So, the simple answer is at least 5 applications.


Love all these reports! The wheels are in motion! For S22: 8 EA, 1 ED are in and now heā€™s enjoying a well-deserved breather before 12 in the RD round :slight_smile: Although today University of Rochester emailed a ā€œpriority deadlineā€ of 12/1 for scholarships. That was unexpected! Heā€™s not actively seeking scholarships, but looks like thereā€™s one more essay to write sooner than later.


D22 applied 1ED, 7 EA(Mix of safety and reach), 1RD (Reach)so far. Planning to add a Couple of Ucs and State schools. Depending on the dec outcome she might add more RD-reach schools.


D applied to 6. She did not apply to a reach. 5 target one ā€œsafetyā€.


Mine did 9 EAs, planning on 6 UCs and 8 RDs (4 essays done, 4 more to go). EA decisions may change (especially MIT and Caltech) RDs, still UCs are our bet. Some of her RDs are reach schools (Stanford, Harvard, Princeton etc still betting on it who knows what would happen)


Congrats on the acceptance!!! Which one is that?


S22 will apply to a total of 13 schools. So far 2 EA, 1 RD. Just ten more to go! :weary: :grimacing:

He did not like any safety schools so heā€™s applying to all reaches (11) and target (2) schools. He likes what he likes and he said he wouldnā€™t go to any of the safety schools so we decided why waste our money on application fees. If heā€™s rejected everywhere, he will have to take a gap year. But I really hope it doesnā€™t come to thatā€¦


D22 applied to 1 ED, 3 EA safeties, 1 EA match, 1 EA reach. Depending on ED result, she will apply to up to 5-8 more RD. She might start the RDs over Thanksgiving but is burned out on the essays. She did a couple honors college essays already so she needs a break.

Good luck to everyone awaiting decisions!


Stressful to watch, but it sounds like he has some self-awareness and integrity in knowing where he will thrive. My S22ā€™s list is reach heavy as well. Trying to manage expectations while hoping for the best :slight_smile:


Wow! Quite a range here. Looks like my D is at the higher end of the range (with potentially 16+ colleges).

I did not know there were colleges providing decisions in November, else I would have encouraged her to apply to at least one of them. It would have been really nice to have something locked in by now.

It seems likely that one of her reaches might be the first one to announce decisions :grimacing: - I wish it would have been one of her safeties :smirk: oh well!

Good luck to all your kids!


D22 has sent 7 so far, 3 safeties (2 of which have admitted her already), 1 reach, the others are targets/safeties for admit but financial reaches. She has around 7 more to send, which are a mix of high reach, reach and target.