Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Yes, we’re in NJ - so OOS.

My D22 is considering applying to a couple of UCs but she isn’t totally sure yet.

Thanks very much for the links. I appreciate it.

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Thanks @Gumbymom. She should be good with all the other requirements except F. She’ll have to figure that one out.

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After completing PE requirements, she took Yoga which was not a requirement. thanks for the examples of edx etc D22 has done music courses outside the school district ( certificate/diploma courses) , perhaps she can include that in the other course work of UC apps. Thanks for the info.


I will encourage her to open any email from her ED1 school received the first two weeks of Dec at home rather than in school during lunch etc. Her ED is really a target academically but we are OOS so it brings chances down. I figure she has a 55-60% chance of acceptance - If that were the weather forecast for rain, I would bring an umbrella, but would not be surprised if it didn’t happen. Kind of the same thing here, so I am toying with secretly buying a sweatshirt with the logo in case of good news, but don’t want to jinx it either! :wink:


I was just about to post the same thing. I’m cracking up since our kids applied ED to the same school. DS is on the higher end stats wise and his college counselor considered it a match school for him. I would think he stands a fighting chance, but nothing is ever guaranteed. I also toyed with ordering a sweatshirt to have on hand if he gets good news but am way too superstitious. He will definitely be opening his decision at home and certainly won’t be live streaming it.


This is too too weird - our kids live in parallel universes! Hope they intersect for college!


I’ve ordered a sweatshirt for S22’s ED. Was supposed to be here already but there was some delivery snafu—fortunate that I don’t need it until mid-December. Guess I’ll just quietly send it back in the event of an outright rejection, and stash it somewhere longer in case of a deferral.

I’ll have to ask him how he wants to handle decision day. I expect he’ll want to get the news alone and fill us in. I’m sure there won’t be any whoops or moans from his room, as he’s not demonstrative that way, but he’ll be hugely happy with a yes, pretty down about a no and disappointed/annoyed with a deferral. We’ll support him accordingly.


Love your idea of ordering some swag now, @Vineyarder , with plans to return or hide as necessary. :smiley: I will follow your lead!


I need to get in on the swag ordering too!


I think it’s a great idea to surprise your kid with swag if they get in!

But my wife and I are superstitious about buying swag before decisions are out (don’t want to jinx it) so won’t be doing this ourselves :grinning:


What a great idea! S22 already has a sweatshirt of his top choice that he wears all the time. Just purchased a couple accessory items for him as a surprise. And if EA doesn’t work out, they will be returned.

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I’ve waivered on buying swag to have on hand for an acceptance to his ED school, but I’ve not yet hit the purchase button… we shall see…

I hear my son in his room now; his alumni interview for his ED school just started. This is all so exciting to watch him go through.



I am so afraid to jinx it that I won’t even put “buy SWAG” on my to-do list until AFTER he receives a YES.

But in my head, I know exactly where I’ll be the day after the YES: driving to the college to buy enough for our entire house and extended family, without having to wait for shipping!!!


My kid does not have anything close to a top choice at this point, so buying swag is not on my to-do list…yet!


Agree….not buying swag…not even watching the football games anymore of my kiddo’s top schools….don’t want to jinx it!


My boys were opposites when it came to swag. DS20 was superstitious and didn’t want anything until his decision was made. He ended up at UMass Amherst and has since transferred to UVM. He gave away all his UMass gear as soon as he knew he was headed to Burlington, and only then would he let us buy him some UVM swag. DS22 loves all the swag all the time and has gotten something at every school he’s visited (that he liked). He has no superstitions and wears all of it regularly. We’ll stock him up on a few more items once a decision is made, but we’ll just have to wait at this point.


I’ve done the same for S22’s ED school. Bought a t-shirt that I will quietly return if he doesn’t get in. Hoping it’s good news, though!


My son ED’d and what I told him was it’s just as tough to get into an ED (I assume for targets, in addition to reaches. His was a reach). If your child is sensitive to this, I would encourage managing expectations. We actually planned a driving getaway trip nearby right after for this reason. To celebrate or to take a little break from college app. I told him that if he got rejected, it’s because it’s a reach. If he got deferred, he would also need to move on with the only exception being to remember to send mid year report and an update to the AO on what he was up to and that’s it.

I did record him opening the email. A rejection would’ve meant the video would be served as motivation for him to know he can succeed anywhere. Net, you could record it and still use the recording for some other purpose other than for celebration.

Good luck to all the ED/EA kiddos!


Same. I’m worried that buying swag would jinx things somehow. I know it makes no logical sense though.


DS22 is considering a last minute switch on one of his applications to ED1. Still debating between 2 schools for that, though. This is really stressful.