Parents of the HS Class of 2022

ED application submitted more than 24 hours before the deadline. Now we wait.


Same here. I love the idea of having a t-shirt ready though!


My S22 is the same. He doesnā€™t have any clear top choices. He seems to like all of the schools equally so Iā€™m just going to wait and see where he gets in and what his final decision is to buy swag. But it is certainly an exciting idea!


Iā€™m envious of everyone already getting acceptances. My son is only applying to the CSUs and UCs. Heā€™s done with the CSU app and will finish the UC during Thanksgiving week. Then we get to wait til next March for all of them. His friend has already been accepted to ASU. Thatā€™s when I found out there were colleges even doing acceptances this early.

@midwest_mom9 - Rant away! I totally understand the frustration and having to fight for your kid. Iā€™m glad you were able to get through to the creative solution.

@Vineyarder - I used to think we were going to get away without filling out FAFSA, but the fact that in our area you canā€™t get any merit or scholarships with having filled it out ended that dream. Also the school incentivized it so much. The HS would require all the seniors to sit through a FAFSA discussion during the college seminar day if they hadnā€™t already filled it out. If they had already finished it, they could choose a different seminar topic. They also offered up an additional graduation ticket if it was done by October 18th. With all of that, we filled it out.


Iā€™m not sure which colleges your kids are interested in but I really donā€™t think being a math phenom outside of class is a prerequisite for many colleges (except maybe a few like MIT or Cal Tech). Our S19 was very well rounded in high school. Not spikey at all. He ran track and XC. Heā€™s an artist and sent portfolios to all of the schools he applied to. He was a leader in our community for a local non-profit. Held a job in the summertime. He was a strong math candidate with an 800 on the SAT Math section but didnā€™t take SAT 2s. Took BC Calc (got a 5) and then MV senior year. Took AP Physics 1 but didnā€™t even take the AP exam. It was senior year so it he wouldnā€™t have been able to put his score on his app anyway and most of the schools on his list didnā€™t give credit for it. He did have other 5s on APs in other subjects (AP Lang and APUSH and French) on his app.

Heā€™s at Bowdoin now as a math and physics double major. He was not a recruited athlete. Got in RD.

So, my point is that kids donā€™t have to be national math champions to get into top ranked schools or to major in STEM. These majors are not for the faint of heart though. One does have to have some innate ability. They are different than engineering classes and are much more theoretical so itā€™s good to be realistic. Being good at calc does not mean one will be successful as a math major.

Well rounded high school students still do well in admissions, but they canā€™t just do a bunch of things at the average level. If one spreads themselves too thin, thatā€™s not good but if they can be successful in their rainbow of activities and do well in class, I think that shows well.


Some CSUā€™s especially if you are local will post admission decisions prior to March. Also for high stat applicants, an early admission to some of the CSUā€™s can be posted in December/January. Some of the CSUā€™s that my sonā€™s heard from early were Cal Poly Pomona (local), Cal State Fullerton and San Diego State so there is a chance your student may have an acceptance prior to the Holidays. My niece heard early from Sonoma State last year and my Nephew from Channel Islands (not local).

UC Berkeley also will have an early admission decision for High Stat and possible Regent scholars in February. Yes the waiting is tough but you are in good company with many parents and students. Best of luck to him.

Edited: I forgot one more school that has done early admissions in the past, UC Irvine for the Regent scholars and the Honors college admits usually in February. Probably due to Covid last year, these decisions came later, so we will see what the timeline is for this year.


My dd14 heard as early as December from San Diego State. I think she also heard from UC Riverside in January with a merit scholarship and an invitation to apply to their Honors program.


UC Riverside use to post early admission decisions in January with a merit scholarship but for the last few years, they have been posting rolling admission decisions throughout March. My younger was an early admit with scholarship also.


UCSB had the Chancellorā€™s event where they learned they were admitted, but I believe that wasnā€™t held last year because of COVID. Any indication if it will happen this year?

No information as of yet so probably a wait and see situation. Thank you for mentioning the Chancellorā€™s reception. Another one I forgot. Hopefully last year was an anomaly.

UCSB also admits Regents early. They send an award-like certificate with a letter of acceptance in the mail 1-2 weeks after the Chancellorā€™s invite arrives in Feb.

UCLA sends an invite to apply for the Regents scholarship around the same time (often the same day) that Berkeley sends out their early acceptances in Feb. It is not an acceptance to UCLA but presumably if a student is in the top percentage that they are asked to apply for a Regents scholarship, there is a very high chance that they will be accepted. Note, the invite for UCLA Alumni Scholarship gets sent to just about everyone and is not an indication of acceptance.

@Southoftheriver keep checking this calendar. They often put the dates of the receptions there. :blush:


D22 applied to Northeastern, after the initial message to set up an account, they were quiet. Some of the colleges like Fordham, Case western seem to be quite engaging even after admissions are done. Interesting to see the different approaches

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Even their portal needs massive rework.

Probably has to do with the number of applicants, i.e. over 75,000 last year for Northeastern vs. 47,000 for Fordham.

Most of the colleges D22 applied to have not sent parents any emails, but I appreciate the few who did.

Hi - is there a list of colleges ranked by campus safety? - thanks


S22 just applied to Univ. of Washington-Seattle. Does anyone know when they typically announce their decisions? Do they wait until April? Iā€™m just wondering because weā€™ve not visited most of the colleges where S22 is applying. And if heā€™s lucky enough to be accepted at a number of them, we might have to do quite the road trip to visit them all before May! Would be easier if we could spread out our visits over a couple of months. Like Feb-April before committing in May.

Decisions released between March 1 thru March 15.

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Last year my daughter heard on March 12th

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We are in the same situation where we have not visited most schools on the list!

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