Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Only one person has posted on the Villanova ED thread. My D is a bundle of nerves. She absolutely loved the school. I hope it works out for her but it’s significantly more expensive than her other schools so I won’t shed any tears if it doesn’t pan out.


Plenty of UC Hicago (as they like to put it) discussion on r/A2C. Not much NYU there either, though.

But it tends to flow with application dates. Everything has been UC for the last two weeks.

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Dreading the weeks ahead. Getting ready to handle disappointment. It did not go well with older sibling and hopefully we are better prepared this time. This one has had a very hard HS and this year was not good with health. Winter sports session helping with distraction.


Yes. My kid expects to hear back from 5 schools in the next 2 weeks. There’s the potential for lots of disappointment.

I think it is primarily parents on CC which explains the silence on most ED/EA threads. Even where there is chatter it looks like it is coming from parents.


@Mom270 , my son really likes Villanova as well, though he is not applying anywhere ED. It had the right “vibes,” whatever that means, lol.


Yes, similar situation here. Our daughter will receive 3 decisions this month - all 3 are reaches, so we are working with her to set expectations realistically. :crossed_fingers:t3:


Stay strong and hope for the best .


Not familiar with it, but that’s a really interesting program. I like the educational side of it.

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I agree with @Thorsmom66. I see mostly parents here. Also, I think that once the applications are done and it’ll be a while before acceptances, there’s a lull as people try not to drive themselves nuts. Not me… I’m perfectly willing to drive myself nuts.

I’ll bet that once acceptances start to roll in, decisions are made, and logistics become questions then the chatter will pick up.


Chatter has picked up a bit on the NYU thread – though I’m not sure what I was hoping for, since it’s the usual baseless speculation about indicators. One more student did post some stats, which is a bit interesting to get a sense of the universe of applicants (obviously only a tiny sense). I did finally ask for access to my son’s portal, and so far it doesn’t seem like he has any of the portal indicators people have discussed. Probably still a few days too soon. Pins, needles, etc. …

D22 is planning couple of RDs but school semester finals are looming large. Trying to figure out if it is better to wait till ED before writing up or keep drafts ready and push that if needed after ED decision is out. Any best practices or strategies to tackle RDs while awaiting ED?

D had one last scholarship app due on 12/5. She plans to apply to a few more RD if ED1 falls through, but we all agreed to a hard stop on applications for the next 2 weeks. We’ll let ED1 and semester finals anxiety fill the void.


Agree , makes sense. thanks

And a lot of the schools that they say they will meet 100% of need take the need of the applicants into account in the admission process. The guy who was embedded into a few admissions offices ( I forget his name) talked about how at Lafayette College which says they meet 100% of need were making decisions toward the end based this comes into play as they consider how may full pays they admit and how many need based they admit in order to make the numbers work to meet 100% of need

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Not super common, but Dartmouth wanted one (actually optional, IIRC) from my daughter a few years ago. She had a friend write hers, and I do think it added a little extra something

That is fantastic!

We have a similar situation here with my daughter. 100% it was the tour that made the difference, because she was barely interested prior to that. She is not fully committed yet, but sure seems like it is far and away her favorite now.


I asked my kid whether asking a friend was an option, but there were concerns that other kids are working on their own applications and such a request would add stress. We will write it. Right now, we are having a ball making up ridiculous sentences: “I’ve known kid for 17 years in my capacity as their parent…”


Glad to see I’m not the only one obsessively checking college portals. Anxiously waiting on ED to Colorado College. Who else is more anxious than their kid about the waiting?


My spouse. :upside_down_face:

Spouse is making us all crazy.