Parents of the HS Class of 2022

I have all 9 ED schools saved as a set of tabs. I check in every week or so - not sure why. All applications are marked as complete, but I still check. I guess we did find out that D22’s counselor sent something to every school at the end of the 1st quarter. Report card, I assume, as transcripts only have final grades.

I’ve never understood the family/peer assessment either. I suppose it might provide some additional info, but I imagine it’s usually “best kid ever”.


I do it almost everyday basis, sometimes even twice to some portals. I think it’s merely an anxiety issue. With entering into Dec it’s even more. I’ll probably be excited to see some admission data from other CCers and get happy about it before ours finally come.


I set up my son’s email account to forward any email he receives that says “congratulations”. I’ll probably wind up with a lot of ads sent to me too, but that’s my version of this.


Hi - Once the acceptance is in from the college and at the time of joining, is senior year GPA expected to be at the same unweighted GPA level that we submit in the transcript ( from 9-11 grades)? Is there any variance tolerated?

Very college dependent but they expect the student to maintain their application GPA within reason. Usually no more than a 1 point GPA drop but again selective colleges can be stricter.

Rule of thumb, no D’s or F’s Senior year and no more than 2 C’s for some colleges (ie. UCLA/UCB)


It’s probably good that I don’t have access to S22’s college portals. I would drive myself crazy. Only 12 more days for his ED decision. Yikes.


Does anyone know if they send out financial aid packets pretty soon after ED1 decisions, because that will affect whether S22 would be applying ED2 anywhere.

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We were told our ED1 school sends it out within 2 weeks of announced acceptances.

Question for the hive mind:
If a school is need-blind, but the kid gets a fee waiver, does the AO see that they didn’t pay the fee… so it’s really no longer need-blind?


D22 submitted application to Occidental College tonight. She’s very interested in their Campaign Semester, where they volunteer for a battleground campaign for several months, then return to do a paper/seminar on their experiences (for full semester credit). Anyone familiar with this program?


Haha! I check them daily also and D has already committed somewhere so you’re not crazy :wink:


Good question. For some schools, there’s also the point blank question, “Do you intend to apply for financial aid?” Not sure how this is need “blind” unless admissions doesn’t see the answer somehow.

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Doesn’t need-blind refer to whether they consider financial aid in their decision? In other words, it doesn’t matter whether the student applies for aid with a FAFSA or utilizes a fee waiver. That isn’t taken into consideration in making decisions.

It’s not that the school is “blind” to the applicant’s need for financial aid. Rather, it’s that the need for financial aid or being full-pay isn’t a consideration in decisions.


Yeah, and I would guess that the members of admissions committees embrace both need-blind and test-optional. With so many applications to get through and so many remaining variables to consider, I imagine they’re fine with genuinely ignoring the things they’re told to ignore.

Something that’s a bit of a CC surprise for me: There’s been no activity on the ED thread for NYU, S22’s ED school. I posted something with his stats weeks ago, hoping to get the conversation started, and one student responded, and that’s been it. I just posted that it looks like they’re definitely getting in, since no one else apparently applied this time around. :joy:


@Vineyarder Also surprised about complete lack of a NYU RD page for this cycle. S22 just applied RD yesterday. Maybe your son and mine can hang out when the two of them are accepted as this year’s only applicants! :grin:


No comments for UCLA either!


Or for Boston University, or UChicago. Strange.
Given that all these colleges get plenty of applications each year, what could the reason for the silence on CC be? :thinking:

What do folks here think?

I understand that need blind means it’s not supposed to be considered, but I don’t know how it could be fully ignored with how the Common App is tagged. Kudos to the AO’s if they can.

That said, I remember a Wesleyan AO telling us that they were need blind in admissions, but then they take the list to the bursar/fin aid. If the school can’t afford all of the kids that are proposed, the two departments have to begin a process of negotiation, in which need is ultimately discussed. Not sure if this is the case in all need blind schools.

And yeah, add the Brown ED1 thread to the list of seemingly abandoned topics this year.


They are probably on Reddit.


Kids are on Reddit and discord if you’re looking for the kids convos.