Parents of the HS Class of 2022

@Luanne If you do get internet access, there’s a website that allows you to get your scores early. I got a 5 :slight_smile:

Well he got a 3 in APUSH. He was thinking a 4. He’s a bit disappointed. I think next year in World History he’ll have a good head start on the writing and will hopefully do better on the test. I do wish there was more feedback about the score.

My d22 has been busy this summer. She managed to find a job and has done well with it. Final report card was great and she did well handling the stress of final exams. We are enjoying summer and preparing to send our d19 off to college at the end of next month.

@luanne, I’m sorry he’s disappointed. Really great to get a 3 after freshman year, but I’m guessing he’s a hard driving kind of kid that wants that 5! I had one of those, but my current high schooler is not that :smiley: FWIW, my daughter that did a number of AP exams always supplemented class preparation with a prep book to fill in any holes.
@mom2twogirls, so great that she got a summer job! Best wishes for your family as you transition #1 to college.
Our d22 has not been overly busy but did train for a mountain trail race that was ultimately cancelled for wildfire smoke. We’ve had health issues with an older daughter that kept me out of state for a few weeks, and I do believe she went a touch feral! :smiley: She’s the one out of state now, visiting friends and attending a marine bio camp soon. XC running practice begins at the end of the month and soph year begins!

S22 finished up his summer geometry course yesterday, so he will be taking Math Analysis (his school’s pre-calc class) this fall. And with that done, we are off to Iceland for our family vacation.

D22 finished a great summer class in human anatomy on the east coast. Three weeks, in a dorm with a very nice roommate. The best part, for her, were the many hands-on labs. Interesting that this class actually had a “mid-term” and a “final” exam. She did well. Now it’s off for a short, well earned, vacation.

Hello everyone!

So, S19 heads off to college in about a month. Nice to see several parents from the 2019 thread here. Hi guys!

That means more attention now for D22’s college plans. She won a scholarship to the camp of her choice at the local Uni, and chose ACT Prep over “funner” stuff. This won’t be the last time I mention her competitive streak, but it was her desire to beat S19’s ACT score that drove her choice. That camp wrapped on Friday, so I thought it was time to find the CC parents’ group for her year.

Nice to meet y’all!

@professionaldad We’re managing an academic competitive streak with our D. It’s a good thing to have as long as it remains a positive influence focused on her goals and ambitions. Having an academically accomplished older brother (S16) can be a double edged sword.

Hello All! This is my first post. I have been reading the site for awhile. Nice to see that there are other parents thinking this far ahead as me. Sometimes I feel that I am crazy. I just know it is all going to happen so fast.


Agree on all counts. It’s been positive so far. I’m not sure how to feel about the $20 bet they made as to whether or not she could top his score, but I’m keeping my eye on it.
D22’s Soph course-load includes Algebra 3 (+5%), Spanish 3 (+5%), English Pre-Lit (+5%), AP Bio (2 periods, +10%), AP Gov/Econ (+10%), and 7th period varsity sports.

@professionaldad , my S22 just naturally assumes he will top the ACT score of his siblings, which will be hard and is evidence of both S22’s competitive streak and clueless arrogance. Welcome to the group!

Good to see you from the 2019 thread, @professionaldad.

S22 just got back from basketball camp, one that brings players over from Switzerland for a couple of weeks of American training and competition. Last year, that entailed a flight over with the other boys; this year, a 45-minute drive. His coaches said he’s shown a lot of development and has matured as a leader on the floor, which was gratifying to hear.

He has no academic plans at all this summer. Hope that doesn’t put him at a disadvantage, but I think he’ll be fine. He is serious about his studies and prizes achievement, although his experience with the SSAT when we were considering U.S. private schools was a little frustrating. Hope he makes a smooth transition to his new school, both academically and personally.

Squirrel - why are you hanging out on a parent thread - go have fun. Maybe it is where we live but I don’t know kids who study for SAT/ACT this early. My older daughter did a 6 week MIT prep class (so much cheaper than the big name prep programs) and did really well on her junior year SAT - it gave her great merit at the school she was interested in so it was one and done for her.

My Class of 22 daughter is helping with the city recreational gymnastics program and taking figure skating lessons. Once the gymnastics ends she will help out with the beginner figure skating group class. She is also helping with a soccer camp which is a free one week program she used to do and now volunteers at each year.

Freshman don’t take APs at our high school. She is signed up to take a dual enrollment class in the fall. I’m not sure she will love having a class at night but it was her choice. It might be hard do take another one in the spring with her gymnastics including competitions on weekdays.

@momtogirls2 Lol I’m in a different state for the summer, because my mom works here…and I can’t do much other than studying or doing random things. I don’t know anyone here.

S22 finished his summer arts program on Friday and has a week off before we go away on vacation. He has done no test prep at all but lots of music theory. He’ll be joining us when we move D19 into her college dorm in 3 weeks. Class schedules are announced on August 22 and school starts on August 26. How does summer go by so fast?!?

We’re done with most of our fun part of summer, I guess. Marching band practice started this week, so we’re home for that. School starts the 26th. I agree that summer went fast this year!

I had thought S22 would go ahead and take the PSAT in October at the school. But it’s on a Saturday that also has a band competition. While we don’t have the band schedule yet, based on the last couple of years, I think he has time to do both. But it makes a busier day and he says no to taking it. Obviously, it’s only for practice, but I’m not sure how important that is.

I’m also wondering if he should take the SAT or ACT sooner than later. I’ve read that kids ahead in math don’t remember what they need if they wait on taking it. He’s had Algebra 2 already, so would be an extra year removed if he waits until 11th to take it.

I have a question for the group. My S22 is a much different child than S17 and I expect the path will be different. This past year the school gave some version of a pre PSAT and he scored in the 99% which is nice but we didn’t think too much of it, it is an early test and not really focused on college readiness.
This summer we have been getting barraged with mailers we never received for his much less academically accomplished brother. I know these mailings are essentially junk mail but there is a noted difference in what he is getting. He is getting UChicago, Ivys, etc. and yesterday a mailing from an admissions consultant that focuses solely on Ivys. The only way he would appear on these radars is the pre PSAT (or whatever it was) he took. Do schools really put that much weight on a mid 9th grade standardized test?

@iaparent I don’t think schools put much weight at all on these early scores. But, you’re on their mailing list now (enjoy). For both our S16 and D22 we asked that they opt not to share any info from the test. Our mail carrier was happy.

@iaparent , the schools buy the names and addresses of students scoring in a certain range on theses tests, for marketing. It is no indication these schools will admit him. It’s just an indication he falls within the range of students who might apply to schools like these, so the schools want to market to him to get him to apply. The number of applications is one factor used to rank colleges.

Thanks I get that it is all junk mail marketing. I am just surprised they would spend the money to purchase scores based on a test essentially testing junior high knowledge. I am going to check with my son to see if he remembers if there was an opt out option around sharing information. I’m sure he won’t remember but I’m also not sure they would include it on such a preliminary district mandated test.