Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Don’t be surprised that they would buy the scores. Your S has had a taste of success on a standardized test. Congrats, and hopefully that success will continue! If a kid falls in the range of a college, gets courted by mail (cost of maybe $2 for all mailings from one school) and applies, then the college gets the ~$100 application fee. Through such mailings, a top school might have 30,000 applicants for 3,000 slots. That’s 30,000 X $100 … three million dollars!! It’s a great return on their investment for buying the scores.

We start up soon and kids get their schedules tomorrow. It’s a weird thing here - they don’t find out until now what classes they have. Which means, the AP class with summer homework might not be on the schedule. S22 will be pretty annoyed if he’s not in the class after spending a fair amount of time on it. I know of one person who had to pick, in August, between 2 AP classes because they were only offered once and at the same time. He had done homework for both. Frustrating policy! We have our finger crossed he gets what he wants.

@Luanne Wow! That seems like a ridiculous policy. I can’t believe they would have them do summer work when they don’t even know they will be in the class. That is so frustrating. S has spent hours on his AP Physics work, he would be so upset if he wasn’t in the class now.

Our D22 started classes last week. Just like @Luanne experience she did not even know if they had enough students to support an AP Bio class! Luckily they did. Her schedule includes one AP and 5 honors classes: H. Brief Calculus, H. World History, H. Spanish 5-6, H. Physiology, H. Soph English, AP Bio.

And I’m off a day. Tomorrow is scheduling!

@Rivet2000 sounds like a good schedule! I’m glad she got the AP Bio class.

Wow, that has to be very frustrating. My dd had summer assignments for both AP Bio and APEC. She registered yesterday. Got all the classes she had planned. Classes begin on the 21st.

Today is first day of school for S22. He’s got his first AP course, AP World History. Hoping he’s ready for all the reading that’s going to require. Just gotta jump in to find out. Also, he’ll be in Math Analysis, his school’s pre-calculus class. And he’ll have two separate classes in the Engineering Program: Computer Programming 2 and Advanced Engineering. Those will be his favorite classes.

He did have to navigate some course change requests to get his schedule. Good preview of what he’ll probably have to do in college.

Yay! He got what he requested! What a relief. It looks like a hard schedule to me, but he is excited by it. He has chemistry, pre-calc, AP English Lang., AP Stats, AP World History, Chinese 4, Computer Integrated Engineering, and marching band. I hope it’s not too much. We don’t start back until the 26th.

My dd starts slow, with the two AP classes, Bio and European Civilization, Integrated Math III 2, Marching Band and Marching P.E. Then Trimesters 2 and 3 she will have Pre-Calc, and Honors Humanities. For extracurriculars, trimester 1 is marching band season, trimester 2 is water polo, and for trimester 3 she wants to switch from swim to dive, plus her year long piano and kathak dance lessons and recitals. I am also hoping it’s not too much. She insists she wants to do it all!

My S22 has the one AP class available to him this year plus 4 Honors classes.

AP Physics
H Precalculus
H US History 1 (prerequisite for APUSH)
H Chemistry
H English 10
Spanish 2

With all those classes, he’s most concerned with Spanish 2. He had a teacher for Spanish 1 last year who was retiring, she took half the year off and when she was there, did nothing. He doesn’t know how he’s going to manage Spanish 2 when he didn’t learn anything last year. His GC confirmed that this occurred too. Pretty sad that the one regular class he has is the one he’s worried about.

Other than that, he quit football and is playing baseball only this year. He’s also joining DECA. He’s planning on getting a job starting next summer and joining NHS when that becomes available to him.

@InfoQuestMom Switching to diving? Wow. I’m consistently impressed by competitive divers, something I’d never be able to do.

@sfSTEM I am not sure she will be any good at it, but she at least is willing! I would never do diving myself either.

@Lovetogolf So sorry that happened to your son in Spanish. I guess he will not be the only one in that situation. I hope that the Spanish 2 teacher will adjust and provide the support necessary. When my oldest was taking AP Spanish, the experienced teacher suddenly quit. A non proficient, inexperienced, teacher took her place. I had to put my foot down and tell my daughter that I didn’t care what her teacher wrote as feedback on her essays, if she wanted to get a good score in th actual AP exam, she had to pay attention to my edits and feedback since I was a college educated, native Spanish speaker.

Hey everyone,
Finally caught up on this thread! It’s been a very busy summer. We took a week long vacation to St Maartin in June. DD went to England with her choir for the International Children’s Choir Festival in July. She got to sing a solo in the Canterbury Cathedral and the Coventry Cathedral. Very cool experience. All three of my kids have visited the Tate Modern Museum in London. I’m still waiting to go. While she was there I vacationed in Chincoteague, VA. Very relaxing. Now DD is in NW Ontario on her grandmother’s island. It’s totally off the grid… way up there. She has no phone service, so they are playing competitive scrabble, swimming, fishing, cutting down old trees, and watching the eagles that have a nest in the tallest tree! And she’s reading her three summer mandatory books.
She doesn’t get her schedule until Monday. First day is September 3. She has a rigorous schedule and she wants to audition for the play in the fall and the musical in the spring. And she made the women’s choir- the only one from her middle school. High School here is grades 10, 11, and 12. So it’s a new building, too. There are about 3500 kids in the high school!
I really enjoy hearing about all the kids. It’s my last one so I’m already feeling nostalgic.
And FYI… we had a few high school kids in our Parents Class of 2014 thread… there are now some of the most interesting and accomplished adults who are approaching 30! It’s been lovely to watch them grow and blossom. They needed advice from those other than their parents. I’m happy to be one of their cyber moms. And I’m very good friends with some of the moms I met on there, too!

Back to school today for S22! Being the third child and since we just got back from vacation, he is still missing the correct calculator, a new book bag, his religion textbook and his locker lock. He has not completed registration for his APUSH class, and does not have a copy of his schedule. Here we go!

Our rural HS dropped Spanish 3 at the last moment, and moved our DD to German 1. We said no, and got her into choir to cover the arts graduation criteria. Here’s hoping that selective colleges don’t bristle at only 2 years of a foreign language…
D is a fall and spring athlete. She was 4th in state last year in her spring sport (pole vaulting) and has decided that she wants to work hard and get to the podium this year. But the rules say we can’t practice with a coach after school until after the new year, and school district liability rules are keeping us from using the pit at school for a father-daughter practice. We have been working out 3-4x per week without the pit, but it’s not the same. So frustrating to see the pit sitting there, and not be able to practice!

They won’t. She can’t take what is not offered,and that was out of her control. The GC should state that the course was dropped in the GC rec.

@professionaldad that is frustrating! The parents of the top HS pole vaulter in our area built their own pit in their backyard. Perhaps that is why! Probably maintains property value better than a pool!

@vistajay - Yeah. The greatest American pole vaulter in history (set the record last month) lives in town, and he has a private pit. No doubt it has helped, but it’s a bit out of our price range. :smile:

DD got her schedule today. She got all the classes she requested:
AP US History
H Biology
H Pre Calculus
H Latin 3
Gifted English
Intro to Acting
They have to take Aquatics
and Health Decisions