Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Congrats on the Presidential Scholarship. A friend’s daughter is interested in Delaware and has been accepted, but waiting to hear from Syracuse. A middle-aged Delaware alum I know is now a leading sports biographer and raves about his time as a Blue Hen.

Twenty ED applicants to NYU! Definitely a popular choice. I hope many of them will be joining my S22 there, if all goes well tomorrow. The supposed portal indicators seem to be all over the map this year, so still pretty much where we were before: hopeful but in the dark.

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Thank you

Congrats on Presidential Scholarship!
Wow! 20 to NYU!!! Are you in NY or is NYU just the hot school? It’s so hard…my DC has applied ED (finds out today) and learned (the day after submitting) that tons of kids from their school applied ED to the same college (came as a bit of a surprise b/c it hadn’t traditionally been a college where a lot of kids from their high school apply)…what can you do? It will all work out in the end.


I wouldn’t say it’s totally no harm, no foul if you pull out of an ED contract. It’s true no one is going to sue you or come after you, but your child’s high school also signed that contract and if the school gets a rep for breaking ED contracts it can affect future students. In addition there are occasional anecdotal tales of colleges sharing names of those who break contracts though who knows if they are true. Fact is, if you’ve run the NPC and are ok with that number, you can safely apply ED. If they don’t meet that number you negotiate. If they still won’t then you break the contract and no one would blame you. But fact is most colleges don’t want that rep so it’s to their advantage to get pretty dang close to that number. If you run the NPC and don’t like the number then don’t apply ED as you don’t have a leg to stand on in that case.


Best of luck to your child! My son was torn between 2 schools for ED (he loves them both and could see himself at either) but picked the one we did not expect to apply ED to. He mentioned at dinner last week that a bunch of his friends applied to the other school ED… Now I wonder if he wanted to not be compared to them…

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I mean use that to not go through with the contract, although you could use it the other way if you were really polite and worded it the right way. That’s what I would try first, actually, but I have no knowledge of whether it works.

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I was advised by several professionals to keep a copy of the NPC. It’s not hard to do.


Thanks. I think your son has a lot of unique things that will be appealing to NYU. Best of luck tomorrow. I have a soft spot for Fordham since my husband is an alum of their law school, so he has good options.

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Thanks. I am in NJ, a half hour train ride to NYC. Every year a few kids from our senior class go to NYU but not 20:). You are right that everything will work out.

Anyone know about the mechanics of the EA to ED2 switch in terms of the school GC, during a period school is out?

We’re wondering about an ED2 bid for a Jan 1 deadline, but how do you do that except in advance, since it requires cooperation from the GC?

My daughter would love a few days of downtime to take a breath and think it over, but school is closing very soon.

This probably would be worth a call to the college to see if they expect everything in by January 1, or if just your daughter’s part needs to be in by Jan 1 and the rest (transcript, counselors rec, and ED agreement) has a slight grace period.

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S22 didn’t apply to any ED schools because he just didn’t feel strongly enough about a single one more than the others, but did apply to the two that offered EA.

Waiting to hear from the second one at the end of this week, and it’s just torture! :joy: Not sure how we’re going to stand waiting all the way until mid to late March for the other schools!


Interesting learning. My S22 said that the first person in his class that isn’t in TAG is ranked #46 in a class of roughly 510. My kiddo got into TAG in eleventh grade for some classes but not the overall program. TAG kids get to retest up to 100 but non-TAG classes can only retest up to 70. Nonsense.

The thing is that NPCs aren’t accurate for many families, especially at schools who require CSS Profile. NPCs may not be accurate for divorced families, those who own businesses, or those who own real estate beyond a primary home.

NPCs results are also only as good as the accuracy and completeness of the inputs…for example many people forget to add certain things back into income like child support and/or 401K/retirement plan contributions. And if the NPC doesn’t specifically prompt for those numbers, people forget them, or don’t even know they are added back into income.

IMO a college holding a HS responsible and/or administering consequences for a student pulling out of an ED contract here and there is unsubstantiated rumor.


That’s a crazy retest policy! Everyone (GT or not) at our school must retest if the grade is <70. It’s up to the teacher what they can max that retest grade at, but most are 85.

It’s amazing how different high schools can be. DD knows all of the top 10% at her school (that’s 18 people), and besides her only one - a friend of hers that we took with us on a trip to Tulane - has applied to any top 100 schools (Tulane, and BC after DD’s input). Only one other even looked outside the state and plans to apply to #202. DD is the clear exception, applying all over the country, including college rank #’s 8, 13, 26, 35, 51, 73, 79, 114, 149, 174, 194.

Hearing about 20 NYU apps at one school is mind-blowing.


Wow, is it common that high schools allow re-testing? Ours does not. If the test average is in the low C-range, it might get curved to a low B-mean (harder APs), but there is no re-testing ever.


At least since middle school, we’ve been able to retake. In HS, one can only retake tests and the retake grade is the new grade (up to 70). In the GT classes, and maybe all APs, you can retake to 100. Also, one can drop a grade of athletics or band if you were in it for three to four years because a 100 in a regular class brings down your WGPA and people were dropping the extracurriculars. This phenomenon is a good reminder why admissions reps need to know the HS and relative success.

Also, I believe Texas mandates that all schools have to rank the top 10% for university admission purposes. UT-Austin auto admits the top 6% and all other publics admit the top 10%. Major admission may vary.

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I believe at our high school there is an admin on call to do things for students to meet deadlines during winter break. They do require a 72 hour notice for sending the school’s letters of rec and transcript, etc. This would include switching to add the ED contract. If you ask to send materials within those 72 hours of the deadline they do not guarantee it will be done on time.

You could ask at your school whether they can handle these things during the break? It is, after all, when lots of deadlines fall (1/1).

Interesting! It just seems like a recipe for rampant gpa inflation–and how do you distinguish who gets all the As the first time around vs the ones with the same GPA who needed another or multiple tries to get the As? You are right–AOs /reps need to know these differences.