Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Good luck to your D! My S spent all week, especially today, on if he should change from ED to RD before the decision drops as he likes other schools he’s been accepted to, more merit money than any of us anticipated, and is second-guessing himself. It is so close to the decision and not a sure thing so think he will ride it out and if he isn’t in, he has some great other options that are excited about him. I’m glad he did EA for most other schools as I couldn’t handle waiting until spring for decisions.


Sounds like he has some great choices.

Your story made my day- I am here for DS22. While his college application process has been pretty unremarkable and he is a strong student, my DS25 struggles with some mild to medium LDs. He is very smart, but we aren’t sure how well he will develop coping strategies in time for 4-year college immediately after HS. Your post gave me so much hope…and a timely reminder to keep breathing :slight_smile:

Good luck to your family and thank you again for sharing


Our NJ HS allows students to submit test corrections for comprehensive Unit tests only. There are 2-3 of those tests per quarter per major subject. In honors classes students may earn back a maximum of 25% of the points lost, and in AP classes they may earn back a max of 50% of the points lost. If the corrected answers submitted are not perfect, then the students will not gain back the full 25% or 50% of the lost points. Multiple choice and True/False questions do not qualify for test correction. Students get one chance to submit corrections and they must meet the teacher’s deadline.

When this policy was first implemented many parents were very upset. It has been in place for about 10 years now and it has produced positive results for the school environment as a whole. Students seem more invested in actually learning the material.


S22 has his first acceptance, to his #1 target, Rose-Hulman! Very happy for him.


Great to hear! Congratulations!

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Wonderful! Congrats!

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Our school allows two retakes per semester for College Prep classes and one retake per semester for Honors and AP classes. Grade is fully replaced with second test score.

Retesting- this was a pet peeve of my daughter who has several friends at a neighboring HS that could always retest and get A’s. Then they all got high honors etc. She always said that she would have high honors too every term if she went to their school. At her HS it’s rare for a retake. For example in pre calculus, she failed because she did the calculations “backwards” and maybe the whole class failed because for the first time, the teacher gave retakes. But then averaged them.

Very nice :+1:t3: Congrats :tada:

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I’m so glad our story gives you hope. I still would have followed that original plan, and I still feel it was solid. But I wish I could go back to the Me of the early years and tell myself it would be okay. I was so worried for so long. We had great support from the schools and teachers (most of them), and we advocated regularly. There were a lot of life discussions that required multiple passes before they sunk in. And a lot of failures that taught him lessons about how to be better prepared in the future.


As I see a bunch of comments on retakes, you might be interested in the discussions on a CC thread about CA doing away with D’s and F’s and replacing them with incompletes.

I’ve been studying a program called Grading for Equity by Joe Feldman for a doctoral program and wrote some detailed explanations of how it works in that thread. I also answered a lot of questions. Though I do have to warn you that, predictably, some of the posts went off the rails. But you can quickly recognize and ignore those. My first reply was the 5th on the thread and I continued to answer questions for a few days. Overall I was impressed with how genuine the discussions and questions were.


Very happy for your kid. Heard good things about the school. More to come hang in there.

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@s318830 a friend’s older daughter with autism just graduated from college this December. I think she did go to community college first, but ended up at a 4 yr school and has a career path mapped out. Congrats on your son’s admission!


My D22, just got her admission to her dream school, Warren Wilson College. She’s pretty happy. I think she will be 5 for 5 on acceptances because she didn’t apply to any reaches.


Congratulations! It’s great that she’s already done and has a range of options.


Thank you. We’re still awaiting the remainder of the admissions. Those will be the important ones (the one he currently has is an extreme safety and not where he plans to go). I’m blown away that his maturity and grades have put him in a position to possibly get into a reach school.


S22 got into NYU! Already took our family picture in the preordered swag. We’re over the moon!


Whoo-hoo! :partying_face: Congrats!

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