Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Awesome! My older daughter is a '20 Princeton grad. Good experience all around. Be sure to join the Princeton Parents Facebook group. Invaluable info there.


Congrats to all of you with acceptances! So exciting!

Anyone else entering a dead zone of info in late December/January? My D’s top two college choices won’t release decisions until end of February. She applied all EA, no ED. So we wait, impatiently in my case! Maybe I’ll try to rope her into applying for a scholarship or two! :slight_smile:

Also, anyone have any thoughts on joining the parent FB groups for colleges your student has been accepted to but not certain about? Just the top ones? Join them all?


We are in the completely opposite position in our house with decisions from desirable but highly rejective schools coming Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday.

I’m also curious about the Facebook groups and was not sure about what to do.


Join whatever Facebook groups allow accepted but not committed students. You can learn a lot about things to look out for, especially with housing, and just get a feel for the culture. If 2 schools are close in the end, it could be helpful.


Oh, wow! Very stressful to have all that right before the holidays. Hoping for good news for you!

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Best wishes @lll1!

Similar situation at our home. My daughter’s friends and classmates have all been hearing decisions all month long, and especially this week. Meanwhile, she has only heard from one school so far - her safety - and that was a month ago.

Now between today and tomorrow she’s going to hear from a few reaches. So the level of anticipation and anxiety is sky high.
Hoping and praying for the best. We’ll see. :crossed_fingers:t3:


Thx! I just joined the group on your suggestion

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S22 has heard from 4 EA schools (including his #1) - accepted to all, including honors college and plenty of merit from each of the schools.

He has 3 more EA decisions to come. At least 1 of them will be in January. The other two release decisions in waves, and at this point he may need to wait till January.

Between acceptance letters, honors college notifications, and merit awards there is always something to wait for. There is even additional merit that may be added to the merit he was already awarded. I don’t think we will be fully done with all this till sometime in March.


My S has heard form 8 schools, all acceptances that make them within budget for us. He’s waiting on one tonight and then 2 more, one of which will come in Feb. The Feb school is his reach and seems to be his #1 even though it’s the only one he hasn’t visited. I do think waiting builds up some of the excitement and makes it seem more desirable. When they all come at once it can seem a bit anti-climactic to them. Of course the Feb school is also probably going to be the most expensive. Its within budget, but barely. We are torn between wanting him to get in and wanting him rejected.


@Luanne Shout-out to that CC college acceptance prediction for Rose-Hulman. LOL, nailed it


D22’s top schools on her list did not offer ED nor EA so her process has been really different from her friends’. While other people are wrapping things up she still has four applications to write! She’s been accepted to two safety-ish schools that she really likes, but I warned her early that it might be difficult if lots of her friend get into their top choices early. So far, it hasn’t phased her.

I know that RD will be tough but frankly the time is letting her craft really good applications. She has done a lot of virtual visits, talked to students, AOs, etc. She’s getting increasingly excited about all her choices because she learns more about the great programs they offer. We’ll see how it goes!


In retrospect, I am happy that D22 applied to four safety schools EA. We have been able to get excited about acceptances and merit offers and Honors Colleges and do tours — all before she hears back from the most selective schools on her list.

The record of successes and fun imagining her at multiple good options should take some of the sting out of any rejections that may come down the road.


D22 only applied to safeties (one might’ve been borderline match, but they are only moderately selective). She’s 4 outta 5 right now. Still waiting on one that will be RD (they don’t do EA), but she got in her number one, so we don’t really care that much. She is pretty relieved and happy. She will need to do some scholarship essays, but pretty happy right now.


Waiting on UGA early action scholarship email. :grimacing: Supposed to come late this afternoon. If S22 gets the OOS tuition difference full waiver, it will be a top contender!


Completely agree with this approach. We are going all in at the safety schools — honors colleges, extra applications and essays for top scholarships, etc.


Same here :slight_smile:


Obviously that is a great admit. Congratulations to you and more importantly your student.


Have no skin in the game this year but so enjoy seeing all the great ED and EA admissions. But for those still waiting, as hard as it is, stay strong and know that your student will no doubt end up at a great school. Even if not the “dream” school it will allow them to thrive. I speak with experience as my D18 was rejected at 4 of her top choices, waitlisted at a 5th but went to a place that she ended up thriving and loving.


D a Stamps semi- finalist for University of Oregon!


The scholarships essay and interview rounds can work, but do not spread her too thin. They can be time consuming and the interviews can have multiple tiers.

If there is one she is really just not into, cut that one so more effort can go into the others. There were a few D21 spent time on and they were not even acknowledged by the college. She was very successful with others. I think it really depends on their priorities for the year.

It also shows demonstrated interest if trying to ask for additional need based aid. They want to know you are going to come to the school If offered the scholarship.

All the best! Good luck to her!