Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Thanks. Accepted to Elon with a $30,000 Presidential Scholarship. What a relief. I think that school could be a really good fit for her.


That’s great news! Congratulations and best wishes!

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I was hoping to be done by Christmas. Initially, it looked like RHIT was a perfect fit - small classes, focus on undergrads, etc. - but he did not have a great experience at Catapult and he can’t get past the location in Terre Haute. He really liked CWRU, which surprised us with a very nice campus, flexibility on selecting majors, and a welcoming culture. We were hoping to get into these two, and be done by the end of December.

He applied to CMU as an almost impossible reach, largely because I went there. He was not excited about it because of the school’s reputation as a grind. Then we got a tour from a friend who is a Junior ChemE, so he could get into the science and engineering building to see all the resources, and the wheels started turning. Then the admissions officer from MSU said “CMU does cutting edge, but MSU will get you a job!”, and all of a sudden, J was hot on CMU.


Mom270, Congratulations on Elon! Is your daughter excited about it?


Reject from Duke ED :(. This is also S22’s first reject. Would any one know, if Admissions office would be willing to give feedback on the decision? It would help his sibling, D25 when she gets ready to apply.

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I think my husband and I were more excited about the school than D but we visited campus in the summer due to her sports schedule and it was pretty empty. Maybe we can go back for another look.

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Fantastic, @Mom270 !! Really great news.

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My D is a sophomore at Elon, let me know if you have any questions. And congrats on the scholarship, that is amazing as Elon gives very little merit money. What was the other school if you don’t mind sharing?


Her dream school was the Villanova School of Business. I went through the college process with my son two years ago and he took rejection much better. It’s been a rough few days.

Elon encouraged her to apply for Fellows/Scholars. I think those programs sound great. Elon actually offers most of the same opportunities as the “dream school” except for big time sports.


They don’t give reasons or feedback, and there is nothing wrong, they could fill their class thousands of times over with perfect valedictorians who are the team captain and other amazing stats. It is a crapshoot to some degree. I would talk to your GC if that would help. Did they encourage ED for Duke? Our friend’s son was encouraged not to burn his ED at Duke but use it for Brown, he did Duke anyway since he had perfect grades, nationally ranked in a sport, and everything perfect. What he didn’t know is there was a legacy from his school applying and her parents were kicking in for a sports team donation. Nice kid, average good grades and they got the spot. He is now at Brown after transferring from another highly ranked school, but it took a year and lots of sadness. Be glad for the rejection vs the holding out hope for months on end when it was illusory. Onward, and Duke’s loss.


Congratulations! Elon sounds great to me. D just accepted too with some merit. Not enough to make it affordable, but we’ll see what happens!


Sorry for those disappointed this week. That must be tough. I’m sure we’ll our rejections soon enough too. But they’ll bounce back and find their place.

Congrats to so many acceptances! What a big week!

S22 was accepted at RHIT as well. He doesn’t have a top pick yet, but I think this might be it, if there is enough scholarship to make it work.


D22 got into Brown! We are done with applications! :grinning:

Congratulations to all the acceptance!

For those of you haven’t got good news, keep trying and good news will come!


D22 got into Princeton! We are done, too! Now we can really enjoy the holidays


S22 in at American U and excited! Whew.



Congrats!! DM if you have any questions! I asked it all last year :slight_smile:


My son is a freshman at Elon and absolutely loves it!


Oh well, I guess Duke was not meant for him. Thx for sharing your friend’s son’s story.

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Hi friends, celebrating these amazing achievements tonight :tada::tada::tada::tada:

As we all know, a college acceptance is the product of persistence, tenacity, and fierce character. These characteristics can be celebrated at many, many types of colleges. Some of the most esteemed careers have stemmed from the most humble backgrounds.

A deferral or rejection speaks more to the subjective nature of college admissions (and the crazy times in which we live), but does not have ANY implication on the rest of life.

Kids, parents, it’s been a journey! YOU have done well :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


My S22 was admitted ED to Claremont McKenna yesterday. In the short term, the holiday season is suddenly much more open and inviting since I don’t need to chain him to a chair to work on college essays. :rofl:

Also, he is so excited, which is wonderful after a difficult fall semester (returning to in-person school had more challenges than he expected.)

And for me, the financial aid offer from CMC was better than what the NPC indicated if would be. That was a happy surprise.