Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Ally, I do not know if your daughter had a chance to visit DePaul, but it is in a great, fun neighborhood in Chicago. DePaul is also great about building ties with potential employers to create a pipeline for internships and jobs. My wife hired a lot of DePaul grads and they were very successful.


@trops - Congrats on Tulane. And hereā€™s hoping for great merit!


I took S22 & D24 to Cal Poly Pomona for a tour today. DS seems to have truly finally engaged in the college topic now. CPP is his #2 choice and we expect an acceptance. He took a bunch of photos. He didnā€™t ask any questions of the guide, but he asked me a bunch afterward and a few as we walked.

The tour (60-75 mins) didnā€™t include a tour of the BRIC (recreation center) but I wanted the kids to see it. We went to the book store (DS bought a t-shirt) and then to the BRIC. It was still open and a couple of the staff were willing (and happy to) give us a tour. Itā€™s a great facility and the BRIC employees were super helpful and nice. Makes me want to go back to college!

Both kids really liked it. My daughter is interested too, but isnā€™t sure what she wants to major in.

The guide was a member of the honors college and listed some of the benefits and features. The fact that CPPā€™s honors college comes with priority registration means heā€™ll definitely apply. But it also changed his mind on whether to apply for SDSUā€™s honors college. Yesterday he wasnā€™t going to. Today, on the drive home, he decided that heā€™ll do it. Iā€™m not sure if SDSUā€™s HC comes with priority registration, but we can figure that out later if he gets it and if he decides to go.

As we drove home, DS asked if we could go tour SLO. I had to tell him probably only if he gets accepted. They only have tours on Mondays and Fridays right now. Weā€™d been scheduled for a SLO tour in March 2020. COVID cancelled it and I havenā€™t been able to make it work since. Iā€™d been hoping to engage DS on the college topic with that tour. With todayā€™s reaction, I was probably right. Luckily he kept up his grades anyway and itā€™s still a possibility for him.

Attached are some of the photos DS took during the tour.



CPP alumni here. I loved my time at CPP which was my local CSU.

SDSU Honorā€™s college no longer offers priority class registration which is one of the best perks of being part of an Honors college. Although it has been 4 years since my younger son graduated from SDSU, he did not have many issues in getting the classes he wanted as long as he was flexible with start times.


My wife went to school there in the early 2000ā€™s when it was predominantly a commuter school. Looking back at lot of her friends from cpp are doing very well today.

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@Gumbymom - very cool you went to CPP. Excellent school. The only reason SLO is higher on our list for DS is because of the campus social life and smaller town environment outside the campus. But his Engineering teacher speaks really highly of both programs and says she actually prefers CPP by a hair. And thank you very much for the info on SDSUā€™s honors college.

@raj_125 - yeahā€¦ CPP was/is definitely more of a commuter school. I know theyā€™ve been trying to address that with all non-local freshman living on campus. I like their on-campus housing options for Sophomores-Seniors too. And theyā€™ve definitely been adding things to campus to make it more appealing to stay on campus. That BRIC is spectacular.

I talked to DS about doing things like joining clubs and getting involved. While CPP is still more of a commuter school, students still have plenty of opportunities to get involved in campus life if they try.

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No, weā€™ve not had a chance to visit yet. But I keep hearing so many positive things! Thank you for your input!

According to UWā€“Madison Admissions (@UWAdmissions) / Twitter

We will email Early Action decisions at the end of January

Iā€™m not expecting anything before then. D22 still has 6 of her 9 EA decisions pending. The earliest is Jan 15. Wisconsin is only in the middle.

Ally, DePaul is in Lincoln Park, which is a yuppy neighborhood with lots of great bars and restaurants. It is largely a commuter school, and many students are first generation to attend college. The focus is on career preparation, rather than ā€œfinding yourselfā€. Many students live at home and are working their way through school, so there is no campus social life, per se, but there is a lot of fun and culture nearby.

My wife ran an international payroll company and she hired many students out of DePaul. Many of them were the children of recent immigrants, or immigrants themselves, who spoke 2-3 languages, which was a huge benefit for her business. They worked hard and some stayed with her for over 10 years, advancing through the company. I worked in real estate, and attended conferences on industry trends hosted by DePaul which gave current students ample opportunities to network and get interviews.

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The common data set says 30% of DePaul students are from out of state so how can it be a commuter school? My kid is seriously considering it too but canā€™t get a clear ā€œvibeā€


Per Niche 74% of Freshman live on campusā€¦


Many of my wifeā€™s hires from DePaul lived at home and worked while at school, which prompted my comment about it being a commuter school.

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Hi - when does one send letter of continued interest for ED deferrals? before RD deadline or sometime in Jan? Thanks

Makes sense, thanks for the clarification

Many schools indicate in their decision letter how and when to respond. Itā€™s probably best to send a thoughtful message in early January reiterating interest and updating admissions on any curricular and extracurricular achievements. Reddit a2c has a number of good pointers.

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Yes, I do wish they had more on-campus housing. I attended a commuter school and really did not like that aspect of my experience. Was hoping for something different for my D, but she is pretty excited about DePaul, sight unseen!


Same situation. Have since learned that one of the full ride competitions my daughter is in is very unselective in the nomination stage and seems to be a ploy to get admitted kids to go to a required admitted students required presentation, kind of like bait. Still, someone is going to win the lottery and the odds are better than the lottery. Good luck to yours!!


DS got the invitation to apply to the Honors College for CPP today (though, since Iā€™m writing this after 12:30 am on Christmas after finishing wrapping everything, I guess he received it yesterday.) That one heā€™ll definitely be applying to.

Did anyone else cringe/chuckle a little at the beginning of Spider Man as the main characters were waiting to hear about college admission? Poor DS is trying to forget about it right now and that came up immediately on the screen.


We really liked DePaul and the ā€œcommuteā€ of some students after the first year or two, was blocks to campus from apartments shared with other kids they met in the dorms. It definitely wasnā€™t the campus in the middle of nowhere campus, but had a good vibe and campus feel. We know someone who attended and she loved it and had plenty of social life with fellow college students.



Yes, my wife and I took note of that ā€” and how funny it was that they were waiting for physical letters rather than checking their portals. A world with Stark Industries nanotechnology and snail-mail college notifications. :rofl: