Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Yeah I made my son look as well for SJSU - but it said “in progress”

[Edited because I was mistaken that DS22 got into SJSU already. I misread his initial “welcome to MySJSU” email because he’d received a lengthy process email the same day as his SDSU acceptance.]

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What does your son’s application status say? Also, are you in the local service area for SJSU.

And now I feel like a complete idiot. I misread the first message he got welcoming him to MySJSU and the other email was just the explanation of the process. He got it the same day as the SDSU acceptance.

So everyone going, “huh?!” was absolutely right. I’m going to amend my other message but leave this one so everyone else’s posts still make sense.

Now I have to tell DS he hasn’t gotten in (yet?). Luckily, as I mentioned before, it’s SLO he wants, so he’s not going to be upset. But I still feel like an idiot.


No worries. Thanks for letting us know.

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Four acceptances for D22 (kinesiology/exercise science major) thus far:

DePaul (with $23500 merit). She’s most excited about this one.
Saint Louis University ($25000 merit). But it’s a 3+3 program culminating in DPT, so I think that’s a very strong point in SLU’s favor.
Simmons (with $26000 merit, but for 6 years instead of the usual 4!). This is also a 3+3 program, but you need a 3.5 to be granted entry into the second 3 years. But that scholarship is amazing!
Chico State. This is the only school that D has actually visited.

Waiting on other CSUs and UCs, as well as some private schools. Not sure how much more capacity D has for writing more essays!


Congrats! And some nice merit there.

Thank you! This was the intention of course. But it’s interesting how the merit brings the cost down to something close to full-pay at the UCs! I suppose that is intentional on the part of the universities as well.


We found this as well with Santa Clara U, D21 was awarded just enough merit to bring the cost down to just a bit higher than the UC’s. But nowhere close to SLO. :smile:


D22 heard back from her last two colleges so she is 5/5 acceptances :tada:

S22 is still waiting (including one of the schools his twin got into). This is so hard!


I do feel for your S22. That must be tough for him. Hopefully he’ll get good news too. Do they want to go to the same school or are they considering heading off in separate directions?


Thank you. They only applied to one school that was the same and my daughter doesn’t really want to go there, but my son does. They don’t want the same school, but both want to stay close to home so they won’t be far from each other.

:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: for good news soon


I don’t know if this is common or not but my D22 went into virtual hibernation after her school term ended - sleeping 14 or more hours three nights in a row. I can imagine she must have felt totally exhausted and depleted, after juggling so many things this past semester. At one point I asked whether she was upset with the Stanford outcome but she said she was okay.

Yesterday, she resumed exploring the offerings at her remaining potential schools. She found a program, buried within a major she didn’t think had much to do with her area of interest, that greatly excited her. So, back to the essay grindstone!


She sounds very resilient! I am sure she will end up doing amazingly well where ever she ends up.


Many thanks for your encouraging words.

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Best Wishes to all the kids/families! ED did not work out for D22. After semester finals end today, after a brief break, gearing up for the final round of RDs. When one door closes, another window will open. I am confident and hopeful it will work out in the longer run for all families! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!


Congrats to those who got into their preferred schools and hugs to those that haven’t yet.
It’s been a good week at our house, D22 did get into Tulane EA with merit and honors program. She’s over the moon but also knows it’s only the first ride of this rodeo. We need a lot more money for her to be able to attend, so we wait for full FA letter and scholarship decisions (and I bought lotto tickets :wink: .
This process is a rollercoaster for sure.


Congrats to your daughter on Tulane! Fingers crossed on financial aid.


As we enter the holiday break, my D22 waiting patiently to hear back from her last early school: UW-Madison. They haven’t released ANYTHING and some of these students applied 4-5 months ago. sigh So hard to be patient. Happy Holidays to everyone!


Met with our financial advisor yesterday to discuss our D22s 529 funds. We decided to move 1 yrs worth of tuition into a very safe bond fund. We’ll meet again in 6 months to consider next steps. Not sure what the market will do, the investment horizon for her 529s is getting shorter.