Parents of the HS Class of 2022

I’m sorry she has more waiting again. I know that was not the decision for which she hoped.

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He will be submitting 5 more applications by next week.


We are finally getting some college visits in. We’re heading to Alabama tomorrow for visits on Thursday. And on Monday we’ll be at Case Western. I hope he starts to have opinions on what he likes and dislikes about them!

Now just crossing our fingers that the flights don’t get canceled!


A 14 year old 8th grader in our district was recently arrested and charged as an adult for a similar “joke”. School was moved to remote teaching at 5:30am for the day. Doing it on a device that connects to the school’s network wasn’t smart.


what does “lottery school” mean? A school with a very low acceptance rate?

We’re also shotgunning.

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Yes. We say “lottery school” when odds of acceptance are very low, regardless of stats.


Been getting emails from admitted colleges about events for admitted students and nearly all are in-person. Considering I still have high school to attend and that these colleges are a plane ride away, does skipping the events reflect poorly on my commitment to them?

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If you are already accepted, it doesn’t matter at all! Congrats!


I have not accepted any yet. Just admitted at this point. Attending these events in person is not possible due to time and distance at this time.

It’s not a problem! At this point, it’s up to you to attend or not. They aren’t going to change their mind if you don’t attend.


Thank you.

Wishing you all (parents and students) a great last semester of high school! Hopefully college decisions get made and everyone can have that weight lifted off them so these last few months can be enjoyable.

I watched my son come down in his new college swag and head off to the start of his 2nd semester this morning and I could see how proud he was. I wish this for all the kids out there!


Does not attending events for accepted students have any effect on merit awards? In other words, do schools still track demonstrated interest of accepted students in determining who will get additional merit scholarships with their financial aid awards?

At most schools, merit awards are released well ahead of accepted student days. I don’t now of a school that tracks “interest” after decisions.

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Thanks. I was thinking of events for top scholars /Honors College students. Some of those are in December/January ahead of financial aid awards and accepted student days.

But I have never seen anything that suggests demonstrated interest of accepted students is tracked, either.

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That was the reason for my question too. :smiley:
Many scholarships applications for colleges that have admitted me are due in March timeframe but admitted student events are happening January and February.

If you need an advocate in admissions for negotiation of awards, and for more formal competitions for scholarships that are yet to be determined, participation in admitted events could possibly matter. You never know. Unless they state it outright, which many do: there is an admitted event for a scholarship at Agnes Scott that is required as part of the competition. At another school my daughter is vying for a scholarship at, we are suggesting times we are “going to” visit, but not signing up for events, to continue to demonstrate interest.

Where we are negotiating offers, due to money and time constraints, we are not going to demonstrate interest physically but only in the language of emails sent. In some cases we’ve more or less suggested “we’ll visit once you can make pursuing this further worth it.” Sometimes this is involving dealing with coaches too.

If there is something on the line and it’s easy to visit, you should probably do it.

Note that this is not meant as an answer to questioners who seemed to just be wondering if anything is on the line for already admitted students in general, in which case the answer is just like everyone said-- no, the ball is entirely in your court now.

For the more prestigious and competitive awards, I would think colleges want to offer the awards to students that are likely to attend in which case interest may matter. We are in a similar boat.

@spc you could perhaps reach to admission and inquire if there are accepted events in March or April.

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But the kind of lottery where you pay if you win :grinning:


It depends on the school and the scholarship(s). If it is an interview/scholarship event then you should most definitely attend and they will be watching your interest/engagement through out the event, not just during the interview.

Schools with multiple acceptance dates often have multiple admitted student days. The tables turn after you are admitted. The school decided that they want you and they want you to choose them. They know students applied to, and were likely accepted to, multiple schools - some sight unseen. They also know that students’ opinions of schools, majors, programs, etc. change from Aug - May. Admitted student days are a way for a school to showcase things you might not have looked at prior to submitting your application and they need to do this in a timely fashion after they accept you.

I would imagine that most events will be offered both in person as well as virtual this year

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