Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Well, no reply from the counselor about what gets sent with a mid-year report. I’m not surprised by that, but was hoping! I think we will work on wording and add a couple of sentences addressing it.

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I’m a planner, have a busy job and a busy kid so I too am dreading the thought of last minute trips. Some would be icing on the cake, since we’ve done campus tours. But three big reaches are on the other side of the country and she has only visited 1 and that was when no students were there. The campus vibe/tenor of students will be such an important factor. Dates for the events aren’t clear. These are real reaches, I get that, but it’s still worrying me.


I hate that decisions will come so close to April vacation. S22 has seen a few of his schools - but not all of them. I don’t want to pre-plan in case he is rejected, but hate the last minute aspect of it all.


Confession: I booked hotel rooms and plane trips for one possible trip. If D22 knew she would say I jinxed it.


Just beginning to dawn on us that we’ll have to plan “admitted student day” trips in a hurry as soon as RD decisions start rolling in (hoping things work out favorably).

It’s tempting to book our flights since they can be changed/canceled for free right now - but like @Southoftheriver’s kid my D (and W!) will feel I jinxed it if I book now :grinning:


The anxiety of last minute planning for April plus the reality of Chicago in February is brutal!

Correct, NorCal does not put “the” in front of the freeway numbers.

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@Ilovepasta congrats to your family! The most important thing are the students whom your son will be surrounded by and I will tell you that as a parent walking the campus on several occasions, I would have students come up and help me with navigation without even me asking and then they would go into convo. Students there are chill and friendly. Advisors are caring per my son. RAs are decent students at the dorm. Join your 2026 page. I love my 2025 page. Many of us are clueless together. The main page always have a couple of irrelevant and irreverent parents and I don’t go on FB enough to know how to block or hide them. There will be some entitled parents but ignore them. Most of us or normal people whose kids worked hard to get in and we don’t take that for granted.



How many of us (both moms and dads) can relate to this? :smiling_face_with_tear: :grinning:


So perfect! I love the tension of uncertainty on both parent and child. It won’t be long before we all grapple with the duality of grasping and letting go :white_heart:

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Come spring we’ll see airfares skyrocketting :grinning:

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S22 did officially decline an acceptance yesterday, but it’s because it was his safety, he was already accepted by another college he’d go to instead if those were the only two that accept him, and one of the safety’s admissions officers called him on his phone and left a message. He didn’t want the chance of any more phone calls.
[interesting article on Gen-Z’s dislike of phone calls and the repercussions on businesses- Millennials and Gen-Z Hate Phone Calls – Companies Need to Adapt (or Fail) | goDeskless]

I see in the CPP thread that a Sociology major got her acceptance today. I’m hoping that’s a good sign for other colleges/majors to start sending out acceptances. It’d be a relief to have that one come in soon. Then just one more decision and we’d know where S22 is going. I know what I said, above (sit back and relax and enjoy having DS home before taking him to college), but I don’t think I’ll stop nail-biting until we know.


I have a senior at Olin, if you want to pm me.

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@DadOfJerseyGirl I’m there exactly. I have 5 windows open to google flights with flights all picked out but am afraid to book them. Can you jinx it if you student doesn’t know you did it? Does a tree make a sound when it falls in the forest and nobody hears it?!


:rofl: deep thoughts

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I sure hope jinxing isn’t real! Join me in the club of practical thinking!

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Yeah, I’m trying to ignore what might or might not have to happen regarding travel in April.

I know this is not for this thread but you are all already experienced.

I have a question for my D24’s next year schedule.

I think D24 is not at all an AP Science student based on how she is doing with her AP BIO. I think it was part of my mistake too. I thought AP BIO is little easier (my older daughter’s opiniont) than AP Chem. Of course, in our school everyone struggles with AP Chem and I have seen my older one struggled with it too. So thought maybe this is better for D24 and suggested her to take AP BIO but she is working so hard but not able to really bring up the grade.

Now, for next year she wants to take AP Lang, AP Stats, AP Gov, AP Micro/Macro, ASL, Hon. Financial Accounting and some science. I suggested her to take just regular physics. Today she texted me from school that her AP Bio teacher told them there is no difference in difficulty between AP Physics and regular Physics. So, she is probably thinking of taking AP Physics 1/2.

I was wondering if she really needs another science course next year as she already completed 4 years of science (Physical Science, Chem, Bio and AP Bio). She has been struggling with AP BIO so much that she is unable focus more on other activities and it has some impact on her APUSH too. Anyways, she is not planning to go for STEM. Will it be anyways disadvantage when looking at top schools for not having rigorous science courses(not top 20)?

Check out the common data set for the kinds of schools your daughter will be considering and you can see what they suggest/recommend from their applicants. Just google ________(school) common data set and scroll down to C5 and it’s listed there. Here’s University of Richmond’s:

My D19 took no AP STEM but similar schedule your daughter is considering for next year and she now attends the #30 LAC. Hope this helps!

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Also, I just recommend checking out the common data sets of any school you’re considering - it’s super interesting! You can see how many kids applied, accepted, enrolled. How many came off the waitlist. All kinds of juicy tidbits!