Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Google “__________(school) common data set” then most schools will have the document for the last few years, click the most recent year. It starts off with general info, but as you scroll down the document there is lots of interesting information. C5 is the list of requirements/suggestions. C1 is acceptance rate stats, C2 is waitlist rate stats, etc. I found them for all the schools S22 is applying to except one.


I agree with her there! Not worth missing the competition.

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Thank so much! We’re manifesting her ED2 decision, so there’s still hope of that.

No, I def don’t blame her either. She should get every bit of enjoyment out of senior year. But state championship is the first weekend in May, with qualifiers during each of the 3 weekends before. So she’ll have to decide where she’s going by then if she has to wait for RD.

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We had this same issue last year. Original scheduled visit was supposed to be right when the first wave of Covid hit and shut everything down. The EA decision didn’t come out until the 3rd week of Feb. the following year, when she was busy playing pre-season tournaments (plus, still no in-person tours being scheduled). We rushed a quick visit in the middle of the week, just days before the May deadline (thankfully it was only a 3-hour car ride, and a former classmate of hers in the grade above graciously met us and gave us a tour because the college wasn’t back to in-person tours yet). D was willing to commit without a visit, but it was nice to get the confirmation that it was her #1.


Well, apparently I can worry about the sports season and the 3 deferrals, or everything could just work itself out…

DD is now Vanderbilt Class of 2026!!

Edit: fixed the autocorrect. Thanks for the likes!


Congratulations! How exciting!

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Congrats !!

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Wonderful news!

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Congratulations! That’s fantastic!

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So apparently all the colleges that did not require the CSS now want us to complete their own forms with that info. Pay now or pay later with those forms.


Just a little vent, the last minute decision on where a student spends the next four years is a bit maddening. DS applied to all schools EA so he could plan and was deferred from two top choices to RD. It’s like you don’t want to fork out tons of money traveling and for hotels for a “what if”. He will have a couple of weeks to decide once decisions are made. I know it’s part of the process but it’s just all so crazy.


Congrats :tada: ProfessionalDad and D22!

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Just to add insult to injury, D’s schools and friends’ schools also send out “priority” housing deadlines too, which further tightens the timeline.


Agree with you both @Serenity2 and @gcmom1

We are living through deferral limbo right now at a majority of my D’s EA schools.
EA has become meaningless at so many institutions. Maybe they should just do away with it, especially those that simultaneously offer ED.


Completely agree. I think if a school is going to defer more than 20% they shouldn’t be allowed to call it Early “Action.” That isn’t action. It could be called Early Look or something where you know your chances are extremely slim and plan accordingly.


One thing I did not fully appreciate (for anyone with younger kids) is that U of MD-CP fills 97% of its class through EA so EA is much more imperative than RD.



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Right. We luckily found that out in time to apply EA because D happened to attend a presentation that they did at her HS. Otherwise it was going to be on her RD list.

In MD’s case - they should relabel “regular decision” as “late decision” since that’s what it really is :grinning: