Parents of the HS Class of 2022

We are told that at NorthWestern RD is LD as well…


Colleges like Case Western make it very easy to do EA as there are no additional essays other than the common app essay. No of applications go up, then they defer a whole lot of applicants, and gently nudge them to do ED2.

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I agree. I think for either ED and EA, there should be very small percentage deferred, the vast majority should be either Accepted or Denied.


Rightly said @DadOfJerseyGirl. Over 75% of D’s batch at school, haven’t even seen a proper EA admission yet. Some of them I know personally, a perfect GPA 1570-1590 SAT and have leaderships in clubs, school publications etc. As far as we know, some of these kids did 8-10 schools in EA. UIUC and UCs will be the saviors as such.


8-10 EA schools seems a lot. Most in our group applied to may be 4-5 and have decisions from at least a couple of those schools. In hindsight I respect that UIUC decided to delay EA decision to 02/25. They’ve been pretty transparent through the process and if I remember right they still expressed a slight preference to EA applicants. Other schools that are deferring students have not made such assurances.

Same is happening here at D’s school. Mostly deferrals from very high stat kids. A few kids had one or two EA acceptances to a target or safety … but all deferrals from reach schools. Some shocking denials as well.


Agree with you folks. None of the kids that we know at d22 school got USC Scholarship and UCB regents as well.

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UCB Regents and USC merit scholarships are different than what is considered “early admission.” Those extremely competitive scholarships are offered to approximately the top 3% of applicants at Berkeley and USC.


so UCB regents is invitation to apply, not direct sponsorship grant , then. correct?

UCB is an invitation to interview for the Regents scholarship but invitees are admitted early regardless of the interview outcome.


UCLA is also an invitation to apply but will not come with an immediate offer of admission. The rest of the UCs award Regents scholarships based on the UC application.


This is good to hear, my D26 is waiting for UC decisions, but has been accepted to SDSU and applied to Webers. (hopefully accepted) She said last night, that if she’s turned down by all UC’s, she doesn’t care. She loved SDSU’s campus and it has a better business program than most UC’s. With Berkeley acceptances being cut and UCLA is probably to much of a reach or just too competitive.


Imagine if this news came out pre Nov 30th. I bet the CSUs would have gotten an even bigger spike of apps.


Yes I’m hearing first hand accounts about how tough the business school is there. Very intense. Good luck wherever your daughter lands!


Honestly, if her major will be business I’d actually recommend SDSU over UCSD. They’re both great, but SDSU is actually even better.


Yes, that’s what’s she’s been telling me. She’s thrilled about SDSU and isn’t caught up in the “prestige” of a school. We’re from Virginia and it’s all about UVA, Duke, UNC & Ivies and there are tons of disappointed kids getting deferrals. Most aren’t looking for the best program, and looking more at the name of an institution.


Yeah, I understand that. A lot of kids are going for the T20 (or other ranking list) schools just because “they’re great schools” without considering if it’s a good fit. My son was also accepted to SDSU for CS and isn’t going to accept because he was accepted to Cal Poly Pomona. On paper, SDSU is the more prestigious school. Harder to get into, better known. But my son’s personality and goals make CPP the better school for him. We’re still waiting for Cal Poly SLO because that’s where he’ll actually go if he gets in. Without question, SLO is more prestigious than CPP, but that wasn’t why we ranked SLO higher for DS than CPP.

Btw, I went to SDSU for undergrad. Fun school too. I had been about to go to UCSD for a Spanish degree due to school prestige factor until I discovered the Spanish major was primarily a Spanish literature degree. That’s not what I wanted. SDSU’s Spanish degree was much more practical and turned out to be a much better fit.


Congrats to your son, and kudos to him for knowing what he wants and not getting hung up on a number and instead on the fit. That’s really the way it should be for all the kids, but it is hard for them not to get swept up in the rankings.


Yeah. The funny thing is that I’d picked those schools for him (the Cal Poly’s) based on his personality when he was a freshman. He kept talking about MIT, Stanford, and Berkeley (he’d heard they were top CS and engineering schools). It wasn’t until late in his junior year when he finally started asking me questions about why I liked Cal Poly SLO & Pomona. So instead I asked him what was important to him. His top three requirements indicated the UCs and larger CSUs weren’t a good fit. That’s finally when it sunk in. He continued to ask a lot more questions, but in the end the Cal Polys were his choice.


The CalPolys are great. SLO has a great reputation and CPP has been becoming more popular every year. Will be curious to see how the new Humboldt campus shapes up in the future.