Parents of the HS Class of 2022


Thatā€™s awesome. Congratulations on the acceptance!!

Very happy for your family! Great choices for your son!

@Evie800 Congratulations and enjoy the moment :sunny: Canā€™t wait to hear where your S22 lands :slight_smile:


Great pointā€¦ depending on location, hotels are filling fast for admitted students days, move-in weekend, homecoming weekend, and big football weekends. For preemptive planners, itā€™s not a bad idea to double/triple book hotels that allow for late cancellation.


Alaska to Meadville is a long way. Allegheny is a nice liberal arts school in Meadville which about equidistant between Cleveland and Pittsburgh. Nice little town. Lots of pre professional students pre med pre law. My brother and sister and law went there. More recently my nephew went there. Lots of kids from my daughters high school go there. Everyone that I know that went there really liked it.

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The hotel right across the street from the school is very nice stayed there when visited with D21

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Congrats on the acceptances! FYI, my D22 heard back from Puget Sound by email on February 16 and regular mail very quickly thereafter. I do not know if they are releasing decisions in batches or what, but it does seem like you should have heard something by now, one way or the other. :thinking:


Thank you all for your congratulations! It is just so nice to have reached a point where the anxiety level has dipped. For my Wyoming kid, raised surrounded by more cattle (and moose and elk) than humans, the options of San Francisco, Tokyo and Seattle are absolutely thrilling.

Fingers crossed for everyone still waiting to hear back!


Congratulations @Evie800 ! All the best!

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We figured out the Puget Sound issue yesterday - they are still waiting on a supplemental letter of rec for the music major. Hopefully we arenā€™t too late - I guess since he wasnā€™t outright rejected we arenā€™t.


Yes, thanks good to know! Thatā€™s where we will be staying.

@Evie800 Congrats to your family!! Welcome to the Dawg House! Iā€™m partial but I think it is one of the best public unis. It is in the hotbed of every major employer and I expect it to be hot job market for a long, long time. UW is also a major recruiting hub for many employers. The career center is amazing. Iā€™ve been the beneficiary 2 summer internships and 25 years+ of employment laterā€¦embrace the large class sizes because thatā€™s where the curve can help him rise above if he puts in the hard work. I honestly loved all my large lecture classes.


Congratulations and best wishes !!

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Thank you so much! That is great plug for UW and really useful information since heā€™s now struggling to understand what the differences would be between going to a university with an entering class of 7000+ in the US and one with 400 in Japan. Iā€™m so glad we are fortunate enough to be able to fly out for the admitted student weekend. I hope it will really help him get a feel for the campus and what itā€™s like at a large university.

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If he chooses the UW, his close pals will be his dorm buddies and I highly recommend being part of the freshman interest group (we called it FIGs back then) where you take pre-req classes with people in your same major areas.
Now, the flip side of FIGs is you can accidentally sign up for an Engr/premed FIG while being a business major and then end up becoming an Engr (me) since itā€™s hard to give up the friends you make :).

Study groups are great and despite the fact that my S21 goes to a school with smaller classes, I honestly would take the larger classes any day with the curve :). Once students are in their major, the classes are small. I still keep in contact with my dept friends and professors.

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This made a huge difference for my daughter. (who also was accepted to USFCA!! )
Even though the campuses were mostly empty last summer, she immediately crossed off USD, for its size. She thought she wouldnā€™t want a big University but fell in love with size & how beautiful SDSU is. Plus it helped her realize she needs to be in a city over a college town.
Congratulations to your son. Itā€™s so cool that heā€™s so adventurous to even consider Japan, his first year.


Haha, your kids should apply to DePaul. The AO said they have kids from 49 states attending, but the kid from Wyoming graduated so they need another!


That is really awesome to hear. Everything we have seen points to it being a great fit. We did a trip in August to look at schools, but sadly did not make it to PA.

My daughterā€™s roommate swore she was admitted to check off the North Dakota box. :rofl: