Parents of the HS Class of 2022

It a beautiful campus and Seattle is a great city.

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If I may ask how did she learn about Allegheny being from Alaska?

Seattle is a wonderful city, and UW is a great school. Iā€™ve had a lot of family and friends attend UW and absolutely love it. Just make sure your kiddo has a decent rain jacket. :wink:

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Both of my girls did a lot of research when choosing where to apply. D23 wants to double major in Chemistry and Theater and keep studying dance. Alleghenyā€™s emphasis on cross-disciplinary study really appealed. And they were incredibly generous with merit scholarships.

She may not end up choosing it. It was the only front-runner she was not able to visit. But since her other top choices are RD reaches, nothing is really decided at this point.


Might check to see if there are different programs/visit days for ED vs RD accepted students. This is the case at Vanderbilt. We are excited to go visit on Monday for an ED accepted studentā€™s visit (paired with a student from same/similar major, lunch with student, tour of buildings and dorms). There will be RD admitted student visit days in April with probably more wooing to try to get them to choose the school.

It is $239 listed as ā€œon saleā€ - is this what people are paying or should I hold out longer and wait for a better sale? Thanks!

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Thatā€™s up to you. :blush:

Iā€™d personally wait a little bit.

It was on sale for $179 a few weeks ago and likely will do so again in a few weeks.

But, Iā€™d check regularly bc if it goes on sale 30 or 40% off again, inventory might start being affected.

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Our D21 has a buddy at UCSC. He loves it. Itā€™s definitely a fit school. Our D17 thought it was too hippie-ish (my term) and laid back, others completely dig it. The campus is gorgeous, sitting amongst redwoods and overlooking the Monterey Bay. And UCSB is an amazing campus as well. That approach on the small highway as you pass the SB airport on the right, then suddenly as you near campus the Pacific is stretched out before you - wow.

Great admits and good luck to your kiddo.


There are other mattress toppers too. We have some from Walmart at my mother-in-lawā€™s mountain house. They made her rock hard beds soooo comfy. This is the one we have: . The Twin or Twin XL is $79. I would get a waterproof cover for it, too. I donā€™t usually shop at Walmart, but itā€™s the only game in town where her house is. Weā€™ve been very pleased with them, but I donā€™t know that we have abused them as much as college students will.


My oldest is a UW grad! I loved visiting her there and she had a great experience. Itā€™s funny, she was the kid that seemed destined for a smaller school, but found ways to create community there.

Okay, I see we have another Alaskan here,and oddly enough it is highly likely my Alaskan daughter will end up in PA. We returned from our second visit a few weeks ago :slight_smile:

Peeking in again to see how the March acceptances are going. Still kind of quiet for a couple more weeks, I suppose. Most of D22ā€™s decisions are in, except for a couple of unlikely reaches, and Iā€™m fairly sure she knows where she is going. Her school will be quite different from the ones her sisters selected!


We all know that Alaska is basically a small town. :wink: Where are you? Weā€™re in Juneau.

Waiting for the final decisions to come in is exhausting, and my kiddo is getting tired. But it will pass.

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Still waiting on a few of the reachiest schools here. No decisions made. We have a couple visits coming up still. Hopefully he figures things out.


Son got his last acceptance last Friday to a school that had requested his mid-term grades. He never asked the GC to send them but apparently she did. He ended up going 11/11 for acceptances. Barely any ECā€™s besides sports and a job. Wrote his essays the day the common app was due. Couple APā€™a and honors. Got into schools like Clemson, Tampa, Miami Ohio, Providence and Denver. Got great merit at 7/11. Now he just has to make a decision. Overall this process has been way more stressful for me than for him! He just goes with the flow while I handle all the stress. But I think both of us will end up with what we wanted at the start of this processā€¦. an affordable school that he can totally see himself happy at.


We are still largely waiting. Son is in at UMass Amherst and UConn and waitlisted at Pitt (a little surprised but they had a huge increase in apps this year and he should have applied earlier). Still have 5 more to hear from. I think weā€™ll get some movement next week. Iā€™m ready to be done and have him make some decisions.


Congratulations!!! 11/11 with some merit shows what a good catch your son is and what a well-crafted list you developed! Good luck with the selection and keep us posted!


Well said :+1: What more could one ask for? Good luck with the decisions. I hope everyone can find a fit like that.


Congratulations to all who have gotten their final decisions and can now move on to the planning phase.

We are also still in the waiting phase. Son is in at the honors college at his safety but is waiting on others. Last month he was at the AllEastern music festival in Boston so he took some time to tour Northeastern (and made sure to sign up at the admissions office). He liked it but is not sure he would choose it over his safety if he got in. He would need merit money (and perhaps acceptance in the honors college) for us to consider it.

He has his final debate tournament this weekend and an out of town musical festival the following week and then getting his wisdom teeth remove so he will be busy for the next few weeks.

Having decisions go so late into senior year has been trying. If this is the new normal for colleges, I think they should move their application deadlines up rather than extend into April.


We are still waiting for six schools, among them D22ā€™s initial #1 and her high reach. But she has pretty much made her decision. One of her top 3 schools was one of the earliest to accept her and made a FA offer that will be hard to match (money/aid is a huge factor for us). I asked if she wanted me to negotiate with other peer schools (her sweet spot seem to be the T50 yield protecting schools) sheā€™s already been accepted to and she clearly said ā€œnoā€.
She might reconsider if #1 or high reach make a great FA offer but itā€™s unlikely. So, in our case the schools that did not offer EA were at a huge disadvantage as D22 has really started to see herself at the EA school.


We had the reverse ā€“ got into Pitt but waitlisted at UMass Amherst. Bit random.

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DS has now heard from 5/13. He got yesā€™s at CSUSM, SDSU, CSULB, & CPP. He was denied at SJSU. His major is CS and his GPA of 4.29 didnā€™t meet this yearā€™s CS requirement of 4.35 for SJSU. But that wasnā€™t a school he wanted anyway. So no harm done there.

CPP is his #2 (so itā€™s awesome to have that answer already) and he applied to their honors college. Heā€™s super excited about honors college but they havenā€™t released results yet. My dad read his application essay and called it a ā€œslam dunkā€. Crossing my fingers heā€™s right. As his mom, I canā€™t be unbiased.

His #1 school was Cal Poly SLO and weā€™re still waiting on that one. He hasnā€™t visited SLO yet. He had been scheduled for a visit sophomore year but it was cancelled due to COVID. Then we had a visit scheduled last Friday but I cancelled it because of how excited DS is for CPP now. If he doesnā€™t get into SLO I donā€™t want him to have visited and now be disappointed. So weā€™ll go to their open house if heā€™s accepted.

We donā€™t actually care about the rest of the schools. But Iā€™ll admit Iā€™m miffed he hasnā€™t heard from CSU Fullerton yet. Itā€™s hard not to take things like that as ā€œa signā€.

Iā€™m hoping we start getting a lot of movement soon. This process is aggravating. Iā€™d looked at the boards from last year and everyone but rejections and wait lists had heard from SLO by now.

[update: DS got into SLO today!! Now we need to go to the Open House in April and make a decision.]