Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Good luck to all the UC hopeful parents today!! You got this.


Cal Poly SLO is sending out Waitlist decisions if any students/parents are interested.

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Well, while he’s a Noblitt Scholar, which is great, he only received $5k. I think we both forgot it started at $5000 and went up from there. So, now we aren’t sure still. We could probably make it work, but I worry about tuition increases and more kids in college in future years. He’s way more disappointed than he has been in this process.


So, Noblitt is in addition to the GPA/SAT based merit scholarship, right? Are you saying the Noblitt award was only $5k? If so, I think its terrible to make kids go through a selection process just for $5k more.


Yes. He received a scholarship from GPA/SAT in January (I think) and then did a video essay and then a multi-day interview process for Noblitt and that earned him an additional $5k. I hate complaining about free money, but it’s just not what we were hoping for.

Is it a one-time $5k award or renewable? If it is renewable, it’s $20,000 total for the effort, not just $5k.

Yeah that seems meh. They gave you 25k+ based on the application and then made you jump through all that for just 5k more. Not a great way to convert yield when they’ve clearly identified a top student.


Yes, true. It is for 4 years.

Yeah, it was way more work than the $25k was! He also got $2500 for attending camp last summer.

It’ll be a discussion. Not sure what we will do.

Is the camp related $2500 renewable or one-time?

It’s also for 4 years. It’s a great deal! We had no idea and picked the camp because it was in person last summer. It was more than we would have paid for a camp but with lower living costs from COVID and running out of time to do something in campus like that, we made it work. What a surprise to find out it’s an excellent ROI. Other than it helped push it to the top of his school list, lol.


Wow! That is an amazing deal!!

Thank you for answering these questions, financial aid and especially merit financial aid is so opaque. :slightly_smiling_face:


I know this is a big day for decisions, but honestly, it breaks my heart a little hearing how hard these kids are on themselves re. being denied. They are all hard workers and I hope they land in places that are perfect for them (my own kid included). With all that is going on in the world these days, thinking about a future must be hard - they don’t need the added pressure of feeling “less than”. I hope we can give our seniors a big hug (yes, even those now super-tall kiddos! :blush:) and tell them how proud we are of them :heart:


Feeling a bit faint. Apparently UC Irvine and UCSD needed to fill their requirement for one Wyoming admit! And UCLA wasn’t too sure so put their Wyoming applicant on the waitlist. These decisions rolled out minutes apart so we went from hysterical cheering
to hysterical cheering
to hysterical cheering until we ran out of breath! Looks like S22 really is going to get to leave the wilderness of moose and elk behind and head to lands of freeways and
well, whatever they have in cities
traffic lights? (Our town doesn’t have even a single traffic light. Lol!)


So happy to hear this!


Great news!


Congratulations !!!
Big day in our house too
son got into UCSC, UCR, UCD, UCI, waitllisted at UCSD, but got into his top choice UC - UCLA !!! He is very happy
Now the decisions 
we are very fortunate he has many good choices, both In state and OOS


True but such is life. MY dd got a few rejections today and I expect a rejection train at the end of the month. While it is sad, it is life and will build character.


This week has been weird. S22 received his first rejection of the season from Mudd and although it hurt we are really waiting for UCSB and UCB next week.

Then today, he got put on WL at UCI and UCSD after getting in at UCD and UCSC earlier in the week

And the UCLA rejection promptly followed. All in all it has left us in a strange mix of emotions, and nervous/pessimistic for his chances next week.

May be some good sleep and a relaxed weekend is in order!

Congrats to everyone who got good news this week, and good luck to the others who are still waiting!


My daughter is absolutely crushed after today. Definitely hard but I know she will find her place.