Parents of the HS Class of 2022

My S22 sounds very similar to yours. He genuinely thinks he’ll be happy almost anywhere, and as you said, it’s a blessing and a curse!

My current crisis is that we are still waiting for 7 decisions and our Spring Break is ridiculously early this year - the week after next - and we won’t get decisions from 5 of the schools until next week! I’m secretly hoping for a couple of rejections because I don’t think they’re great fits and I can’t even with the travel.


I feel the same way–happy that a school that D has never visited has waitlisted her. Now we don’t have to go there!


Wow my daughter’s friend got accepted last night ~ kudos to everyone that got in!


SAME here – do not want to travel (mostly because I just don’t feel like it, lol. I am burnt out already).


Exactly this!!! We are in the same boat, I didnt think Northeastern was in my sons top 5, and I tried to set the expectations low, especially since they are admitting in the single digit percentage this year, but he was still bummed out! I can understand, especially for a teen, how its nearly impossible not to take it personally. Rejection still hurts, on some level, for most people. Im grateful we started off strong, but I hope for his psyche he gets into at least one of his remaining reaches, but I fear that may not happen. Obviously super grateful for the acceptances in hand, just hate to end on a bit of a disappointing note.
Good luck to all those still waiting!!!


I had not heard of the NSE. I will look into it. Thanks so much for mentioning it. That’s why I love CC, I have learned so much!!


If only I had thought of that!!! Again, can’t imagine going through this anxiety before hearing from the earlier schools!! I almost feel like throwing his app into a local state school that has rolling admissions & late acceptances, just so he ends on less negative note!!! Wouldn’t do that, and rejection is part of life, but I do wish these higher reach schools had been a bit more intermingled with the rest of the schools & not stacked up at the end!


I think it is tough that many of the most competitive schools release their decisions at the end - that puts a ton of kids in the position of having rejections at the end of the process. Those schools should go first, if anything.


Best of luck to everybody! D22 applied to all safeties and has already made her pick, but I feel for y’all still going through this nail-biting process.


We are waiting to hear from 6 of those schools. Tomorrow could be great or not so great. Here is hoping for good news!


I’m afraid that you’re right. UCs and that “famous bayarea’s private school” weigh GPA more heavily than warranted, IMO.


Yeah, I think if we’d heard of “Ivy Day” and saw how many other schools release decisions close to that, I could’ve been more successful in getting D to cut her list of applications.

Of course if she actually gets in to any of them we’d have the (happy) issue like others mentioned about trying to squeeze visits into April. Not a bad problem to have admittedly, but I don’t entirely hate having the schools making our travel plan decisions for us. :wink:

I think waitlists would be harder because we wouldn’t go visit those, so probably wouldn’t accept even if later admitted. But, I’m getting ahead of myself. . .

Thank you all the parents here supporting each other through this stressful time!! :hugs:


Never heard of either of those, but Disco Tech sure sounds fun! :mirror_ball: :man_dancing:


@Foradancer and @packacards, you two need to hire a programmer and make an app for the rest of us. Would love to combine your methodology into an app to help the rest of us make our final decisions!


Still waiting on 2 decisions here, 1 of which we’ll go visit if he gets in (I think we’ve written Occidental off already… if he gets in he’s unlikely to get merit aid and if he’s going to go to a full-price school in SoCal it will be Chapman). It’s so hard to be patient! In other news, my oldest got into an SLP masters program so we are all relieved about that (she applied last year to 5 schools and didn’t get in anywhere. So this year she applied to around 13 or 14. Still waiting to hear from a couple but at least there’s one for sure).


We’re almost there. We can get through these last few weeks.

Yes, I keep reassuring myself. This was easier last time around.


We are done!!! We are back from visiting a university that throughout the last month moved from being on the list to one of the top 2 choices. After talking to faculty, program advisors, and many current junior/senior students both over Zoom and in person, it became crystal clear that this is the right place for S22. He will be a part of a small cohort with built in research opportunities and easy access to graduate level classes. On top of that, the honors college program is extremely flexible and he will have only very few general core requirements left to worry about, something that was on his wish list though not a deal breaker.

S22 and I are a bit mortified by the fact that had it not been for the full ride scholarship he won, we might have never put enough effort into finding the right people and figuring out the important parts of the program. S22 was so sure he would go to his original #1 that it took him a while to be open to other choices. Once he talked to the right people and students similar to him, he realized he would get all that his #1 had to offer and much more, he made a complete 180. The visit confirmed that.

It’s such a relief to be done and with such clarity. Two weeks ago, I wasn’t sure we would ever feel 100% sure that any of the places was a clear winner. Yet, here we are. No doubts at all.

Good luck today. I hope there will be many happy posts tonight! :crossed_fingers:


Congrats to your kid! I agree that there are some real gems out there that people should know more about. For example it was through CC that I first heard of U of Texas at Dallas. My own kid eventually went in an Arts direction rather than STEM, but if he had stayed with STEM, UT Dallas would have been an ideal school (smart, secular, minimal sports, nerdy, and essentially free with the right stats.) So many good choices out there! Again, congrats to your kid!


How did you find out about Stevens Inst being today? My DD22 hasn’t seen that.

I definitely agree on UTD being a hidden gem for certain majors, especially their cs^2 program. I have one very happy kid attending there on the NMF scholarship :wink: If it wasn’t for CC, we might have never considered it. S22 applied to UTD as a safety. S22 is going to attend the Advanced Math Track at MSU.