Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Man, and my D is class of 2025. Just missed this change.


Agree about the range of schools
 my son is doing well with T50 acceptances, but T20 is proving to be a tougher nut to crack.


Sorry to hear this ended up as disappointing news on the financial end. I know your S22 has good options, so I hope you’ll end up on a decision that feels good overall!

My opinion, for what it is worth, is that students/parents often don’t realize how their “top grades/scores” compare to the rest of a college’s applicants. They don’t realize what kids from across the nation/world have been involved in, the struggles they’ve been through or how they convey their thoughts on paper. Even within their own school/community, “top” students/families will selectively share what they are including in their application.

One of my children’s friends is as a T10 school. I was wondering what she is doing now so Googled her name to look for a LinkedIn page. I found a ton of stuff that she did in HS that I didn’t realize at the time.


No. A neighbor’s D really liked Dickinson. Trying to honor D’s desire to not discuss college but I find it therapeutic. In the home stretch now, which is great!


Yesterday was a bloodbath for my kid and other top kids at our SoCal school district. The fact that our local UC got 13,000 more applicants than last year alone was deeply felt. Kids who would have gotten in last year (and last year was already extremely competitive) were waitlisted this year. Many hearts broken.


Yes, many of my kid’s friends are mourning yesterday’s results. The UCs should really adopt some kind of preference system. The current system is way too stressful. I understand not wanting to limit the number of campuses a student applies to, but a preference system should work better than the current free for all. Some have suggested a system similar to what medical school has for matching residencies would work.


Same here (male, LACs, good EC, full pay, less than stellar GPA). He’s gotten into all 7 of the schools we’ve heard from so far (2 to go and I’m pretty sure 1 will be a yes and much less certain about the other). I didn’t bother having him apply or look at UCs because of his GPA. His friends don’t talk about colleges at school at all so I don’t know how things are going for them.


Admissions was pretty brutal last year as well–our private school and the other schools in this area that I know had less than typical success particularly with the in-state flagship(UVA) and the ED/EA Top-10s(RD balanced it some for T10 but still not quite the typical success). My own D21 did well, thankfully, and got into all safeties and matches, a reach and a low reach/high match BUT she had many classmates get rejected from all but 1-2 safeties, which was unusual for their Stats based on prior years. Everyone on here on CC thought the WL movement would be a lot, due to lots of kids at the top with multiple acceptances, and it just wasn’t. I strongly believe TO is a large part of the issue and I hope it starts to balance back out in time for my d23. Pulling for all the 22s that have decisions yet to come.


@MommaLue PM me if you can. Otherwise, yes, would love to hear your take on UCSD, UCI and UW. S22 was accepted into all three as a Japanese major so he’s a humanities kid and won’t have to deal with capped/restricted majors like the STEM kids. Originally, he wanted to be in a big city, but I think he’s realizing that really, anything is bigger than our town of 1200. So a wonderful campus with lots of students and activities might be just as exciting as being in a major city. He’s not interested in Greek life or parties. More just looking for interesting things to do while in college. I do think a good career services office would be important because I cannot for the life of me figure out what one does with a Japanese major (who’s not interested in business or international relations) and hope he can get some assistance when the time comes!

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It always feels like this and I don’t think anything will change in 3 years. The answer of course is to apply to a range of schools and try to pick the best fit after acceptances are in. And know that whatever school you go to you path is yours to make.


Just my opinion but based on your description, he might prefer UCSD over UCI. UCI is very quiet on weekends as a lot of local kids go home. In general, UCSD’s college system makes a big school feel smaller. Which UCSD college was he admitted into?

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@lkg4answers Thank you for that information! He was accepted into his top choice, Sixth College. Hope we picked the right one. We did read through all the GE requirements for each college and this seemed to most suited to him because he’s also interested in film and Sixth seemed “artsy?”

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Oh lucky him! Sixth is beautiful. I’ve only heard positive things about it.


Hard week for many students. I thought this post on reddit, from yesterday, gave a good perspective on the number of applications that some of the top colleges are having to deal with.


I’ll PM you tomorrow! My S21 was admitted to 6th. It has very manageable GEs (one of their 3 core classes looks really fun! I think it covers Korea pop culture and maybe taught by Vietnamese professor!). That dorm is new and has the best food venue according to students (S21’s friend goes there now) and has beautiful views and 15 walk to the trail entrance to the beach. I would prioritize UCSD and UW over UCI but for Japanese and Seattle being the sister city of Japan and Nintendo is HQ in Seattle, I think UW is a better choice. Not because I am an alum there. I am a huge fan of the UW career center.


I’m so sorry for your kid and friends. I’m sure they will end up somewhere great!


I think it’s been particularly difficult this year. DD is high stats w/ ECs, awards, GPAs, rigor, test scores, leadership etc and has been denied at a school she would have (likely) been accepted to a couple years ago. She is applying to top tier schools, and I keep reading how they have more applications than last year which had a big jump from the year before. Some have nearly double the applications from only a couple years ago! It is a wild wild world. Hoping she will get into more than safeties (which she is in w/ honors and money and which she likes, so it will be OK). It just hurts me because she works so hard and has so many accomplishments in so many different fields.


We are feeling that too in some of my DD’s apps. Just significantly more than last year which was significantly more than the year before.It’s insane. Her denial yesterday was a top school, bit was supposedly a “hard target” for her (according to 2 year old data of course). Ugh. I just wish there were more transparency and clarity up front. Hugs to yours.

Amazing and welcome to California!!!

Mine finally saw her first UC admit (UCLA) on Friday. She got WLed by UCSC, UCD, UCI, UCSD all in a row. She felt a little sad for UCSD, otherwise took it fine. Congratulations to all those who are accepted on Friday. There’s just 2 more weeks to close all the decisions for many. Good luck to all who are waiting on their dream schools.