Parents of the HS Class of 2022

I so agree with this – I think the guidance counselors/schools who talk about “safeties” are really doing a disservice to our kids. There are so many schools that our kids aren’t even looking at because of this notion that the schools aren’t good enough for them, and they are missing out on those choices.


We are also dissatisfied with the college results. My kid listened to the guidance counselor and we followed Naviance. We didn’t get any merit. Still has 3 results pending and I hope at least she get into one. If I am paying
,I would rather pay to a top school.


My daughter just declined acceptances to UCSD and UCSB so other kids can have a chance soon


So… GMP??? UChicago?? Or still deciding?

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Still deciding
Long shot, but Penn and Georgetown would be on the mixture if she is considered


Another update…my D22 was rejected USC and waitlisted for Hamilton college. She seems to be the queen of waitlists this year! :joy:


Will also turn down Boston College


Its both UMich COE and Georgia Tech admit for D today. She was deferred in both of these. This marks end to all EA applications now. We are withdrawing from most except top 5 choices. Its 13/13 for EA (I know it’s a weird number)



She would really like to connect with a Berkeley GMP student

We are done - almost!

D’s older twin sisters graduated from Hamilton College in 2021 - I can’t imagine what the acceptance rate will be there this year.

D 2022’s acceptances:

Lawrence University - top choice
College of Wooster - top choice
Wheaton (MA)
Hobart and William Smith
Ohio Wesleyan
Washington College

All with substantial merit aid.

Waitlist: Oberlin
Still Waiting: Reed
No Denials

She’s attending Accepted Students Days at COW and Lawrence - she’s very excited, as we are as well.




Waitlisted at Reed as well.

D will keep Oberlin in the mix as they tend to admit a large % off WL, and it’s way closer to us.


Yes, it can be mystifying! Huge congrats on her scholarships though. Stamps is huge!

Coming up fast!

That’s great! FWIW, my NMS was a Stanford reject a few years ago too. Her only rejection at that point. They went on to reject her again for grad school after raising her hopes by giving her an interview!

I have a feeling mine is going to choose one of the least selective of her admits, and it really is probably her best fit. You have a good point about the “safety” label.

You seem to have a sense of humor about it, which is good! How is she doing?

Hang in there, everybody!

D22 found out she finally passed the test for her German Seal of Biliteracy today. Won’t change anything, but she had been hoping to pass after not doing so last year.


My D22 is doing just fine bc she has already gotten into her 2 top choices…UW-Seattle and Northeastern. Anything else is gravy! :blush: She has a big decision coming up…2 opposite ends of the country but she absolutely loves both!! Any recommendations would be great!! We will go visit both in April one more time before she decides.


If you haven’t already, join the Northeastern University Parent Group on FB. There is a lot of good info, including many student co-op success stories. Also, congrats! I think it was a 6 or 7% acceptance rate.

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Can a student see the mid year report for college app ?

The mid-year report are your grades that you send or the GC sends. There is no secret here.


I understand there is no secret, but I was wondering if there was some mistake on the mid-year report. My daughter was accepted to many good colleges which did NOT see the mid-year report, but was rejected from every single college that DID see the mid year report, even though she earned all A’s in the first trimester of her senior year. The colleges were similarly selective too, so we are wondering if there was some issue with the mid year report.

You can just ask the GC to send you what they sent out.