Parents of the HS Class of 2022

I think schools are becoming much more diverse these days. Perhaps you should visit and see how the other kids look/behave.


Oh I agree, I think U of Miami would have great school spirit.

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Some recommenders will request something like this (though typically itā€™s a list of accomplishments they want.) For a busy person, it saves them time. though it may be ethically suspect.

Many, many kids go to UMiami, and while there are a few of those mega wealthy rich kids, they are a very tiny minority. I feel like most private schools have an issue with a group of wealthy kids, although yachts, homes in Monaco, and VIP rooms are definitely unique to the mega wealthy in Miami (think Pitbull, Mr. 305). :joy: :rofl:

Edited to add that there is tremendous school spirit!!! I would actually say it ranks up there with the most spirited schools.

You can find the mega rich at every private school. As for school spirit ā€” itā€™s HUGE there. I donā€™t know how anyone can say otherwise ā€“ itā€™s known for it. And people carry their UM spirit into their old age ā€“ you should see the old (and by old, I mean my contemporaries) UM couples wearing their orange and green with all the UM swag!!! :rofl:


In my experience at both public & private high schools, the school guidance counselors and teachers provided a questionnaire for students to fill out to help them write their recommendation letters. The questions involved things like what the studentā€™s toughest class was, what challenges they faced outside the classroom, what their favorite extracurricular activity was, what they were most proud of, etc.

I donā€™t think youā€™re suggesting this, but I want to put a fine point on it: Providing a questionnaire for students to share details about their academic and extracurricular activities isnā€™t ethically suspect, itā€™s normal & expected. If a student were asked to actually write their own LOR, that would truly be a problemā€“and unfair to the student, who would likely have no idea how those letters should be written.


She got into fabulous schools, so congratulations. I understand you are disappointed with the merit though, these schools are crazy expensive. Does she have schools sheā€™s waiting to hear from this week?


Thanks, we are waiting for 1 more but 0 expectation.

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I hope you get a surprise result and get an acceptance!! I am sure you will at least be glad this whole process is over, at least I will be. Iā€™m exhausted from it.


The UM school spirit must have changed. Because the UF and FSU fans always laugh that the UM stadium is rarely more than 1/2 full for football games. Of course, in Miami, there are more things to do on game day than going to the game.
And my comment above was the experience of a friendā€™s son 3 years ago. He was bothered by the wealth and trying to keep up with the Joneses there, or is it the Rockefellers. :joy::woman_shrugging:t2:

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Thanks, 2 more days. She is my firstborn, it was a long process for me. My kid is on the other hand not bothered by it, many times I have to remind her to check results. We havenā€™t visited any school yet. I hope she gets excited when she see the school. She is shy, studious, donā€™t care about sports. I hope U of R is good fit. All the best to all the kids and the parents.


Miami in general is a very expensive city to eat, drink & entertain in. My oldest D recently went to a bachelorette party there and the cover charges alone, even if you arenā€™t drinking, are insane (not to mention paying extra if you want to cut the line). If the ā€œgoing out vibeā€ at UM is geared more toward bars & clubbing/going to pool parties, then itā€™s definitely worth considering those additional costs and whether your student would feel left out if they didnā€™t participate. Iā€™m sure there are a variety of incomes in the student body - itā€™s just a matter of where your kid will align.


I am wondering if parents in this thread use outside college counselors and found good results. D22 did not use anyone and wondering if the results has been better for folks who used college counselors.

D22, 4.0/4.44/4.5
Accepted: UIUC(CS), UCSB(CS) , UCSC(CS), UCR(CE)
Waitlisted: UCD, UCSD, UCI


I am curious about research in high school. I have S26 (just finished with D22). We are from Bay area. Wondering how do you start doing research at high school. Can I DM you too?

She has some great options and do I do not think a college counselor would have helped with the waitlisted UCā€™s. They could have suggested some other schools that you have been a better fit however but CC posters are wonderful at giving some great feedback and school suggestions. I have been following UC admissions for 10 years and they are always unpredictable since each campus can determine the weight of the 13 areas of criteria they use to review applications. Also it has become very rare to see an applicant get into every UC they apply these days. The sheer #ā€™s of applicants that apply reduces the odds for any top student. Again, this is my opinion.


I thought a college counselor would have been helpful for suggesting schools and culling the list but child refused. I thought they applied to too many schools but they have a lot of good choices so it all worked out. Now off to accepted students events to help with the decision.


Thanks! I agree on the unpredictable nature of UC. D22 was awarded regents at UCSB (considered top 1-2%) but waitlisted in most UCs and rejected at UCB/UCLA. What is perplexing is someone who is top 1-2% one UC does not make it to to at least to another mid-tier UC?


Didnā€™t use a college counselor. Donā€™t think it would have helped. D22 found a school and fell in love and got in. I did a lot of research myself and the school is one that I pointed out to her, and I think it is absolutely the right fit. Not sure a college counselor would have understood what she was looking for as much.


Although Regents is an academic scholarship, academics is not the only consideration in making the decision so top 1-2% can mean different things to the different UC campuses. Unfortunately, none of the UCā€™s are transparent in how they determine the top 1-2% of applicants. I do know that UCI for example gets input from the specific academic departments and likes to spread the Regent scholars out based on their academic interests. I also know that UCB tends to be the more ā€œholisticā€ campus when it comes to application review.

From UCBā€™s website:

What we look for:

  • Initiative, motivation, leadership, persistence, service to others, special potential and substantial experience with other cultures
  • All achievement in light of the opportunities available to you
  • Any unusual circumstances or hardships you have faced and the ways in which you have overcome or responded to them. Having a hardship is no guarantee of admission. If you choose to write about difficulties you have experienced, you should describe:
    • How you confronted and overcame your challenges, rather than describing a hardship just for the sake of including it in your application
    • What you learned from or achieved in spite of these circumstances

Academic achievement

For freshman applicants:

  • Academic accomplishments, beyond those shown in your transcript
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Thatā€™s nice! D22 could not fall in love with any college even after visits and research. We decided to just apply broadly for CS and allow the AO to make the pick for her :slight_smile: